Greedy searches : Greedy « Regular Expression « Perl

Greedy searches


greedy means that each pattern will try to match as much as it can. 
The pattern /a.*a/ matches as many characters as possible between the first a and the last a. 
If your text string is ababacdea, /a.*a/ will match the whole string.
You can control the greediness using a question mark. 
The question mark matches a minimum number of times. 
The following table shows how to minimize the greediness. 

Syntax         Means
*?             Match zero or more times, minimal number of times
+?             Match one or more times, minimal number of times
??             Match zero or one time, minimal number of times
{num}?         Match exactly num times, minimal number of times
{num,}?        Match at least num times, minimal number of times
{num,max}?     Match at least num but not more than max times, minimal number of times


Related examples in the same category

1.Greedy Matches
2.Greedy and non-greedy quantifiers
3.The Greedy Metacharacters
4.The greedy quantifier
5.Turning Off Greediness
6.A greedy quantifier
7.Shortcut Expansion Description
8.Shortcuts for Regular Expressions
9.Shortest possible match