utf8 Composite Character Classes : Unicode « String « Perl

utf8 Composite Character Classes

utf8 Property           Meaning
\p{IsASCII}             ASCII character
\p{Cntrl}               Control character
\p{IsDigit}             A digit between 0 and 9
\p{IsGraph}             Alphanumeric or punctuation character
\p{IsLower}             Lowercase letter
\p{IsPrint}             Alphanumeric, punctuation character, or space
\p{IsPunct}             Any punctuation character
\p{IsSpace}             Whitespace character
\p{IsUpper}             Uppercase letter
\p{IsWord}              Alphanumeric word character or underscore
\p{IsXDigit}            Any hexadecimal digit

use utf8;
print "$chr is a digit.\n"if $chr =~ /\p{IsDigit}/;
$chr = "junk";
print "$chr is not a digit.\n"if $chr =~ /\P{IsDigit}/;
print "$chr is not a control character.\n"if $chr = ~ /\P{IsCntrl}/;


Related examples in the same category

1.Output string as UCS2
2.Output string as utf8
3.utf8 encode
4.utf8 encoding
5.binmode STDOUT,":utf8";
6.A stringful of 16-bit characters