Cookie based login form and get last login time : Cookie based Login « Login Authentication « PHP

Cookie based login form and get last login time

  <title>Enter Password</title>
  <form name="forml" method="POST" action="CookieBasedPasswordLogin.php">
       <td colspan="2" >
         <div align="center"><b>Please Specify the Password</b></div>
       <div align="right">Customer ID</div>
       <input type="text" name="username">
       <div align="right">Password</div>
       <input type="password" name="password">
     <td colspan="2">
         <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login">
<!-- CookieBasedPasswordLogin.php
    $now = getdate();
    $storetime= $now["weekday"] . " " . $now["month"] ." " . $now["year"] ;
    $storetime.=" Time : ";

    if ($now["hours"] < 10) {
      $storetime.= "0" . $now["hours"];
    } else {
      $storetime.= $now["hours"];
    $storetime.= ":";
    if ($now["minutes"]<10) {
      $storetime.= "0" . $now["minutes"];
    } else {
      $storetime.= $now["minutes"];
    $storetime.= ": ";
    if ($now["seconds"] <10) {
      $storetime.= "0" . $now["seconds"];
    } else {
      $storetime.= $now["seconds"];
    if (isset($data)) {
        setcookie("data[0]",$storetime,time() + (60*60*24));
        setcookie("data[l]", $counter,time() + (60*60*24)); setcookie("data[2]",$username,time() + (60*60*24));
        echo "<b><center>Hi " . $data[2] . " ! !</center></b><br>\n";
        echo "<b><center>Last Login Time :" .$data[0] . "</center></b><br>\n";
        echo "<b><center>Current Date :" .$storetime. "</center></b><br>\n";
        echo "<b><center>Page View Count :" . $data[l]. "</center></b><br>\n";
        echo "<b><center>You have successfully logged in!</center></b>";
        echo ("<b><contor>You can access this area without entering a password for the next 24 hours!</center></b>");
   } else {
    if (isset($username) && isset($password)) {
     if ($password=="superpass") {
          setcookie("data[0]",$storetime,time() + (60*60*24));
          setcookie("data[l]",$counter,time() + (60*60*24));
          setcookie("data[2]",$username,time() + (60*60*24));
          $url="Location: cookieimp.php";
          echo "<hl><center>INVALID PASSWORD!!!</center></hl>";

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