Bitwise Operators : Bitwise Operators « Operator « PHP

Bitwise Operators

Example           Operation              Result 
$a & $b           And                    Bits that are set in both $a and $bare set. 
$a | $b           Or                     Bits that are set in either $a or $bare set. 
$a ^ $b           Xor                    Bits that are set in $$aor $b but not in both are set. 
~ $a              Not                    Bits that are set in $a are not set, and vice versa. 
$a << $b          Shift left             Shift the bits of $ato the left $b steps. 
$a >> $b          Shift right            Shift the bits of $ato the right $b steps.

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1.Bitwise Operators summary table
2.Bitwise operators in action