Logical Operators : Logical Operators « Operator « PHP

Logical Operators

Operator     Name     Returns True if...                               Example              Result
||           Or       Left or right is true                            true || false        true
or           Or       Left or right is true                            true || false        true
xor          Xor      Left or right is true but not both               true xor true        false
&&           And      Left and right are true                          true && false        false
and          And      Left and right are true                          true && false        false
!            Not      The single operand is not true                   ! true               false

  $a = true; $b = false;

  #test both operands for true
  $test1 = ( $a and $a )? "true":"false"; 
  $test2 = ( $a and $b )? "true":"false"; 
  $test3 = ( $b and $b )? "true":"false";

   #test either operand for true
  $test4 = ( $a or $a )? "true":"false"; 
  $test5 = ( $a or $b )? "true":"false"; 
  $test6 = ( $b or $b )? "true":"false";

  #test for single operand is true
  $test7 = ( $a xor $a )? "true":"false"; 
  $test8 = ( $a xor $b )? "true":"false"; 
  $test9 = ( $b xor $b )? "true":"false";

  #invert values 
  $test10 = ( !$a )? "true":"false"; 
  $test11 = ( !$b )? "true":"false"; 

  $result = "AND - 1:$test1 2:$test2 3:$test3<br>";
  $result .= "OR &nbsp;&nbsp;- 1:$test4 2:$test5 3:$test6<br>";
  $result .= "XOR - 1:$test7 2:$test8 3:$test9<br>";
  $result .= "NOT - 1:$test10 2:$test11";

    echo( $result ); 


$age  = 20;
if (($age >= 13) && ($age < 65)) {
   print "too old for a kid's discount and too young for the senior's discount.";

$meal = 'breakfast';
if (($meal == 'breakfast') || ($dessert == 'souffle')) {
   print "Time to eat some eggs.";

Related examples in the same category

1.Logical Operators in Order of Precedence
2.Use the boolean compare operators
3.Greater than
4.Less than
5.Greate and equal
6.Less than and equal
7.Not equal: !=
8.Logic Operators in PHP
9.Or operator
10.Leap Year Determination
11.Negation operator
12.The not-equals operator
13.Relational Operators summary table
14.Relational Operators in action