Postfix and Prefix Operators in Action : Arithmetic Operators « Operator « PHP

Postfix and Prefix Operators in Action

   <title>Postfix and Prefix Operators</title>
          $a = 5;
          print("\$a = " . $a++ . "<br />");
          print("\$a = " . ++$a . "<br />");
          print("\$a = " . $a . "<br />");
          print("\$a = " . $a. "<br />");

Related examples in the same category

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2.Arithmetical Operators
3.An example of PHP's automatic type conversion is the addition operator '+'.
4.Changing the default precedence using parentheses
5.Increment/decrement Operators
6.Incrementing and decrementing
7.Using the autodecrement operator
8.Using the negation operator
9.Using pre- and postincrement
10.Using autoincrement to add to a variable
11.Postfix and Prefix Operators summary table
12.Peculiarities of the ++ and -- Operators
13.postfix and prefix increment operators also work on letter values
14.Calculation Results for Postfix and Prefix Operators
15.Shorthand Operators summary table
16.Variables Are Assigned by Value
17.Using Assignment Operators