Double-quoted string escape sequences : Quotation « String « PHP

Double-quoted string escape sequences

Escape sequence                 Character
\n                              Newline (ASCII 10)
\r                              Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t                              Tab (ASCII 9)
\\                              Backslash
\$                              Dollar sign
\"                              Double quotes
\0 through \777                 Octal value
\x0 through \xFF                Hex value

Related examples in the same category

1.Double quotation marks allow the parsing of variables
2.Double-quoted strings
3.If you use single quotation marks to enclose the same string, the variable is not substituted:
4.Using forward slashes on Windows
5.Fixing quote escaping in backreference replacements
6.It is safe to use non-escaped Windows-style filenames in your single-quoted strings
7.Various special characters in string assignments