Escaping User Input with the escapeshellcmd() Function : escapeshellcmd « Utility Function « PHP

Escaping User Input with the escapeshellcmd() Function

<title>Escaping user input with the escapeshellcmd() function</title>
<form action="<?php print $PHP_SELF ?>" method="post">
<input type="text" value="<?php print $_REQUEST['manpage'] ?>" name="manpage" />
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['manpage'] ) ) {
  $manpage = escapeshellcmd( $_REQUEST['manpage'] );
  system( "man $manpage | col -b" );

Related examples in the same category

1.Escaping shell metacharacters
2.Executing df and displaying the results
3.string escapeshellcmd ( string command ) escapes special characters in shell commands