RDoc options are used like this: rdoc [options] [names...] : RDoc « Language Basics « Ruby

RDoc options are used like this: rdoc [options] [names...]

If a name on the command line is a directory, it is traversed. 
If no names are specified on the command line, all Ruby files in the current directory (and subdirectories) are processed.

Options include:

--accessor , -A accessorname[,..]

    Comma-separated list of additional class methods that should be treated like attr_reader and friends. Option may be repeated. Each accessorname may have =text appended, in which case that text appears where the r/w/rw appears for normal accessors.

--all, -a

    Include all methods (not just public) in the output.

--charset , -c charset

    Specify HTML character-set.

--debug, -D

    Display lots on internal stuff.

--diagram, -d

    Generate diagrams showing modules and classes. You need dot v1.8.6 or later to use the --diagram option correctly. Dot is available from http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz.

--exclude , -x pattern

    Do not process files or directories matching pattern. Files given explicitly on the command line will never be excluded.

--extension , -E new=old

    Treat files ending with .new as if they ended with .old. Using '-E cgi=rb' will cause xxx.cgi to be parsed as a Ruby file.

--fileboxes, -F

    Classes are put in boxes, which represents files, where these classes reside. Classes shared among more than one file are shown with a list of files that are sharing them. Silently discarded if --diagram is not given Experimental.

--fmt , -f chm/html/ri/xml

    Set the output formatter. Available output formatters are chm, html, ri, and xml.

--help, -h

    You're looking at it.

--help-output, -O

    Explain the various output options.

--image-format , -I gif/png/jpg/jpeg

    Sets output image format for diagrams. Can be png, gif, jpeg, jpg. If this option is omitted, png is used. Requires --diagram.

--include , -i dir[, dir...]

    Set (or add to) the list of directories to be searched when satisfying :include: requests. Can be used more than once.

--inline-source, -S

    Show method source code inline rather than via a pop-up link.

--line-numbers, -N

    Include line numbers in the source code.

--main , -m name

    name will be the initial page displayed.

--merge, -M

    When creating ri output, merge processed classes into previously documented classes of the name name.

--one-file, -1

    Put all the output into a single file.

--op , -o dir

    Set the output directory.

--opname , -n name

    Set the name of the output. Has no effect for HTML.

--promiscuous, -p

    When documenting a file that contains a module or class also defined in other files, show all stuff for that module/class in each files page. By default, only show stuff defined in that particular file.

--quiet, -q

    Don't show progress as we parse.

--ri, -r

    Generate output for use by ri. The files are stored in the .rdoc directory under your home directory unless overridden by a subsequent --op parameter, so no special privileges are needed.

--ri-site, -R

    Generate output for use by ri. The files are stored in a site-wide directory, making them accessible to others, so special privileges are needed.

--ri-system, -Y

    Generate output for use by ri. The files are stored in a system-level directory, making them accessible to others, so special privileges are needed. This option is intended to be used during Ruby installations.

--show-hash, -H

    A name of the form #name in a comment is a possible hyperlink to an instance method name. When displayed, the # is removed unless this option is specified.

--style , -s stylesheet url

    Specifies the URL of a separate stylesheet.

--tab-width , -w n

    Set the width of tab characters (default is 8).

--template , -T template name

    Set the template used when generating output.

--title , -t text

    Set txt as the title for the output.

--version, -v

    Display RDoc's version.

--webcvs , -W url

    Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend to CVS. If the URL contains a "%s," the name of the current file will be substituted; if the URL doesn't contain a "%s," the filename will be appended to it.

For information on where the output goes, use:

rdoc --help-output


Related examples in the same category

1.RDoc Basics
2.documentation for the initialize method.
3.List in RDoc
4.Processing Files with RDoc