documentation for the initialize method. : RDoc « Language Basics « Ruby

documentation for the initialize method.

# The +new+ class method initializes the class.
# === Parameters
# * _debt_ = long-term debt
# * _equity_ = equity
# === Example
#  ratios = 2, 9 )

 def initialize( debt, equity )
   @debt = debt
   @equity = equity

Text enclosed by plus signs (+new+) will be shown in a typewriter font in XHTML
Text enclosed in underscores (as in _debt_) will be shown in italic. 
Lines preceded by asterisks (*) will be set off as bullets in the XHTML. 
Words preceded by equals signs (such as === Example) will be headings in the result; 
one = for a level-one heading, two == for a level two, and so forth). 
Text that is indented by several spaces will also show up in typewriter font.


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