MySQL engine : Engine Type « Engine « SQL / MySQL

MySQL engine


Table type         Description                                                     Files used
BDB                A transaction-safe table that the Berkeley DB handler           .frm, .MYD, .MYI
                   manages. For the most part, InnoDB tables have replaced
                   BDB tables.
MEMORY             A table whose contents are stored in memory.                    .frm

InnoDB             A transaction-safe table that the InnoDB handler manages.       .frm
                   As a result, data is not stored in a .MYD file, but instead is
                   managed in the InnoDB tablespace.
ISAM               A deprecated table type that was once the default table         .frm, .MYD, .MYI
                   type in MySQL. The MyISAM table type has replaced it,
                   although it is still supported for backward compatibility.
MERGE              Avirtual table that is made up of multiple MyISAM tables.       .frm, .MRG
                   Data is not stored in the MERGE table, but rather in the
                   underlying MyISAM tables.
MyISAM             The default table type in MySQL. MyISAM tables, which           .frm, .MYD, .MYI
                   have replaced ISAM tables, support extensive indexing
                   and are optimized for compressions and speed.


Related examples in the same category

1.Check the engine type
2.Six types of tables.