ActiveCell « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

1.Check the existence of ActiveCell
2.Moves the active cell up two rows (RowOffset:=-2) and four columns to the right (ColumnOffset:=4):
3.Entering Text in the Current Cell
4.Take the current text value, and add the message "INVALID: " before the text
5.Entering a Formula in a Cell
6.Use all the ordinary numeric operators, like +, -, /, *, and ^.
7.Moving to Other Cells
8.Move to the new cell, you need to use the Activate or Select method
9.Get the address of ActiveCell

10.Activate Change
11.Select active cell and up to the end
12.Select ActiveCell and cells to its Right
13.Select ActiveCell and cells to its Left
14.Select ActiveCell's range
15.Use ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)
16.Use ActiveCell.Offset to move the curren selection
17.Move the active cell by using ActiveCell.Offset
18.Swap Text With Cell On Right
19.Copy the value from the variable into the cell on the right.
20.If the value of the active cell is too big, change it
21.Use if, ElseIf and Else with ActiveCell
22.Repeating Actions with a Loop
23.Accesses the PROPER( ) function through the Application.WorksheetFunction object.
24.Do-While loop with ActiveCell
25.Use Do Loop While to change ActiveCell value
26.Do-Until loop and IsEmpty
27.a Do-Loop Until loop with IsEmpty
28.Uses the EntireColumn property, which returns a Range object that consists of a full column:
29.Select Current Region
30.Select Active Column
31.Select Active Row
32.Activate Next Blank Down
33.Activate Next Blank To Right
34.Select First To Last In Row
35.Select First To Last In Column
36.Go to the Max
37.Toggles text wrap alignment for selected cells
38.Store the location of the active cell and then return it to the stored location
39.Working with the Region around the Active Cell