Android Open Source - Divide_And_Conquer_Card_Shuffler Purchase Observer

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Java Source Code

// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
/*  www. j av  a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
package com.andrewkeeton.divide.and.conquer.card.shuffler.billing;

import com.andrewkeeton.divide.and.conquer.card.shuffler.billing.BillingService.RequestPurchase;
import com.andrewkeeton.divide.and.conquer.card.shuffler.billing.BillingService.RestoreTransactions;
import com.andrewkeeton.divide.and.conquer.card.shuffler.billing.Consts.PurchaseState;
import com.andrewkeeton.divide.and.conquer.card.shuffler.billing.Consts.ResponseCode;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * An interface for observing changes related to purchases. The main application
 * extends this class and registers an instance of that derived class with
 * {@link ResponseHandler}. The main application implements the callbacks
 * {@link #onBillingSupported(boolean)} and
 * {@link #onPurchaseStateChange(PurchaseState, String, int, long)}. These
 * methods are used to update the UI.
public abstract class PurchaseObserver {
  private static final String TAG = "PurchaseObserver";
  private final Activity mActivity;
  private final Handler mHandler;
  private Method mStartIntentSender;
  private Object[] mStartIntentSenderArgs = new Object[5];
  private static final Class[] START_INTENT_SENDER_SIG = new Class[] {
      IntentSender.class, Intent.class, int.class, int.class, int.class };

  public PurchaseObserver(Activity activity, Handler handler) {
    mActivity = activity;
    mHandler = handler;

   * This is the callback that is invoked when Android Market responds to the
   * {@link BillingService#checkBillingSupported()} request.
   * @param supported
   *            true if in-app billing is supported.
  public abstract void onBillingSupported(boolean supported, String type);

   * This is the callback that is invoked when an item is purchased, refunded,
   * or canceled. It is the callback invoked in response to calling
   * {@link BillingService#requestPurchase(String)}. It may also be invoked
   * asynchronously when a purchase is made on another device (if the purchase
   * was for a Market-managed item), or if the purchase was refunded, or the
   * charge was canceled. This handles the UI update. The database update is
   * handled in
   * {@link ResponseHandler#purchaseResponse(Context, PurchaseState, String, String, long)}
   * .
   * @param purchaseState
   *            the purchase state of the item
   * @param itemId
   *            a string identifying the item (the "SKU")
   * @param quantity
   *            the current quantity of this item after the purchase
   * @param purchaseTime
   *            the time the product was purchased, in milliseconds since the
   *            epoch (Jan 1, 1970)
  public abstract void onPurchaseStateChange(PurchaseState purchaseState,
      String itemId, int quantity, long purchaseTime,
      String developerPayload);

   * This is called when we receive a response code from Market for a
   * RequestPurchase request that we made. This is NOT used for any purchase
   * state changes. All purchase state changes are received in
   * {@link #onPurchaseStateChange(PurchaseState, String, int, long)}. This is
   * used for reporting various errors, or if the user backed out and didn't
   * purchase the item. The possible response codes are: RESULT_OK means that
   * the order was sent successfully to the server. The
   * onPurchaseStateChange() will be invoked later (with a purchase state of
   * PURCHASED or CANCELED) when the order is charged or canceled. This
   * response code can also happen if an order for a Market-managed item was
   * already sent to the server. RESULT_USER_CANCELED means that the user
   * didn't buy the item. RESULT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE means that we couldn't
   * connect to the Android Market server (for example if the data connection
   * is down). RESULT_BILLING_UNAVAILABLE means that in-app billing is not
   * supported yet. RESULT_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE means that the item this app
   * offered for sale does not exist (or is not published) in the server-side
   * catalog. RESULT_ERROR is used for any other errors (such as a server
   * error).
  public abstract void onRequestPurchaseResponse(RequestPurchase request,
      ResponseCode responseCode);

   * This is called when we receive a response code from Android Market for a
   * RestoreTransactions request that we made. A response code of RESULT_OK
   * means that the request was successfully sent to the server.
  public abstract void onRestoreTransactionsResponse(
      RestoreTransactions request, ResponseCode responseCode);

  private void initCompatibilityLayer() {
    try {
      mStartIntentSender = mActivity.getClass().getMethod(
          "startIntentSender", START_INTENT_SENDER_SIG);
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
      mStartIntentSender = null;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
      mStartIntentSender = null;

  void startBuyPageActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent, Intent intent) {
    if (mStartIntentSender != null) {
      // This is on Android 2.0 and beyond. The in-app buy page activity
      // must be on the activity stack of the application.
      try {
        // This implements the method call:
        // mActivity.startIntentSender(pendingIntent.getIntentSender(),
        // intent, 0, 0, 0);
        mStartIntentSenderArgs[0] = pendingIntent.getIntentSender();
        mStartIntentSenderArgs[1] = intent;
        mStartIntentSenderArgs[2] = Integer.valueOf(0);
        mStartIntentSenderArgs[3] = Integer.valueOf(0);
        mStartIntentSenderArgs[4] = Integer.valueOf(0);
        mStartIntentSender.invoke(mActivity, mStartIntentSenderArgs);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "error starting activity", e);
    } else {
      // This is on Android version 1.6. The in-app buy page activity must
      // be on its
      // own separate activity stack instead of on the activity stack of
      // the application.
      try {
        pendingIntent.send(mActivity, 0 /* code */, intent);
      } catch (CanceledException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "error starting activity", e);

   * Updates the UI after the database has been updated. This method runs in a
   * background thread so it has to post a Runnable to run on the UI thread.
   * @param purchaseState
   *            the purchase state of the item
   * @param itemId
   *            a string identifying the item
   * @param quantity
   *            the quantity of items in this purchase
  void postPurchaseStateChange(final PurchaseState purchaseState,
      final String itemId, final int quantity, final long purchaseTime,
      final String developerPayload) { Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        onPurchaseStateChange(purchaseState, itemId, quantity,
            purchaseTime, developerPayload);

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