Android Open Source - KeyIndicatorsAndroid Data Master

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This software is copyright to Benjamin Johnson, and should not be redistributed or modified without my permission. For modification and redistribution inquiries please email bjohnson.lane at gmail dot...

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Java Source Code

 * @author: Benjamin Johnson/*w  w  w . j a  v  a  2 s .  c  om*/
 * @since: Feb 2013
 * This class is the liaison between the controllers and the model.
 * This class is a singleton class that gets instantiated when the application loads.
 * It keeps an up to date representation of all of the indicators.
package com.blanksketchstudios.keyindicators.Model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;

import com.blanksketchstudios.keyindicators.KIGlobals;

public class DataMaster {
  private static DataMaster dataMasterInstance = null; //this is essential to our singleton pattern
  private boolean needsRefresh = true;
  private HashMap<Integer,Indicator> indicators; //{indicatorID:indicator}
  private ArrayList<String> categories;
  private Context context;
  private int numberOfIndicators = 0;
  protected DataMaster(Context ctx) throws IOException{
    //This constructor is only ever called from the getDataMasterInstance method
    //The context of the single instance should be set at this point, and changed whenever the getDataMasterInstance is called?
    this.context = ctx;
    this.needsRefresh = false;
    //When the instance is first created, it needs to load all of the indicators from file.
    //The list of indicators is kept in a file called idList.dat
    ArrayList<Integer> IDs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    indicators = new HashMap<Integer,Indicator>(); //Use a sparse array because we are using Integer as the key. This could be a fun experiment
    categories = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {
    String filename = KIGlobals.idListFilename;
    InputStream stream = ctx.openFileInput(filename);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
    //Now read the file line to get a list of all of the indicatorIDs
    String[] ids = in.readLine().split(" ");
    for (String id : ids){
    //Now we've got all of the IDs of the indicators. Time to load them into indicators hashmap
     String name;
     boolean isTally;
     boolean isArchived;
     boolean isClockedIn;
     long clockInTime;
     String category;
     HashMap<String,Integer[]> weeks = new HashMap<String,Integer[]>(); //Here the String is mm/dd/yyyy (first of the week)
     HashMap<String,Integer[]> months = new HashMap<String,Integer[]>(); //Here the String is mm/yyyy (the month)
     int allTimeTotal;
     //For each indicator, load it into memory from file.
     for (Integer id : IDs){
      //open the file
      Log.d(KIGlobals.LogTag,String.format("Reading data for indicator: %d",id));
      filename = ""+id+".dat";
      stream = ctx.openFileInput(filename);
      in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
      //Now read the file into the data structure line by line (see for the format of the file)
      in.readLine(); //This line holds the ID of the indicator, but we already know that (id). We keep it in the file for added human readability
      name = in.readLine();
      isTally = Boolean.parseBoolean(in.readLine());
      isArchived = Boolean.parseBoolean(in.readLine());
      isClockedIn = Boolean.parseBoolean(in.readLine());
      clockInTime = Long.parseLong(in.readLine());
      //At this line we get the category of the indicator, this is a good time to load the categories array up
      category = in.readLine();
      if (!categories.contains(category)){
      String line = in.readLine();
      //Get all of the recorded week values for this indicator, as well as months.
      while (!line.equals("ENDWEEKS")){
        String ins[] = line.split(" ");
        Integer[] value = new Integer[2];
        value[0] = Integer.parseInt(ins[1]);
        value[1] = Integer.parseInt(ins[2]);
        weeks.put(ins[0], value);
        line = in.readLine();
      line = in.readLine();
      while (!line.equals("ENDMONTHS")){
        String ins[] = line.split(" ");
        Integer[] value = new Integer[2];
        value[0] = Integer.parseInt(ins[1]);
        value[1] = Integer.parseInt(ins[2]);
        months.put(ins[0], value);
        line = in.readLine();
      allTimeTotal = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
      Log.d(KIGlobals.LogTag,"have all data for an indicator constructor");
      //Now that we have all of the data, create the indicator and add it to the indicators list
      Indicator newInd = new Indicator(id, name, isTally, isArchived, isClockedIn, clockInTime, category, weeks, months, allTimeTotal);
      indicators.put(id, newInd);
      Log.d(KIGlobals.LogTag,"indicator added, and stream closed");
    } catch(FileNotFoundException e){
      //Fail gracefully?
      Log.e(KIGlobals.LogTag,"FNF in construct");
   * When this method is called, either the already instantiated instance will return, 
   *    or a new one will be created.
   * When this is initially called, it could take some time to execute, so surround calls to this method with 
   *    a progressHUD.
  public static DataMaster getDataMasterInstance(Context ctx)throws IOException{
    //If we haven't yet made the singleton instance, make it
    //Also, if the data has changed, reload it (time consideration?)
    if (dataMasterInstance==null || dataMasterInstance.needsRefresh()){
      dataMasterInstance = new DataMaster(ctx);
    dataMasterInstance.context = ctx;
    return dataMasterInstance;
   * Creates a new default indicator, and saves its file to disk, also updating the idList.dat file.
   * @param category : The category
   * @return : a newly created Indicator, or null if there was an error
  public Indicator createNewIndicator(String category){
    //First we need to figure out what the next id should be.
    int nextID;
    try {
      InputStream stream = this.context.openFileInput(KIGlobals.idListFilename);
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
      /* If we have reached this point in execution, then the idList.dat file exists and is populated by id numbers */
      //Read the file to determine what the next id is, which is always the last id+1
      String[] ids = in.readLine().split(" ");
      nextID = Integer.parseInt(ids[ids.length-1])+1;
      //we got what we came for, now lets close the file
      //reopen the file for writing
      FileOutputStream fos = context.openFileOutput(KIGlobals.idListFilename, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
      StringBuilder idString = new StringBuilder();
      for (String id : ids){
        idString.append(String.format("%s ",id));
      return new Indicator(nextID, category);
    }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
      //if the file was not found, then we should make it.
      Log.d(KIGlobals.LogTag,"File Not Found");
      try {
      OutputStream stream = this.context.openFileOutput(KIGlobals.idListFilename,Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
      BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream));
      nextID = 1;
      }catch (Exception e2){
        return null;
      //Return the new indicator with an ID of 1, and the category from whence this method was called
      return new Indicator(nextID, category);
    catch (IOException ioe){
      return null;
  /* setters */
  public void setNeedsRefresh(boolean needsRefresh){
    this.needsRefresh = needsRefresh;
  /* getters */
  public HashMap<Integer,Indicator> getIndicators(){
    return indicators;
  public ArrayList<String> getCategories(){
    return categories;
  public int getNumberOfIndicators(){
    return numberOfIndicators;
  public boolean needsRefresh(){
    return this.needsRefresh;

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