Android Open Source - App/module

    1. RateMyApp
      An Android module to kindly ask users to rate your application
      Score:50 Activity:1 Java File:18 Manifest File:2

    2. StickersforHangouts
      An app and Xposed module that add the missing stickers feature to Android's version of Hangouts
      Score:13 Fragment:4 Activity:9 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:21 Java File:19 Manifest File:1

    3. buttered-toast
      An Xposed module to add application names to toast messages
      Score:9 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    4. HideAppsXposed
      Xposed module to hide apps from the Google Now Launcher (GNL)
      Score:7 Activity:1 Min SDK:15 Target SDK:19 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    5. CNXFlashCardsApp
      A flash card app for Android that uses definitions from Connexions collections and modules.
      Score:3 Activity:13 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:21 Manifest File:1

    6. com.psegina.vctrl
      This is an undervolting app for the HTC Desire that acts as an interface to a Sense kernel module created by an XDA-Developers member Iscaela. Hasn't been tested enough due to the author moving to AOSP/Cyanogenmod.
      Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    7. DJHero
      EECE 381 Module 2 Android App that interfaces with the DE2 to mix songs
      Score:1 Fragment:5 Activity:11 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:17 Java File:28 Manifest File:1

    8. AndroidConcurrency
      Example apps for the Android Concurrency module
      Score:1 Activity:4 Min SDK:17 Target SDK:17 Java File:12 Manifest File:4

    9. GetItQuick-Overview
      Dummy APP to test New Module before integrating in actual App
      Score:1 Activity:4 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    10. AndroidAppRatings
      Module to enable ratings for Android apps - ActionScript ANE wrapping a nativet implementation
      Score:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    11. Caffeination
      Android application developed for my EL640 Mobile Application Design module during my final year at university.
      Activity:8 Min SDK:17 Target SDK:17 Java File:11 Manifest File:1

    12. HawksInFlightAndroid
      The Android Hawks in Flight Module for the University of Hartford Ellucian Mobile Application
      Activity:6 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    13. android-shuite-smoking
      Android app for SHUITE Smoking module
      Fragment:3 Activity:1 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    14. edu-worldstats
      An android app developed in team as part of the Software Engineering Group module project for university
      Fragment:5 Activity:6 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:36 Manifest File:1

    15. Scribble
      Simple app which defines the usage of canvas with a paint module.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    16. SEP_project
      This is the Android Application project repo i built for the SEP course Module of university of Moratuwa
      Activity:5 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:17 Java File:11 Manifest File:1

    17. GUI-Android-Assignment
      An android app I designed as part of my GUI module
      Activity:4 Min SDK:19 Target SDK:19 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    18. OfficeSystemOfTour
      Graduation design in 2015?project 4?office system module of the Tourism APP
      Fragment:2 Activity:12 Java File:41 Manifest File:1

    19. Gents
      A modular server stack application for Android!
      Fragment:3 Activity:4 Min SDK:16 Target SDK:17 Java File:18 Manifest File:1

    20. EECE-381-module-2
      Battleship Android app, with Nios II feature
      Activity:4 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:27 Manifest File:1

    21. Brainfuck-REPL-module
      Brainfuck eval-service for the REPL app. It works only with the REPL app (you can find it in android market).
      Min SDK:3 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    22. BluetoothLEChat
      Android app to test HM-10 BLE module serial input / output
      Activity:2 Min SDK:18 Target SDK:18 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    23. Contacts
      A simple Android application to store contact details. Required coursework in an Android module at Swansea University
      Activity:5 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:18 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    24. Android-App-Project___Partner-Finder
      One of the main modules for "Android-App-Project-----Stay-Anonymous." Link to the complete version:
      Fragment:5 Activity:7 Min SDK:15 Target SDK:16 Java File:35 Manifest File:1