Android Open Source - testPattern Pattern Parameters

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Java Source Code

package com.testPattern;
// w  ww . ja  va 2 s.  c o  m
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * @author Juan Herrero Macias
 * @mail

public class PatternParameters {
    private Context ctx;
    private final int default_density = 3;
    private float xdpi;
    private float ydpi;
    private int heightPixels;
    private int widthPixels;
   //Patterns provided by default 
    public enum Patterns {
//        BORDER_TEST;
    public PatternParameters(Context context) {
      // Get the screen dimensions so the patterns fit the screen correctly
      DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
      xdpi = metrics.xdpi;
      ydpi = metrics.ydpi;
      heightPixels = metrics.heightPixels;
      widthPixels = metrics.widthPixels;
     * @param tPatterns One of the predefined patterns provided
     * @param density Density of the pattern that will be drawn over the screen
     * @return The array of points needed to draw the pattern in the correct order.
    public Point[] getPattern(Patterns tPattern , int density){
        Point[] pattern = null;
        switch (tPattern) {
            case DEFAULT_TEST:
                pattern = getDefaultPattern(density);
            //TODO: Add more pattern tests
        return pattern;

     * Default pattern constructor
     * @param density
     * @return
    private Point[] getDefaultPattern(int density) {
        // Variable initialization
        ArrayList<Point> pointList = new ArrayList<Point>();
        int[] x = new int[density + 2];
        int [] y = new int[density + 2];
        // Getting pattern coordinates
        for (int i = 0; i < density + 2; i++) {
            x[i] = (int) (widthPixels * i / (density + 1));
            y[i] = (int) (heightPixels * i / (density + 1));
        // Generating pattern points
        pointList.add(0, new Point(0, 0));
        for (int j = 1; j < density + 1; j++) {
            pointList.add(new Point(x[j], 0));
            pointList.add(new Point(x[density + 1], y[density + 1 - j]));
            pointList.add(new Point(x[density + 1 -j], y[density + 1]));
            pointList.add(new Point(0, y[j]));
            pointList.add(new Point(x[j], 0));
        pointList.add(new Point(x[density + 1], 0));
        pointList.add(new Point(0, y[density + 1]));
        pointList.add(new Point(x[density + 1], y[density + 1]));
        pointList.add(new Point(0, 0));
        pointList.add(new Point(0, y[density + 1]));

        return pointList.toArray(new Point[pointList.size()]);
    private Point [] getDefaultPattern() {
      return getDefaultPattern(default_density);

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