Android Open Source - norilib Search Result

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Java Source Code

 * This file is part of nori.//  w  w w . ja v  a  2  s  .  c  o m
 * Copyright (c) 2014 vomitcuddle <>
 * License: ISC

package com.cuddlesoft.norilib;

import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

 * Search result received from the API.
public class SearchResult implements Parcelable {
  // Parcelables are the standard Android serialization API used to retain data between sessions.
  /** Class loader used when deserializing from a {@link Parcel}. */
  public static final Parcelable.Creator<SearchResult> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<SearchResult>() {
    public SearchResult createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
      return new SearchResult(source);

    public SearchResult[] newArray(int size) {
      return new SearchResult[size];

  /** List of {@link Image}s included in this SearchResult. */
  private final List<Image> images;

  /** Current offset. Used for paging. */
  private int offset = 0;

  /** List of tags originally used to retrieve this SearchResult. */
  private final Tag[] query;
   * True if more results may be available on the next page.
   * Set to false when the last page of results has been retrieved and included in {@link #images}.
  private boolean hasNextPage = true;

   * Create a new SearchResult from a list of {@link Image}s.
   * @param images List of images included in this SearchResult.
   * @param query  Tags used to retrieve this query.
   * @param offset Current paging offset.
  public SearchResult(Image[] images, Tag[] query, int offset) {
    // Have to use the ArrayList constructor because the Lists returned by Arrays.asList are not resizable which is a bummer for filtering.
    this.images = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(images));
    this.query = query.clone();
    this.offset = offset;

   * Re-create a SearchResult by deserializing data from a {@link android.os.Parcel}.
   * @param parcel {@link android.os.Parcel} used to deserialize the SearchResult.
  protected SearchResult(Parcel parcel) {
    this.images = parcel.createTypedArrayList(Image.CREATOR);
    this.offset = parcel.readInt();
    this.query = parcel.createTypedArray(Tag.CREATOR);
    this.hasNextPage = (parcel.readByte() == 0x01);

   * Remove images with the given set of {@link Tag}s from this SearchResult.
   * @param tags Tags to remove.
  public void filter(final Tag... tags) {
    // Don't waste time filtering against an empty array.
    if (tags == null || tags.length == 0) {

    // Don't filter tags searched for by the user.
    final Collection<Tag> tagList = CollectionUtils.removeAll(Arrays.asList(tags), Arrays.asList(query));

    // Remove images containing filtered tags.
    CollectionUtils.filter(images, new Predicate<Image>() {
      public boolean evaluate(Image image) {
        return !CollectionUtils.containsAny(Arrays.asList(image.tags), tagList);

   * Remove images not in the given set of {@link Image.ObscenityRating} from this SearchResult.
   * @param obscenityRatings Obscenity ratings to remove.
  public void filter(final Image.ObscenityRating... obscenityRatings) {
    // Don't waste time filtering against an empty array.
    if (obscenityRatings == null || obscenityRatings.length == 0) {

    // Concert filtered rating array to List
    final List<Image.ObscenityRating> ratingList = Arrays.asList(obscenityRatings);
    // Remove images containing filtered ratings.
    CollectionUtils.filter(images, new Predicate<Image>() {
      public boolean evaluate(Image image) {
        return ratingList.contains(image.obscenityRating);

   * Add more images to this SearchResult.
   * Usually called when new page of results has been fetched from the API.
   * Don't forget to call {@link #filter(Tag[])} and {@link #filter(Image.ObscenityRating[])}
   * after adding more images.
   * @param images Images to add.
   * @param offset Current paging offset. (ie. page number)
  public void addImages(Image[] images, int offset) {
    // Add images to list.
    // Set new offset.
    this.offset = offset;

   * Get {@link Image}s contained in this SearchResult.
   * @return {@link Image}s returned by this SearchResult.
  public Image[] getImages() {
    return images.toArray(new Image[images.size()]);

   * Get the current paging offset.
   * The way this value works varies greatly between APIs.
   * Some APIs use page numbers, some APIs use mySQL-style index offsets.
   * Don't rely on this value and don't show it to the user, unless you know what you're doing and
   * account for differences in the APIs.
   * @return Current paging offset.
  public int getCurrentOffset() {
    return offset;

   * Get array of {@link Tag}s used to retrieve this SearchResult.
   * @return {@link Tag}s used to retrieve this SearchResult.
  public Tag[] getQuery() {
    return query;

   * True if this SearchResult may contain another page that has not been retrieved yet.
   * Useful when implementing endless scrolling.
   * @return True if another page of images could be fetched for this SearchResult.
   * @see #onLastPage()
  public boolean hasNextPage() {
    return hasNextPage;

   * Marks this SearchResult as having reached its final page.
   * This should be called by the API clients:
   * - Immediately for empty results.
   * - When fetching the next page returns an empty result.
   * Don't rely on length of array returned by {@link #getImages()}, as its value can be affected
   * by {@link #filter(Tag[])} and {@link #filter(Image.ObscenityRating[])}.
   * @see #hasNextPage()
  public void onLastPage() {
    hasNextPage = false;

  public int describeContents() {
    return 0;

  public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
    dest.writeTypedArray(query, 0);
    dest.writeByte((byte) (hasNextPage ? 0x01 : 0x00));

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