Android Open Source - slidekeyboard Binary Dictionary

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Java Source Code

package com.asigbe.inputmethod.latin;
/*from w w  w .j  a va 2 s.  co m*/
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;

import com.asigbe.slidekeyboardpro.R;

 * Implements a static, compacted, binary dictionary of standard words.
public class BinaryDictionary extends Dictionary {

    private static final byte               LETTER_OFFSET    = 0;
    private static final byte               FREQUENCY_OFFSET = 2;
    private static final byte               COUNT_OFFSET     = 4;
    private static final byte               CHILD_OFFSET     = 6;
    private static final byte               DATA_SIZE        = 10;

    private static final int                MAX_WORD_LENGTH  = 48;
    private static final int                MAX_ALTERNATIVES = 4;
    private static final int                MAX_WORDS        = 16;

    private final int[]                     inputCodes       = new int[MAX_WORD_LENGTH
                                                               * MAX_ALTERNATIVES];
    private final char[]                    outputChars      = new char[MAX_WORD_LENGTH
                                                               * MAX_WORDS];
    private final int[]                     mFrequencies     = new int[MAX_WORDS];
    private final Map<Character, Character> alternatesCharacter;

     * Create a dictionary from a raw resource file
     * @param context
     *            application context for reading resources
     * @param resId
     *            the resource containing the raw binary dictionary
    public BinaryDictionary(Context context, AssetManager assetManager) {
  this.alternatesCharacter = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
  Map<Character, String> alternates = new HashMap<Character, String>();
  alternates.put('a', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('c', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('e', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('i', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('n', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('o', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('s', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('u', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('y', context.getResources().getString(
  alternates.put('z', context.getResources().getString(

  for (Map.Entry<Character, String> entrySet : alternates.entrySet()) {
      Character character = entrySet.getKey();
      String alternate = entrySet.getValue();
      for (int i = 0; i < alternate.length(); i++) {
    char charAt = alternate.charAt(i);
    this.alternatesCharacter.put(charAt, character);

  if (assetManager != null) {
      loadDictionary(context, assetManager);

    private byte[] datas;

    private final void loadDictionary(Context context, AssetManager assetManager) {
  AssetFileDescriptor afd;

  FileInputStream inputStream = null;
  this.datas = null;
  try {
      afd = assetManager.openNonAssetFd("assets/raw/main.mp3");
      inputStream = afd.createInputStream();
      this.datas = new byte[(int) afd.getLength()];;
  } catch (IOException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    protected static char bytesToChar(byte[] bytes) {
  char value = 0;

  for (byte b : bytes) {
      value = (char) (value << 8);
      value += b & 0xff;

  return value;

    protected static int bytesToInt(byte[] bytes) {
  int value = 0;

  for (byte b : bytes) {
      value = value << 8;
      value += b & 0xff;

  return value;

    protected static short bytesToShort(byte[] bytes) {
  short value = 0;

  for (byte b : bytes) {
      value = (short) (value << 8);
      value += b & 0xff;

  return value;

    private char convertChar(char character) {

  char lowerCaseCharacter = Character.toLowerCase(character);
  Character foundCharacter = this.alternatesCharacter
  if (foundCharacter != null) {
      return foundCharacter;

  return lowerCaseCharacter;

     * Finds the list of words corresponding to the first letters.
     * @param offset
     *            the offset of the current letter on the data
     * @param words
     *            the words found by the search
     * @param frequencies
     *            the frequencies of the word found by the search
     * @param firstLetters
     *            the first letters of the word we want to found
     * @param word
     *            the current word
     * @param alternates
     *            the alternates key of the word
     * @param charIndex
     *            the index of the letter being currently search for
    private final byte frequencyData[]   = new byte[2];
    private final byte childCountData[]  = new byte[2];
    private final byte childOffsetData[] = new byte[4];
    private final byte letterData[]      = new byte[2];

    public void getWords(int offset, List<String> words,
      List<Short> frequencies, String firstLetters, String word,
      int alternates[], int charIndex, boolean isAlternate) {
  if (words.size() >= MAX_WORDS) {

  if (firstLetters.length() == 0) {
      System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + FREQUENCY_OFFSET,
        this.frequencyData, 0, 2);
      short frequency = bytesToShort(this.frequencyData);
      int wordLength = word.length();
      if ((frequency != 0) && (wordLength < MAX_WORD_LENGTH)) {

      System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + COUNT_OFFSET,
        this.childCountData, 0, 2);
      short childCount = bytesToShort(this.childCountData);

      System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + CHILD_OFFSET,
        this.childOffsetData, 0, 4);
      int childOffset = bytesToInt(this.childOffsetData);
      for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
    int currentOffset = childOffset + DATA_SIZE * i;

    System.arraycopy(this.datas, currentOffset + LETTER_OFFSET,
            this.letterData, 0, 2);
    char convertChar = bytesToChar(this.letterData);
    getWords(currentOffset, words, frequencies, firstLetters, word
            .concat(Character.toString(convertChar)), alternates,
            ++charIndex, isAlternate);
  } else {
      char firstLetter = firstLetters.charAt(0);
      int foundOffset = findOffsetForCharacter(offset, firstLetter);

      int nextCharIndex = charIndex + 1;
      if (foundOffset != 0) {
    // the character has been found
    getWords(foundOffset, words, frequencies, firstLetters
            .substring(1), word.concat(Character
            .toString(firstLetter)), alternates, nextCharIndex,

      // if the character has not been found or no word has been found
      if ((foundOffset == 0) || (words.size() < MAX_WORDS)) {
    // the character has not been found, we are going to search for
    // alternates
    int begin = charIndex * MAX_ALTERNATIVES;
    int end = charIndex * MAX_ALTERNATIVES + MAX_ALTERNATIVES;
    for (int i = begin; i < end; i++) {
        foundOffset = findOffsetForCharacter(offset, alternates[i]);
        if (foundOffset != 0) {
      // the character has been found
      getWords(foundOffset, words, frequencies, firstLetters
              .substring(1), word.concat(Character
              .toString((char) alternates[i])), alternates,
              nextCharIndex, true);

     * Finds the list of words corresponding to the given word.
     * @param offset
     *            the offset of the current letter on the data
     * @param frequencies
     *            the frequencies of the word found by the search
     * @param firstLetters
     *            the first letters of the word we want to found
     * @param charIndex
     *            the index of the letter being currently search for

    private final byte frequencyDataWord[] = new byte[2];

    private boolean containsWord(int offset, String firstLetters, String word,
      int charIndex) {

  if (firstLetters.length() == 0) {
      System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + FREQUENCY_OFFSET,
        this.frequencyDataWord, 0, 2);
      short frequency = bytesToShort(this.frequencyDataWord);
      int wordLength = word.length();
      if ((frequency != 0) && (wordLength < MAX_WORD_LENGTH)) {
    // the word has been found
    return true;
  } else {
      char firstLetter = firstLetters.charAt(0);
      int foundOffset = findOffsetForCharacter(offset, firstLetter);

      int nextCharIndex = charIndex + 1;
      if (foundOffset != 0) {
    // the character has been found
    return containsWord(foundOffset, firstLetters.substring(1),
  return false;

    private final byte childCountDataForCharacter[]  = new byte[2];
    private final byte letterDataForCharacter[]      = new byte[2];
    private final byte childOffsetDataForCharacter[] = new byte[4];

    public int findOffsetForCharacter(int offset, int letter) {
  System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + COUNT_OFFSET,
          this.childCountDataForCharacter, 0, 2);
  short childCount = bytesToShort(this.childCountDataForCharacter);
  System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + CHILD_OFFSET,
          this.childOffsetDataForCharacter, 0, 4);
  int childOffset = bytesToInt(this.childOffsetDataForCharacter);
  int foundOffset = 0;
  for (int i = 0; (i < childCount) && (foundOffset == 0); i++) {
      int currentOffset = childOffset + DATA_SIZE * i;

      System.arraycopy(this.datas, currentOffset + LETTER_OFFSET,
        this.letterDataForCharacter, 0, 2);
      char convertChar = bytesToChar(this.letterDataForCharacter);
      if (Character.toLowerCase(convertChar) == Character
        .toLowerCase(letter)) {
    foundOffset = currentOffset;
  return foundOffset;

    private final List<String> words       = new ArrayList<String>();
    private final List<Short>  frequencies = new ArrayList<Short>();

    public int getSuggestionsNative(CharSequence typedWord) {
  String typedWordString = typedWord.toString();
  getWords(0, this.words, this.frequencies, typedWordString, "",
          this.inputCodes, 0, false);

  int index = this.words.indexOf(typedWordString);
  if (index != -1) {
  int wordOffset = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < this.words.size(); i++) {
      String word = this.words.get(i);
      short frequency = this.frequencies.get(i);
      int wordLength = word.length();
      System.arraycopy(word.toCharArray(), 0, this.outputChars,
        wordOffset, wordLength);
      wordOffset += MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
      this.mFrequencies[i] = frequency;
  return this.words.size();

    public void getWords(final WordComposer wordComposer,
      final WordCallback callback) {
  final int codesSize = wordComposer.size();
  // Wont deal with really long words.
  if (codesSize > MAX_WORD_LENGTH - 1) {

  Arrays.fill(this.inputCodes, -1);
  for (int i = 0; i < codesSize; i++) {
      int[] alternatives = wordComposer.getCodesAt(i);
      System.arraycopy(alternatives, 0, this.inputCodes, i
        * MAX_ALTERNATIVES, Math.min(alternatives.length,
  Arrays.fill(this.outputChars, (char) 0);

  int count = getSuggestionsNative(wordComposer.getTypedWord());

  for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
      if (this.mFrequencies[j] < 1) {
      int start = j * MAX_WORD_LENGTH;
      int len = 0;
      while (this.outputChars[start + len] != 0) {
      if (len > 0) {
    callback.addWord(this.outputChars, start, len,
            this.mFrequencies[j], false);

    public boolean isValidWord(int offset, String firstLetters) {

  if (firstLetters.length() == 0) {
      // the word has been found
      return true;

  byte childCountData[] = new byte[2];
  System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + COUNT_OFFSET, childCountData, 0,
  short childCount = bytesToShort(childCountData);

  byte childOffsetData[] = new byte[4];
  System.arraycopy(this.datas, offset + CHILD_OFFSET, childOffsetData, 0,
  int childOffset = bytesToInt(childOffsetData);

  char firstLetter = firstLetters.charAt(0);
  int foundOffset = 0;
  for (int i = 0; (i < childCount) && (foundOffset == 0); i++) {
      int currentOffset = childOffset + DATA_SIZE * i;

      byte letterData[] = new byte[2];
      System.arraycopy(this.datas, currentOffset + LETTER_OFFSET,
        letterData, 0, 2);
      char convertChar = bytesToChar(letterData);
      if (Character.toLowerCase(convertChar) == Character
        .toLowerCase(firstLetter)) {
    foundOffset = currentOffset;

  if (foundOffset != 0) {
      return isValidWord(foundOffset, firstLetters.substring(1));

  return false;

    public boolean isValidWord(CharSequence word) {
  if (word == null) {
      return false;
  char[] chars = word.toString().toLowerCase().toCharArray();
  return isValidWord(0, new String(chars));

    public boolean containsWord(CharSequence word) {
  return containsWord(0, word.toString(), "", 0);

    // unused
    // public synchronized void close() {
    // if (mNativeDict != 0) {
    // closeNative(mNativeDict);
    // mNativeDict = 0;
    // }
    // }

    // @Override
    // protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    // close();
    // super.finalize();
    // }

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