Android Open Source - looking-glass Session Manager

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Java Source Code

package ca.orospakr.lookingglass;
/*from  w  w w  .jav  a  2s .co m*/
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

import spark.Request;
import spark.Response;

 * Holds the sessions.  Persists them on disk.
 * A pretty naiive implementation; not particularly atomic, all synchronous I/O.  We can get away with this because we're not clustering this at all.

public class SessionManager {
    public static class UnauthorizedException extends Exception {
        public UnauthorizedException(String authority) {
            super("This session is not permitted to use " + authority);

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "LookingGlass/SessionManager";
    private static String COOKIE_KEY = "lg_cookie";

    private static String SESSIONS_PATH = "session";

    public Context mContext;

    public static class Session {
        // per-authority permissions and such go here

        /** Content providers the device's owner has permitted this session to access. */
        ArrayList<String> permittedAuthorities = new ArrayList<String>();

        /** Content providers the device's owner has explicitly disallowed this session from accessing. */
        ArrayList<String> disallowedAuthorities = new ArrayList<String>();

    protected String createAuthToken() {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[25];
        new Random().nextBytes(bytes);
        try {
            return new String(Base64.encode(bytes, Base64.URL_SAFE), "UTF-8").trim();
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private void writeSessionToFile(File path, Session session) {
        Gson gson = new Gson();

        FileWriter fw;
        BufferedWriter writer = null;
        try {
            fw = new FileWriter(path);
            writer = new BufferedWriter(fw);

            gson.toJson(session, writer);


            if(!path.exists()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Apparently failed at creating session file.");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Problem writing a session to private storage", e);

    private Session newSession(Response response) {
        String authToken = createAuthToken();

        Session session = new Session();

        // save session on disk

        writeSessionToFile(sessionPath(authToken), session);

        // TODO: black hat could spam the server and fill the private storage with sessions. simple rate limit may be easiest answer.  how does the java goopstack normally do it?

        // TODO: when I turn on https, enable secure cookie here
        response.cookie(COOKIE_KEY, authToken, 86400 * 365 * 5);

        return session;

    private File sessionPath(String authToken) {
        // TODO: is this use of mContext a thread issue?
        File sessionsPath = mContext.getDir(SESSIONS_PATH, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

        return new File(sessionsPath, authToken);

    public Session retrieveSession(String authToken) {
        File sessionPath = sessionPath(authToken);
        if(sessionPath.exists()) {
            try {
                Gson gson = new Gson();
                try {
                    return gson.fromJson(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sessionPath)), Session.class);
                } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Bogus state file at " + authToken);
                    return null;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Session file disappeared underneath my nose?", e);
        } else {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Session " + authToken + " does not exist.");
            return null;

    public void saveSession(String authToken, Session session) {
        File sessionPath = sessionPath(authToken);
        if(sessionPath.exists()) {
            writeSessionToFile(sessionPath, session);
        } else {
            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Attempt to save a session that does not exist.  Ignoring.");

    // Return our session object for the given request, creating a new one if need be.
    public Session get(Request request, Response response) {
        // does request have a session id?
        String authToken = request.cookie(COOKIE_KEY);
        if (authToken == null) {
            // needs an auth token
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Starting a new session for client " + request.ip());
            return newSession(response);
        } else {
            // does session exist?
            Session foundSession =  retrieveSession(authToken);
            if(foundSession == null) {
                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Session client " + request.ip() + " claims to have had does not exist.  Starting new one.");
                return newSession(response);
            } else {
                return foundSession;

    /** Determines if the given session has been granted access to the given content provider authority.  May delay to ask the user for permission if not yet asked.
     * May block if it has to query the user! */
    public void authorize(String authToken, Session session, String authority) throws UnauthorizedException {

        // TODO: if there is an auth request already up then we want to wait for it just like the outstanding request is.

        // do nothing, thus authorizing everything for now
        if(session.disallowedAuthorities.contains(authority)) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException(authority);
        if(!session.permittedAuthorities.contains(authority)) {
            // open the authorization activity, then wait for our AuthAnswerService to be told when.
            AuthAnswerService.putUpNotification(mContext, authToken, authority, new FutureValue<String>() {
                public void call(String value) {
                    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "User gave answer: " + value);
                    // got our answer!

                    // TODO: record that this session has been granted or denied permanently.

            // now block.  however, while we do want to consume the answer here, the thing that sets the answer in the session needs to be somewhere else: I want to the request to timeout, but I want the setting to get changed even if the user clicks the notification hours after the fact.


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