Android Open Source - senhancelib Data Source

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Java Source Code

package de.uos.nbp.senhance.datasource;
//from  w w  w .  jav  a  2s .co m
import de.uos.nbp.senhance.DataLogger;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;

 * An DataSource is a class that will acquire (in the case of
 * physical devices) or generate (in the case of, for example,
 * simulators) data events. An DataSource needs an {@link DataSink}
 * as a destination for the events.
 * DataSources have a defined set of states according to the state
 * machine documented in the
 * <a href="">wiki</a>,
 * and a set of {@link UIEvent}s which inform the UI of user-relevant occurrences.
 * DataSources effectively have 3 outputs:
 * <ol>
 *  <li> DataLogger - only one, this is where the data gets sent to be preserved for later.
 *  <li> DataSink(s) - potentially multiple, these modules consume the data as it comes in.
 *  <li> Handler - this is the UI handler that can be sent certain messages relevant for the user.
 * </ol>
 * @author
public interface DataSource {
  static final int DefaultThreadPriority = DataSink.DefaultThreadPriority - 2;

   * These are the coarse-grained states
   * of the underlying device of the DataSource.
  enum DeviceState {
    /** underlying generator not connected */
    /** in process of initiating connection to event generator */
    /** connected to the event generator  */
    /** standing by to provide data */
    /** connected and providing events */
     * Essentially the inverse of {@link valueOf} -
     * returns the DeviceState corresponding to the given value.
     * @param ii
     * @return the DeviceState corresponding, or <i>Undefined</i>.
    public static DeviceState fromInt(int ii) {
      try {
        return values()[ii];
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        return Undefined;
   * These event constants are used for communication with the
   * user interface.
   * They generally describe device connection events rather than
   * data events although data events can also be communicated to the
   * user interface in some circumstances. 
   * They are one-off events (e.g. transitions), not states.
  enum UIEvent {
    /** underlying event generator changed state */
    /** beginning attempt to initiate connection - the Bundle of the message should contain the name and address of the device */
    /** attempt to connect to generator failed */
    /** an established connection came down unexpectedly */
    /** an established connection was closed deliberately */
    /** data did not arrive in expected time */
    /** event generator has a low battery */
    /** a data event occurred of interest to the user (e.g, heart-beat pulse) */
    /** a regularly sent message with metrics of the connection. */
    /** a control event, as sent e.g. from a ControlSource */
    /** undefined */
    public static UIEvent fromInt(int ii) {
      try {
        return values()[ii];
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        return Undefined;
  final static String MsgDeviceType = "DeviceType";
  final static String MsgDeviceName = "DeviceName";
  final static String MsgDeviceAddress = "DeviceAddress";

   * Attaches an eventLogger to this source. The source should
   * then prepare the eventlogger appropriately.
   * Without a call to this function, the event logger will not be
   * attached and the data will not be persisted.
   * @param eventLogger if this is given, it will be used to persist the data
  void attachLogger(DataLogger eventLogger);
   * This function attaches an event sink to this source. Sinks are
   *  where the data goes.
   * @param dataSink the DataSink to be attached to this source.
  void attachSink(DataSink dataSink);
   * Removes a previously attached event sink from this source.
   * @param sinkToDetach
  void detachSink(DataSink sinkToDetach);
   * Determines if any sink is attached at all.
   * @return true if any sink is attached.
  boolean isSinkAttached();
   * Determines if a sink <em>of the given type</em>
   * is attached to the DataSource.
   * @param sink
   * @return true if a sink of the given type is attached.
  //boolean isSinkTypeAttached (Class<DataSink> sinkType);

   * Attaches a handler (call-back) to the DataSource for asynchronous messages.
   * The handler would typically be that of a user interface.
   * The types of messages that get sent are those
   * relevant to the user - things like state changes, metrics, etc.
   * The {@value sourceID} should be generated by the calling class and
   * the implementation of the DataSource should include this id in
   * every message sent to the handler. This allows the handler to determine
   * from where the message comes in case more than one source is used.
   * As far as I know, the handler structure itself
   * doesn't have a mechanism to determine message origin and so if there
   * are multiple sources (which is likely) then messages would be all
   * mixed up by the user interface.
   * All messages back to the handler are expected to contain:
   * <ol>
   *  <li> what - (int) value referencing a {@link UIEvent}.
   *  <li> arg1 - (int) the sourceID that was passed to this function
   *  <li> arg2 - (int) <i>[optional]</i> an argument for this particular UIEvent
   *  <li> bundle - (Bundle) <i>[optional]</i> extended arguments for this UIEvent
   * </ol> 
   * @param handler the Handler to send messages back to the UI Activity.
   * @param sourceID this identifies this event source to the receiving handler.
  void attachUIHandler (Handler handler, int sourceID);
   * Detaches the handler from this event source.
   * @param handler
  void detachUIHandler (Handler handler);
   * Returns the sourceID as given in {@link attachUIHandler}.
   * @return sourceID
  int getSourceID ();
   * Initiates a connection to the remote device specified by address.
   * Auto-start should be disabled in this case.
   * @param address the address of the underlying event generator device. The form of
   *   this depends on the particular implementation (is typically a MAC address).
  void connect(String address);
   * Same as connect(address) but allows setting of auto-start: which means
   * that the data source will begin providing data immediately a connection
   * is successfully established without waiting for a call to
   * {@link startEvents}.
   * @param address
   * @param autoStart
  void connect(String address, boolean autoStart);

  void startEvents();
  void configure(Bundle parameters);
  boolean needBluetooth();
   * Return a string identifying the type of device.
  public String getTypeString();
   * Returns a string that will identify this device,
   * in a human readable form, including the type.
   * Format should be:
   * <ul>
   *  <li> If name is relevant and available: "<tt>Type_Name</tt>"
   *  <li> If name is relevant but unavailable: "<tt>Type@Address</tt>"
   *  <li> If name is irrelevant: "<tt>Type</tt>"
   *  <li> e.g.: "<tt>ECG_30716</tt>"
   *  <li> e.g.: "<tt>ECG@00:A0:96:2E:55:C8</tt>"
   *  <li> e.g.: "<tt>ExPC_saturn</tt>"
   *  <li> e.g.: "<tt>DummyECG</tt>"
   * </ul>
  public String getDeviceIDString();
   * The string used to filter devices when searching.
   * @return
  String getDeviceNameFilterString();
   * Returns the connection state of the underlying device.
   * @see
   * @return device state
  DeviceState getSourceDeviceState();
   * This should stop data being generated by the source.
  void stopEvents();
   * This should stop data being generated, and then disconnect from the
   * source.
  void disconnect();
   * The baseline can be considered the average value
   * of the event source.
   * In the case of ECG or BPM, the natural choice is for
   * the baseline to be the RR interval, in the unit beats-per-minute.
   * In the case of dummy sources, setting this value allows control of the
   * data being generated.
   * In the case of real data sources, setting this value
   * does nothing. Be rather humorous if it did.
   * @param newBaseline
  void setBaseline(float newBaseline);
  float getBaseline();
   * The instantaneous value should be the typical quantification of the data
   * of this source. For an ECG or pulse device, this is BPM by convention.
   * @return instantaneous value of data
  float getCurrent();


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