Android Open Source - AndroidSettlers Vertex

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Java Source Code

package com.settlers.hd;
/*from  ww w  .  ja v  a 2  s .  c  o m*/
public class Vertex {

  public static final int NUM_VERTEX = 54;

  public static final int NONE = 0;
  public static final int TOWN = 1;
  public static final int CITY = 2;

  private int index;
  private int building;

  private Player owner;

  private Edge[] edge;
  private Hexagon[] hexagon;
  private Trader trader;

   * Initialize a vertex with edges set to null
   * @param index
   *            the vertex index for drawing
  public Vertex(int index) {
    this.index = index;
    owner = null;
    building = NONE;

    edge = new Edge[3];
    edge[0] = edge[1] = edge[2] = null;

    hexagon = new Hexagon[3];
    hexagon[0] = hexagon[1] = hexagon[2] = null;

   * Associate an edge with vertex
   * @param e
   *            the edge to add (ignored if already associated)
  public void addEdge(Edge e) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (edge[i] == null) {
        edge[i] = e;
      } else if (edge[i] == e) {

   * Associate an hexagon with vertex
   * @param h
   *            the hexagon to add (ignored if already associated)
  public void addHexagon(Hexagon h) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (hexagon[i] == null) {
        hexagon[i] = h;
      } else if (hexagon[i] == h) {

   * Get the hexagon at the given index
   * @param index
   *            the hexagon index (0, 1, or 2)
   * @return the hexagon or null
  public Hexagon getHexagon(int index) {
    return hexagon[index];

   * Get the hexagon's index for drawing
   * @return the index
  public int getIndex() {
    return index;

   * Determine if an edge is connected to vertex
   * @param e
   *            the edge to check for
   * @return true if e is connected to the vertex
  public boolean hasEdge(Edge e) {
    return (edge[0] == e || edge[1] == e || edge[2] == e);

   * Get an edge
   * @param index
   *            the edge index [0, 2]
   * @return the edge or null
  public Edge getEdge(int index) {
    return edge[index];

   * Check if vertex has a building for any player
   * @return true if there is a town or city for any player
  public boolean hasBuilding() {
    return (building != NONE);

   * Check if vertex has a building for a player
   * @param player
   *            the player to check for
   * @return true if player has a building on the vertexS
  public boolean hasBuilding(Player player) {
    return (owner == player);

   * Get the type of building at vertex
   * @return the type of building at the vertex (equal to the number of
   *         points)
  public int getBuilding() {
    return building;

   * Get the player number of the owner of a building at vertex
   * @return the Player that owns it, or null
  public Player getOwner() {
    return owner;

   * Check for adjacent roads
   * @param player
   *            the player to check for
   * @return true if one of the adjacent edges has a road for player
  public boolean hasRoad(Player player) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (edge[i] != null && edge[i].getOwner() == player)
        return true;

    return false;

  public void distributeResources(Hexagon.Type type) {
    if (owner == null)

    owner.addResources(type, building);

   * Check if there are no adjacent settlements
   * @return true if there are no adjacent settlements
  public boolean couldBuild() {
    // check for adjacent buildings
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (edge[i] != null && edge[i].getAdjacent(this).hasBuilding())
        return false;

    return true;

   * Check if player can build at vertex
   * @param player
   *            player to check for
   * @param setup
   *            setup condition allows player to build without a road
   * @return true if player can build at vertex
  public boolean canBuild(Player player, int type, boolean setup) {
    if (!couldBuild())
      return false;

    // only allow building towns
    if (setup)
      return (owner == null);

    // check if owner has road to vertex
    if (!this.hasRoad(player))
      return false;

    // can build town
    if (owner == null && type == TOWN)
      return true;

    // can build city
    else if (owner == player && type == CITY && building == TOWN)
      return true;

      return false;

   * Simple version of canBuild(player, setup) where setup is false
   * @param player
   *            player to check for
   * @return true if player can build at vertex
  public boolean canBuild(Player player, int type) {
    return this.canBuild(player, type, false);

   * Build at vertex for player
   * @param player
   *            which player intends to build
   * @param setup
   *            setup condition allows player to build without a road
  public boolean build(Player player, int type, boolean setup) {
    if (!this.canBuild(player, type, setup))
      return false;

    switch (building) {
    case NONE:
      owner = player;
      building = TOWN;
    case TOWN:
      building = CITY;
    case CITY:
      return false;

    if (trader != null)

    return true;

  public void setTrader(Trader trader) {
    this.trader = trader;

  public Trader getTrader() {
    return trader;

   * Find the longest road passing through this vertex for the given player
   * @param player
   *            the player
   * @param omit
   *            omit an edge already considered
   * @return the road length
  public int getRoadLength(Player player, Edge omit, int countId) {
    int longest = 0;

    // FIXME: if two road paths diverge and re-converge, the result may be
    // calculated with whichever happens to be picked first

    // another player's road breaks the road chain
    if (owner != null && owner != player)
      return 0;

    // find the longest road aside from one passing through the given edge
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (edge[i] == null || edge[i] == omit)

      int length = edge[i].getRoadLength(player, this, countId);
      if (length > longest)
        longest = length;

    return longest;

   * Initialize vertices
   * @return list of vertices
  public static Vertex[] initialize() {
    Vertex[] vertex = new Vertex[NUM_VERTEX];
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTEX; i++)
      vertex[i] = new Vertex(i);

    return vertex;

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