Android Open Source - BLEConnector B L E Connected Device

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Java Source Code

package com.felhr.bleconnector;
/*from  w  ww . j  a  v  a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService;

public class BLEConnectedDevice extends BLEDevice
  private BluetoothGatt gatt;
  private BluetoothGattService service; // Current Service
  private BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic; // Current Characteristic
  private boolean enabledNotifications;
  public BLEConnectedDevice(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattService service
      ,BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
    this.gatt = gatt;
    this.service = service;
    this.characteristic = characteristic;
    this.enabledNotifications = false;
  public BLEConnectedDevice(BLEDevice device)
  public BluetoothGatt getGatt() 
    return gatt;

  public void setGatt(BluetoothGatt gatt) 
    this.gatt = gatt;

  public BluetoothGattService getService() 
    return service;

  public void setService(BluetoothGattService service) 
    this.service = service;

  public BluetoothGattCharacteristic getCharacteristic() 
    return characteristic;

  public void setCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) 
    this.characteristic = characteristic;
  public List<BluetoothGattService> getAllServices()
    return gatt.getServices();
  public List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> getAllCharacteristics(UUID serviceuuid)
    return gatt.getService(serviceuuid).getCharacteristics();
  public boolean getNotificationsStatus()
    return enabledNotifications;
  public void notificationsOn()
    enabledNotifications = true;
  public void notificationsOff()
    enabledNotifications = false;


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