Android Open Source - LightRobot Color Helper

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Java Source Code

package org.lightrobotremote.util;
/*from  www . j a v  a 2  s.  c o  m*/
import android.R.color;

/**@class ColorHelper
 * @brief Handles the management of the color data for the data packet which is sent to the light robot.
 * The color field is 8 bits long and consists of 4 individual values with a length of 2 bits each
 * b0-b1: Brightness of the light
 * b2-b3: Red value of the light
 * b4-b5: Green value of the light
 * b6-b7: Blue value of the light
 * @author Julian, Oier

public class ColorHelper {
  /** sets the color of the lamps [0, 255]
   * b0, b1 -> brightness -> 00 min, 11 max
   * b2, b3 -> red value
   * b4, b5 -> green value
   * b6, b7 -> blue value
  private  byte mColor = 0;
  private static final short MASK_SHORT_BYTE = 0xff;
  private static final byte MASK_RGB = 0x3f;//0b00111111
  private static final byte POSITION_RGB = 0x02;
  private static final byte MASK_RGB_FROM_BYTE = -0x04; //0b11111100
  private static final byte MASK_BRIGHTNESS = 0x03;//0b00000011;
  private static final byte POSITION_BRIGHTNESS = 0;
  private static final byte MASK_RED = 0x0C;
  private static final byte POSITION_RED = 2;
  private static final byte MASK_GREEN = 0x30;
  private static final byte POSITION_GREEN = 4;
  private static final byte MASK_BLUE = -0x40;//0xc0 11000000
  private static final byte POSITION_BLUE = 6;
  private static final byte mColorLookup[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,
                        1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,
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  /*!Color definitions ins HSB Space*/
  public static final int HSB_RED = 0xff000000;
  public static final int HSB_GREEN = 0xffff4242;//is about 80 and equals green in the HSB space.
  public static final int HSB_BLUE = 0xff0000f0;

  /** Standard contr. initialises the values (color is 0)
  public ColorHelper()
  /** The color is set with a long value
   * @param color 4 byte value to encode the color
  public ColorHelper(int color_value)
  /** Sets the RGB part of the color at once
   * @param color_value a value between [0 63] which determines the color
  public void setColor(byte color_value)
    color_value = (byte) (color_value & MASK_RGB);//only the lowest 6 bits remain
    byte temp_color = (byte) (mColor & (~MASK_RGB_FROM_BYTE));//cut the brightness out
    temp_color = (byte) (temp_color | color_value<<POSITION_RGB);
    mColor = temp_color;
  /** Sets the color value
   * example: alpha max and red: 0xffff0000
   *       alpha max and white: 0xffffffff
   *       alpha max and black: 0xff000000
   * @param color_value color as 4 bytes
  public void setColor(int color_value)
  /** Sets all color values
   * @param brightness the brightness of the light.
   * @param red red value
   * @param green green value
   * @param blue blue value
  public void setColor(short brightness, short red, short green, short blue)
  /** Set individually the brightness of the light.
   * @param brightness how bright should the light shine
  public void setColorBrightness(short brightness)
  /** Set the red part of the color.
   * @param red red part of the color
  public void setColorRed(short red)
    setColorPart(red, POSITION_RED, MASK_RED);
  /** Set the green part of the color.
   * @param green green part of the color
  public void setColorGreen(short green)
    setColorPart(green, POSITION_GREEN, MASK_GREEN);
  /** Set the blue part of the color.
   * @param blue blue part of the color
  public void setColorBlue(short blue)
    setColorPart(blue, POSITION_BLUE, MASK_BLUE);
  /** Returns the encoded color value
   *@return encoded color value
  public  byte getColor() {
    return mColor;
  /** Set an individual part of the color value
   * @param value the value to be set
   * @param position on which position should the value be altered
   * @param mask which mask should be applied
  private void setColorPart(short value, byte position, byte mask)
    byte tempValue = shortToColor(value, position);
    mColor = (byte)(tempValue | ((byte)(mColor & ~mask)));
  /** Converts the color to a 2 digit value on a position
   * @param value the value which should be applied
   * @param position position in an 8 bit type
   * @return the byte with the value on the correct position 
  private byte shortToColor(short value, byte position)
    short tempValue = (short)(value & MASK_SHORT_BYTE);//maximum value is now 254
    tempValue = mColorLookup[tempValue];//lookup which value should be used
    tempValue = (byte)(tempValue << position);//shift to correct position
    return (byte)tempValue;

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