Android Open Source - BLEService B T L E Device Manager

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Java Source Code

package com.ratio.deviceService;
//from  w  ww .j  a va
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.UUID;

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCallback;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothManager;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.util.Log;

import com.ratio.BTDeviceService.R;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommand;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandDisconnect;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandDiscoverServices;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandReadCharacteristic;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandReadDescriptor;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandSetCharacteristicNotification;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandWriteCharacteristic;
import com.ratio.deviceService.command.BTLECommandWriteDescriptor;
import com.ratio.exceptions.DeviceManagerException;
import com.ratio.exceptions.DeviceNameNotFoundException;
import com.ratio.util.BitUtils;
import com.ratio.util.StringUtil;
import com.ratio.util.UUIDUtils;

 * the device manager controls the the devices through the Android Bluetooth interface.  It contains the bluetooth manager
 * and adapter, and the list of devices which have been discovered.  It maintains a background looper thread. which is
 * needed to receive callbacks from the bluetooth scan, which reports discovered devices through ScanCallback, and
 * through the BluetoothGattCallback, which is a per-device callback.  It uses a timer to "ping" the looper thread.  
 * TODO: determine if the timer can be disabled after the scan phase
 * @author matt2
public class BTLEDeviceManager {
  private final static String TAG = BTLEDeviceManager.class.getSimpleName();
  private final static int MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 5;
  // this is the callback interface to the device service, so the application can be notified asynchronously 
  // when events occur.
  public interface DeviceManagerCallback {
    void onDiscoveryStarted();
    void onDeviceDiscovered(BluetoothDevice device);
    void onDiscoveryStopped();
    void onGattConnectionState(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, int connState);
    void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt);
    void onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic);
        void onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status);
        void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic);
    void onDescriptorRead(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor);
    void onDescriptorWrite(BluetoothDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, int status);
    void onReadRemoteRssi(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, int status);
    void onRetryReconnect(BluetoothDevice device, int retriesLeft);
    void onReconnectFailed(BluetoothDevice device);
    void onError(int errorCode, String error, String deviceAddress);
   * there is a 1:1 relationship between a bluetooth device and a bluetooth gatt.  We hold on to the connection state
   * because there was some weird issue with actually getting it from BluetoothGatt.
   * @author mreynolds.
  public class BTDeviceInfo {
    private BluetoothDevice      mDevice;
    private BluetoothGatt      mGatt;
    private int            mConnectionState;        // see BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED, etc
    private boolean          mfDisconnectRequest;      // to differentiate intentional vs unintentional disconnects.
    private int            mRetryCount;          // how many times have we retried to connect to this device?
    private boolean          mfRetrying;            // retrying connection.  Don't send broadcast
    private ArrayDeque<BTLECommand> mCommandQueue;          // queue of commands because BTLE doesn't queue them for us
    private TimerTask        mConnTimeout;          // connection timeout timer task
    private long          mConnTimeoutMsec;        // connection timeout in msec
    public BTDeviceInfo(BluetoothDevice device) {
      mDevice = device;
      mGatt = null;
      mConnectionState = BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED;
      mfDisconnectRequest = false;
      mRetryCount = MAX_RETRY_COUNT;
      mCommandQueue = new ArrayDeque<BTLECommand>();
      mConnTimeout = null;
      mConnTimeoutMsec = 0;
      mfRetrying = false;
    public void setGatt(BluetoothGatt gatt) {
      mGatt = gatt;
    public BluetoothGatt getGatt() {
      return mGatt;
    public BluetoothDevice getDevice() {
      return mDevice;
    public String getDeviceAddress() {
      return mDevice.getAddress();
    public int getConnectionState() {
      return mConnectionState;
    public void setConnectionState(int connectionState) {
      mConnectionState = connectionState;
    public boolean isDisconnectRequest() {
      return mfDisconnectRequest;
    public void setDisconnectRequest(boolean f) {
      mfDisconnectRequest = f;
    public int getRetryCount() {
      return mRetryCount;
    public void setRetryCount(int count) {
      mRetryCount = count;
    public void decrementRetryCount() {
    public boolean isRetrying() {
      return mfRetrying;
    public void setRetrying(boolean f) {
      mfRetrying = f;
    public BTLECommand peekCommand() {
      return mCommandQueue.peek();  
    public BTLECommand popCommand() {
      return mCommandQueue.pop();
    // wipe the command queue.
    public synchronized void wipeCommandQueue() {
    // pop the previously enqueued command, and execute the next command in the command queue if there is one
    public synchronized boolean executeNextCommand() {
      if (!mCommandQueue.isEmpty()) {
        // pop the previously queued command
        BTLECommand command = mCommandQueue.pop();
        Log.d(TAG, "execute: popping " + command);
        if (!mCommandQueue.isEmpty()) {
          command = mCommandQueue.peek();
          try {
            Log.d(TAG, "execute: executing " + command);
          } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
            BTLEDeviceManager.this.getCallback().onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_ENQUEUING_COMMAND, dmex.getMessage(), this.getDeviceAddress());          
          return true;
        } else {
          Log.d(TAG, "execute: command queue is empty");
      return false;
    // enqeue a command for the device.  If the command queue is empty, then execute it immediately, but push
    // the command anyway so it'll get popped before the next one is executed
    public synchronized void enqueueCommand(BTLECommand command) {
      Log.d(TAG, "enqueue: queueing " + command);
      if (mCommandQueue.isEmpty()) {
        try {
          Log.d(TAG, "enqueue: executing immediately " + command);
        } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
          BTLEDeviceManager.this.getCallback().onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_ENQUEUING_COMMAND, dmex.getMessage(), this.getDeviceAddress());
    public TimerTask getConnTimeoutTimerTask() {
      return mConnTimeout;
    public long getConnectionTimeout() {
      return mConnTimeoutMsec;
    public void setConnectionTimeout(long msec) {
      mConnTimeoutMsec = msec;
    public void startTimeout() {
      if (mConnTimeoutMsec != 0) {
        mConnTimeout = new ConnectionTimeoutTimerTask(this);
        BTLEDeviceManager.sTimer.schedule(mConnTimeout, mConnTimeoutMsec);
    public void killTimeout() {
      if (mConnTimeout != null) {
        mConnTimeout = null;
   * unfortunately, somtimes BTLE just doesn't want to connect, doesn't give any errors, just doesn't do a damn thing,
   * so we have to set a timer which gives up when a specified time elapses.
   * @author matt2
  protected class ConnectionTimeoutTimerTask extends TimerTask {
    protected BTDeviceInfo  mDeviceInfo;
    public ConnectionTimeoutTimerTask(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
      mDeviceInfo = deviceInfo;
    public void run() {
      try {
      } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
      String error = BTLEDeviceManager.this.mContext.getResources().getString( R.string.connection_timeout);
      BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, error, mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
    private static final int DEVICE_SCAN_INTERVAL_MSEC = 250;    // interval between scans (pinger timer)
    private static final int HANDLER_POLL_TIMER_MSEC = 20;      // wait poll timer for handler in scan handler loop

    private DeviceManagerCallback   mDeviceManagerCallback;      // interface for external service
    private BluetoothManager     mBluetoothManager;        // THE bluetooth manager
    private BluetoothAdapter     mBluetoothAdapter;        // THE bluetooth adapter
    private static Timer       sTimer = null;          // timer to ping the BTLE scan thread and keep it lively.
    private PingTimerTask      mPingTimerTask;          // timer task to ping for discovering devices.
    private ScanDeviceHandlerThread mScanThread;          // handler thread for the BTLE scan, so timer/cancel it.
    private List<BTDeviceInfo>     mDeviceList;          // list of devices from last scan.
    private ScanDeviceCallback     mScanDeviceCallback;      // reports discovered devices
    private Context         mContext;            // to obtain string resources and access system services.
  private UUID[]          mUUIDFilterList = null;      // list of UUIDs to filter on scan
    // constructor. Assign mmebers from parameters and call initialize
    public BTLEDeviceManager(Context context, DeviceManagerCallback deviceManagerCallback) throws DeviceManagerException {
      mContext = context;
      mDeviceManagerCallback = deviceManagerCallback;
    // called from the service, so it can send an error if initialization fails.
    public boolean initialize() throws DeviceManagerException {

        // For API level 18 and above, get a reference to BluetoothAdapter through
        // BluetoothManager.
        if (mBluetoothManager == null) {
            mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
            if (mBluetoothManager == null) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Unable to initialize BluetoothManager.");
                throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.bluetooth_manager_initialization_failed));

        // get the bluetooth adapter.
        mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter();
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Unable to obtain a BluetoothAdapter.");
          throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.unable_to_obtain_adapter));
        mScanDeviceCallback = new ScanDeviceCallback();
    mDeviceList = new ArrayList<BTDeviceInfo>();  
        return true;
     * the scan looper thread is neccessary, otherwise the ScanCallback isn't called.
    protected void startScanThread() {
        // set up the timer to ping the looper thread, set up the device scan callback, get the devices that are
        // already connected, and start the scan looper thread.
      if (sTimer == null) {
        sTimer = new Timer();
         if (mScanThread == null) {
           mScanThread = new ScanDeviceHandlerThread("Scan Devices");
    Handler handler = null;
    // this is fairly ugly.  We have to wait for the HandlerThread o have a looper before we can install a handler
    while (handler == null) {
      handler = mScanThread.getHandler();
      try {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
    // even uglier: the timer acts a a "pinger" every 250 msec to keep the message loop looping, otherwise it just hangs.
    mPingTimerTask = new PingTimerTask(handler);
    sTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(mPingTimerTask, 0, DEVICE_SCAN_INTERVAL_MSEC); 
     * even though we have a handler thread, we also need this timer task to ping the message loop, otherwise
     * the scan callbacks don't get called
    private class PingTimerTask extends TimerTask {
      protected Handler   mHandler;
      protected int     mCount;
      public PingTimerTask(Handler handler) {
        mHandler = handler;
        mCount = 0;
      public void run() { Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            if (mCount++ % 20 == 0) {
              Log.d(TAG, "ping!");
     * this is to support the workaround where we disable, then re-enable the bluetooth adapter when we
     * rescan for devices
    public boolean disableBluetoothAdapter() {
      if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    // NOTE: we need to send a broadcast of all the currently connected devices, since they won't be
    // reported by our scanning code.
    private void getConnectedDevices(List<BTDeviceInfo> deviceInfoList) {
      List<BluetoothDevice> deviceList = mBluetoothManager.getConnectedDevices(BluetoothProfile.GATT);
      for (BluetoothDevice device : deviceList) {
        BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = new BTDeviceInfo(device);
  public void stopLeScan() {
       // callback  used to identify which scan to stop must be the same handle used to start the scan
        synchronized (this) {
            if (mPingTimerTask != null) {
                mPingTimerTask = null;
   *  scan (or stop scanning) for bluetooth LE devices. While it would be nice to apply the filter in BluetoothAdapter.startLeScan(), 
   *  it blocks any devices from getting returned
   * @param uuidList
   * @param scanPeriodMsec
   * @return
    public boolean scanLeDevice(final UUID[] uuidList, final int scanPeriodMsec) {
      mDeviceList = new ArrayList<BTDeviceInfo>();
      mUUIDFilterList = uuidList;
      // set scanning flag immediately, since the timer and other runnables query it and change state
    // post the start scan as a runnable, since it needs the looper to scan for devices.
     mScanThread.getHandler().post(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    // post a delayed runnable which stops the scan.
    mScanThread.getHandler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    }, scanPeriodMsec);
    return true;
    // handler thread for the Bluetooth LE scan thread
    private class ScanDeviceHandlerThread extends HandlerThread {
      protected Handler mHandler;
      public ScanDeviceHandlerThread(String name) {
      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
      protected void onLooperPrepared() {
        mHandler = new Handler();
      public Handler getHandler() {
        return mHandler;

    // Device scan callback.  Called when a device is discovered
    private class ScanDeviceCallback implements BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback {

        public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
          // the ReadingServiceUUIDString, "B698290F-7562-11E2-B50D-00163E46F8FE" is stored in the scan record
          // at offset 5, with bytes reversed.  This may be a bit more generic, however
            byte[] reversedUUIDbytes = new byte[16];
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
              reversedUUIDbytes[i] = scanRecord[i + 5];
          byte[] UUIDBytes = BitUtils.reverse(reversedUUIDbytes);
          UUID uuidTest = UUIDUtils.fromByteArray(UUIDBytes, 0);
             Log.d(TAG, "UUID bytes = "+ StringUtil.toHexCode(UUIDBytes) + 
                    "\nreversed = " + StringUtil.toHexCode(reversedUUIDbytes) +
                    "\nonLeScan UUID = " + uuidTest.toString());
          boolean fFilterMatch = true;
          if (mUUIDFilterList != null) {
            fFilterMatch = false;
            for (UUID uuidCand : mUUIDFilterList) {
              if (uuidTest.equals(uuidCand)) {
                fFilterMatch = true;
          if (fFilterMatch) {
            // TODO: how do we know that this is adequate to prevent duplicates?  Suppose we re-scan
            // and the same device comes back with a newly allocated structure?  What is the definition
            // for BluetoothDevice.equals()?
            if (!BTLEDeviceManager.this.inDeviceList(device)) {
              mDeviceList.add(new BTDeviceInfo(device));

     * Implements callback methods for GATT events that the app cares about.  Connection change, services discovered,
     * and characteristic changed.  The GATT callback is instantiated per-device.
     * This is where most of the action is in the device manager.  As well as receiving device GATT events, and calling
     * the callback functions, it also manages the device queues.  Unfortunately, BTLE works asynchronously, and doesn't
     * provide a queue for requests, so you'll notice enqueueCommand() and executeNextCommand() at the end of most of the 
     * callbacks.  This executes the next command when the callback from the previous one has finished executing.
    private class BTGattCallback extends BluetoothGattCallback {
      private BTDeviceInfo   mDeviceInfo;        // back reference to device information for this callback
      public BTGattCallback(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
        mDeviceInfo = deviceInfo;
      // notify the service if the device
        public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
          Log.i(TAG, "onConnectionStateChange status = " + status + " state = " + newState);
          if (status != BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
              // if there was a status error, DO NOT EXECUTE ANYMORE COMMANDS ON THIS DEVICE, and disconnect from it.
            try {
            } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
            BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_DISCONNECT, dmex.getMessage(), mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
            String errMsg = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.bad_status_code) + " "+ gatt.getDevice().getAddress();
            BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_CONNECT_STATUS, errMsg, mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
          } else {
            Log.i(TAG, "on connection state change " + gatt.getDevice().getAddress() + " status = " + status + " newState = " + newState);
              if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
                // we've connected, so we can kill the timeout

                // once we've connected, then we enqueue a request to discover the device services.
                BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onGattConnectionState(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED);
                  Log.i(TAG, "Connected to GATT server.");
              } else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
                  // close in here, otherwise, we don't get the disconnect message.
                if (mDeviceInfo.isDisconnectRequest()) {
                  BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onGattConnectionState(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt,  BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
                } else {
                  // attempt to reconnect if the disconnection wasn't requested by the caller.  Call the callbacks for
                  // retry and reconnect failure if the max # of retries is exceeded.  
                  if (!mDeviceInfo.isRetrying()) {
                    BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onGattConnectionState(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt,  BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED);
                  if (mDeviceInfo.getRetryCount() > 0) {
                    try {
                      BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onRetryReconnect(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), mDeviceInfo.getRetryCount());
                      connect(mDeviceInfo, mDeviceInfo.getConnectionTimeout());
                    } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
                      BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_RECONNECT, dmex.getMessage(), mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
                  } else {

        // just notify the caller that services have been discovered for the specified device.
        public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
             Log.i(TAG, "on services discovered " + gatt.getDevice().getAddress() + " status = " + status);
             if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
                BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onServicesDiscovered(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt);
            } else {
              String error = String.format(mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.service_discovery_error), gatt.getDevice().getName(), status);
              BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_SERVICES_DISCOVERED, error, mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
              try {
              } catch (DeviceManagerException dmex) {
                BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onError(DeviceErrorCodes.ERROR_DISCONNECT, dmex.getMessage(), mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
              // TODO: handle error
                Log.w(TAG, "onServicesDiscovered received: " + status);

        // return when a characteristic is read from the device
        public void onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGatt           gatt,
                                         BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                                         int               status) {
            Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicRead address: " + mDeviceInfo.getDeviceAddress() + 
                   " characteristic: " + characteristic.getUuid() + " received: " + status);
            if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
                 BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onCharacteristicRead(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, characteristic);
            } else {
              // TODO: handle error
                Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicRead received: " + status);          

        // callback when the characteric is changed.  This gets called when we enable notifications for a characteristic.
        public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt         gatt,
                                            BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
            Log.w(TAG, "onCharacteristicChanged device: " + gatt.getDevice().getAddress() + 
                   " characteristic: " + characteristic.getUuid() + 
                   " received: " + characteristic.getValue());
            BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onCharacteristicChanged(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, characteristic);
        // NOTE: we do NOT execute the next command on read remote RSSI, otherwise it will get lost
        public void onReadRemoteRssi(BluetoothGatt gatt, int rssi, int status) {
          Log.i(TAG, "onReadRemoteRssi rssi = " + rssi + " status = " + status);
          BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onReadRemoteRssi(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), rssi, status);
       public void onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status) {
             Log.i(TAG, "onCharacteristicWrite " + characteristic.getUuid()); 
             BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onCharacteristicWrite(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, characteristic, status);
        public void onDescriptorRead(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, int status) {
          Log.i(TAG, "onDescriptorRead " + descriptor.getUuid());
             BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onDescriptorRead(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, descriptor);
        public void  onDescriptorWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, int status) {
             Log.i(TAG, "onDescriptorWrite " + descriptor.getUuid());
             BTLEDeviceManager.this.mDeviceManagerCallback.onDescriptorWrite(mDeviceInfo.getDevice(), gatt, descriptor, status);

     * connect call which is exposed to the service.
     * @param address device MAC format address XX:XX:XX..
     * @param timeoutMsec connection timeout in milliseconds
     * @return true.  return the truth
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
     * @throws DeviceManagerException
    public boolean connect(String address, final long timeoutMsec) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
      final BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));       
      // TODO: is this post() call neccessary?
      mScanThread.getHandler().post(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          try {
            connect(deviceInfo, timeoutMsec);
          } catch (Exception ex) {
            // TODO: add an onError to the interface and service.
      return true;

     * Connects to the GATT server hosted on the Bluetooth LE device.
     * @param address The device address of the destination device.
     * @param timeoutMsec set a timer to give up on the connection and throw an error. set 0 for "forever"
     * @return Return true if the connection is initiated successfully. The connection result
     *         is reported asynchronously through the
     *         {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onConnectionStateChange(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, int, int)}
     *         callback.
    private boolean connect(final BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo, long timeoutMsec) throws DeviceManagerException {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
          throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
        if (deviceInfo == null) {
          throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.device_unspecified));
        if (timeoutMsec != 0) {
        // TODO: we need to ensure that the previous GATT callback for this device is inactive.  While the docs
        // say it should be, I don't believe them
        deviceInfo.setGatt(deviceInfo.getDevice().connectGatt(mContext, false, new BTGattCallback(deviceInfo)));
        Log.d(TAG, "Trying to create a new connection." + deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress());
        return true;

     * disconnect interface which is exposed to the device service.
     * @param address
     * @return
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
     * @throws DeviceManagerException
    public boolean disconnect(String address) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
      final BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));       
        return disconnect(deviceInfo);

     * Disconnects an existing connection or cancel a pending connection. The disconnection result
     * is reported asynchronously through the
     * {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onConnectionStateChange(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, int, int)}
     * callback.
    public boolean disconnect(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo) throws DeviceManagerException {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
          throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
        if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "BluetoothAdapter not initialized");
          throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
         // we have to do this explicitly, since the bluetooth gatt callback doesn't always report connection state back to us.
        return true;
     * Request a read on a given {@code BluetoothGattCharacteristic}. The read result is reported
     * asynchronously through the {@code BluetoothGattCallback#onCharacteristicRead(android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt, android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic, int)}
     * callback.
     * @param characteristic The characteristic to read from.
    public boolean readCharacteristic(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) throws DeviceManagerException {
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
          throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
        if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
            throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
      deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandReadCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic));
      return true;
     * call to read a characteristic from a service published by a device. Note the actual value is returned by the callback
     * interface for onCharacteristicRead()
     * @param address device MAC address (XX:XX:XX)
     * @param serviceUUID service unique ID
     * @param characteristicUUID characteristic unique ID (within the service
     * @return BluetoothGatt.readCharacteristic() true/false
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
     * @throws DeviceManagerException
    public boolean readCharacteristic(String   address, 
                    UUID    serviceUUID,
                    UUID    characteristicUUID) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
      BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
      BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
      if (service == null) {
        throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
      BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
      if (characteristic == null) {
        throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
      return readCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic);

     * enable/disable notification for the specified characteristic in the specified service for the device referenced by address
     * @param address device address (MAC: format)
     * @param serviceUUID service UUID
     * @param characteristicUUID characteristic UUID 
     * @param enabled enabled/disabled
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
     * @throws DeviceManagerException
    public void setCharacteristicNotification(String   address,
                          UUID    serviceUUID,
                          UUID    characteristicUUID,
                          boolean  enabled) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
      BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
      BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
      if (service == null) {
        throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
      BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
      if (characteristic == null) {
        throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
      setCharacteristicNotification(deviceInfo, characteristic, enabled);
     * Enables or disables notification on a give characteristic.
     * @param characteristic Characteristic to act on.
     * @param enabled If true, enable notification.  False otherwise.
     * @param immediate setNotification immediately, don't enqueue
    public void setCharacteristicNotification(BTDeviceInfo           deviceInfo, 
                          BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                                              boolean             enabled) throws DeviceManagerException {
      Log.d(TAG, "setCharacteristicNotification " + deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress() + " name = " + deviceInfo.getDevice().getName());
        if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
             throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
        if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
            throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
        // if there are no notification requests outstanding, we can issue one right away.
        deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandSetCharacteristicNotification(deviceInfo, characteristic, true));
        // this is some serious "guess the magic word".  You have to write this characteristic to receive notififcations.
        // setCharacteristicNotification() isn't enough.
        // from
        BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString(BTUUID.CHARACTERISTIC_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR_UUID));
        descriptor.setValue(enabled ? BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE : new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandWriteDescriptor(deviceInfo, descriptor));
    // write a string characterisic.
    public void writeCharacteristic(String   address,
                    UUID  serviceUUID,
                    UUID  characteristicUUID,
                    String  value) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
    BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
    if (deviceInfo == null) {
      throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
    BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
    if (service == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
    if (characteristic == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
    if (!writeCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic, value)) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.write_characteristic_failed), address, characteristicUUID));

    // write a string characteristic
    public boolean writeCharacteristic(BTDeviceInfo         deviceInfo, 
                         BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                         String            value) throws DeviceManagerException {
      if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
             throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
        if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
            throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandWriteCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic));
    return true;
    // write a byte array characteristic
    public void writeCharacteristic(String   address,
                    UUID  serviceUUID,
                    UUID  characteristicUUID,
                    byte[]  value) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
    BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
    if (deviceInfo == null) {
      throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
    BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
    if (service == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
    if (characteristic == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
    if (!writeCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic, value)) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.write_characteristic_failed), address, characteristicUUID));

    // write a bytearray characteristic
    public boolean writeCharacteristic(BTDeviceInfo         deviceInfo, 
                     BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                     byte[]            value) throws DeviceManagerException {
    if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
      throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
    if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandWriteCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic));
    return true;
    // write a byte array characteristic
    public void writeCharacteristic(String   address,
                    UUID  serviceUUID,
                    UUID  characteristicUUID,
                    int    value,
                    int    format,
                    int    offset) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException, DeviceManagerException {
    BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
    if (deviceInfo == null) {
      throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
    BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
    if (service == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
    if (characteristic == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
    if (!writeCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic, value, format, offset)) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.write_characteristic_failed), address, characteristicUUID));
    // write an integer characteristic with format and offset
    public boolean writeCharacteristic(BTDeviceInfo         deviceInfo, 
                     BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                     int              value,
                     int              format,
                     int              offset) throws DeviceManagerException {
    if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
      throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
    if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
    characteristic.setValue(value, format, offset);
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandWriteCharacteristic(deviceInfo, characteristic));
    return true;
    public boolean writeDescriptor(String  address,
                     UUID    serviceUUID,
                     UUID    characteristicUUID,
                     UUID    descriptorUUID,
                   byte[]  value) throws DeviceManagerException, DeviceNameNotFoundException {
    BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
    if (deviceInfo == null) {
      throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
    BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
    if (service == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
    if (characteristic == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found), address, characteristicUUID));
    BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(descriptorUUID);
    if (descriptor == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.descriptor_not_found), address, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID));
    return writeDescriptor(deviceInfo, characteristic, descriptor, value);
    public boolean writeDescriptor(BTDeviceInfo         deviceInfo,
                      BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                      BluetoothGattDescriptor    descriptor,
                      byte[]            value) throws DeviceManagerException {
    if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
      throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
    if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandWriteDescriptor(deviceInfo, descriptor));
    return true;
  public boolean readDescriptor(String   address, 
                  UUID     serviceUUID,
                  UUID     characteristicUUID, 
                  UUID     descriptorUUID)throws DeviceManagerException, DeviceNameNotFoundException {
    BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
    if (deviceInfo == null) {
      throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s",mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));
    BluetoothGattService service = deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID);
    if (service == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s",mContext.getString(R.string.service_not_found), address, serviceUUID));
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = service.getCharacteristic(characteristicUUID);
    if (characteristic == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.characteristic_not_found),address, characteristicUUID));
    BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic
    if (descriptor == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s %s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.descriptor_not_found), address, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID));
    return readDescriptor(deviceInfo, characteristic, descriptor);
  public boolean readDescriptor(BTDeviceInfo           deviceInfo,
                  BluetoothGattCharacteristic   characteristic,
                  BluetoothGattDescriptor    descriptor) throws DeviceManagerException {
    if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 
         throw new DeviceManagerException(mContext.getString(R.string.adapter_uninitialized));
    if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
      throw new DeviceManagerException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.no_gatt_info), deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress()));
    deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandReadDescriptor(deviceInfo, descriptor));
    return true;

    // wrapper to get support Gatt Services for a device
    public List<BluetoothGattService> getSupportedGattServices(String address) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
      BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
      return getSupportedGattServices(deviceInfo);

     * Retrieves a list of supported GATT services on the connected device. This should be
     * invoked only after {@code BluetoothGatt#discoverServices()} completes successfully.
     * @return A {@code List} of supported services.
    private List<BluetoothGattService> getSupportedGattServices(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
        if (deviceInfo.getGatt() == null) {
          return null;
        return deviceInfo.getGatt().getServices();
    public void discoverServices(String address) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
      BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
     * explicitly request the discover services call.
     * @param deviceInfo
    private void discoverServices(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
      deviceInfo.enqueueCommand(new BTLECommandDiscoverServices(deviceInfo));
     * read the remote RSSI from the device. The value is returned in BluetoothGattCallback.onRemoteRSSI()
     * @param address
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
    public void readRemoteRSSI(String address) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
     * retrieve the list of characterstics for the specified device and service
     * @param address device address
     * @param serviceUUID service UUID
     * @return list of bluetooth GATT characteristics.
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
    public List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> getCharacteristics(String address, UUID serviceUUID) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
      return getCharacteristics(deviceInfo, serviceUUID);    
    private List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> getCharacteristics(BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo, UUID serviceUUID) {
      return deviceInfo.getGatt().getService(serviceUUID).getCharacteristics();
     * are we trying to reconnect to this device?
     * @param deviceAddress
     * @return deviceInfo retryflag
    public boolean isRetrying(String deviceAddress) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(deviceAddress);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), deviceAddress));               
      return deviceInfo.isRetrying();
     * how many retries are left on this device?
     * @param deviceAddress
     * @return
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
    public int getRetryCount(String deviceAddress) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(deviceAddress);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), deviceAddress));               
      return deviceInfo.getRetryCount();
     * get the connection state for this device.
     * @param deviceAddress
     * @return BluetoothProfile
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
    public int getConnectionState(String deviceAddress)  throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(deviceAddress);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), deviceAddress));               
      return deviceInfo.getConnectionState();
     * get the parcelable profile for a device
     * @param address device MAC address
     * @return parcelable device profile.
     * @throws DeviceNameNotFoundException
    public BTDeviceProfile getDeviceProfile(String address) throws DeviceNameNotFoundException {
         BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(address);
      if (deviceInfo == null) {
        throw new DeviceNameNotFoundException(String.format("%s %s", mContext.getString(R.string.device_not_found), address));               
      return new BTDeviceProfile(deviceInfo.getDevice(), deviceInfo.getGatt(), deviceInfo.getConnectionState());     
     * search the list of device info for the device with the matching name.
     * @param address
     * @return
    public BTDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(String address) {
      for (BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo : mDeviceList) {
        if (deviceInfo.getDeviceAddress().equals(address)) {
          return deviceInfo;
      return null;
     * does the MAC address of this device match any device that we have scanned previously?
    public boolean inDeviceList(BluetoothDevice device) {
      return getDeviceInfo(device.getAddress()) != null;
    // turn off discovery, disconnect from any connected devices, kill the timer, and quit the scan thread.
    public void shutdown() {
      if (mBluetoothAdapter != null) {
      for (BTDeviceInfo deviceInfo : mDeviceList) {
             if (deviceInfo.getConnectionState() != BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
               if (deviceInfo.getGatt() != null) {
      if (sTimer != null) {
      if (mScanThread != null) {
    public Context getContext() {
      return mContext;
    public DeviceManagerCallback getCallback() {
      return mDeviceManagerCallback;

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