Android Open Source - Location/user

    1. OpenWlanMapNlpBackend
      UnifiedNlp backend that uses to resolve user location.
      Score:15 Min SDK:19 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    2. PopupPlaces
      An Android application which allows the user to select a location and add a notification to popup when they get there.
      Score:7 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    3. TaskWhere
      Location based task manager, creates taskes based on the location info and notify the user according to setted proximity radius. Definitely more effective than classical task managers.
      Score:4 Activity:4 Min SDK:3 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    4. SmartAlarm
      Android app that was originally developed at HackMIT. It uses the phones location and user's preferences to set a dynamic alarm based on weather.
      Score:4 Activity:3 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:17 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    5. loc_test
      Android service that uses GPS/Data from GSM to access and store user location.
      Score:3 Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    6. SosLocationApp
      Android application for sending users location via sms
      Score:3 Activity:1 Min SDK:19 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    7. LocationAlarm
      An alarm based on user location
      Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    8. LoggerApp
      The application will be used to primarily track a user's location when hiking, biking, etc. Furthermore it will visually display the route a user has travelled.
      Score:2 Activity:23 Java File:32 Manifest File:1

    9. SMS-based-Find-My-Phone
      An android app that responds with a location of where the phone is and can wake the phone from silent to a loud alert when sms commands that the user chooses are received.
      Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    10. geotaskit
      An Android application dedicated to providing a location-based task manager to busy users
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:5 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:14 Manifest File:1

    11. ElevationLogger
      This Android application is part of my master thesis about gathering air pressure data to create elevation profiles while maintaining user location anonymity.
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:16 Target SDK:19 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    12. Ringer-Manager
      An Android project which changes the mobile's ringer mode based on user's location
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:10 Java File:6 Manifest File:1

    13. LocationReminder
      LocationReminder is an application where the user can store tasks connected to a specific location.
      Score:1 Activity:10 Min SDK:14 Java File:17 Manifest File:1

    14. mypeeple
      My Peeple is an experimental Android app that allows users to broadcast their location status to family and close friends.
      Score:1 Activity:8 Min SDK:3 Java File:20 Manifest File:1

    15. Android-POI
      Pretty basic structure for a "point of interests" app. The web server handle the DB and provides lists of nearest POIs given the location of the user through the Android app.
      Score:1 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Java File:23 Manifest File:1

    16. android-location-tracker
      Android helper that tracks user location
      Score:1 Min SDK:8 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    17. Huntr
      Huntr is a Google Glass Application that allows users to find out location about an area they are in. It is useful for people who are house hunting in a new area they don't know much about. Huntr provides information on crime data, local amenities, property letting agency reviews and more
      Score:1 Activity:1 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    18. Android-mashup
      simple android application to store the alerts at a particular location and display these alerts when the user comes back to that position
      Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:10 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    19. Trackr
      An android app that tracks user location and posts it to a REST service.
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    20. locomode
      An Android app to remind user to change phone mode based on location detection.
      Activity:7 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    21. GooglePlaces
      Lists all the nearby hospitals within the user's location
      Activity:2 Min SDK:15 Target SDK:16 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    22. simpleLocationTracker
      Tracks user location with a set frequency and syncs location data with the server
      Activity:2 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:19 Java File:11 Manifest File:1

    23. COMP3720-Travel-Record
      COMP3720 Mobile Computing Project - Travel Record is an Android Application. It is used to record the locations where users travelled. Users can take photos and then get the locations through GPS. Those data will be stored in the application. Users can
      Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    24. Trending-Venues-Android-App
      Finds nearby trending venues depending on the user's current location
      Fragment:4 Activity:2 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:22 Manifest File:2

    25. Bluetooth-based-location-Authentication
      It is an implementation of LINK(Location Authentication through Immediate Neighbours Knowledge) for an android application namely"Rescount" which gives discount to users frequently visiting certain restaurants.
      Fragment:3 Activity:14 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:39 Manifest File:1

    26. LocationViewer
      Android App which gives location (latitude,longitude) of user
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:21 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    27. quick-shop
      An application which enables its users to select the best location to do their shopping.
      Activity:9 Min SDK:10 Target SDK:15 Java File:30 Manifest File:1

    28. E-merg
      An android application that helps users find emergency contacts of nearest Hospitals, Police, Ambulance depending on their geographical location.
      Fragment:4 Activity:1 Min SDK:7 Java File:18 Manifest File:2

    29. bodyguard
      Android App that send current location to a server and server constantly monitors the location based on app request. If user request is not updating addres it will alert nearest user of this app to help them.
      Fragment:2 Activity:3 Min SDK:12 Target SDK:19 Java File:22 Manifest File:1

    30. YWeather
      Android application which gives the user the weather forecast for a particular location (Zipcode/ City/State/Country) entered by the user.
      Activity:2 Min SDK:13 Target SDK:18 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    31. HoosSafe-App
      Hoo?s Safe is an android application that helps its users find a safe location on the grounds of the University of Virginia.
      Activity:6 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:19 Java File:9 Manifest File:1

    32. EsercitazioneAndroid
      A simple exercise to test an app that plays different songs depending on the user location
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:3 Manifest File:2

    33. iamhere
      An Android application that can detect user's location
      Activity:2 Min SDK:9 Java File:19 Manifest File:2

    34. That-photo-app-for-that-mobile-class
      This is an application that will be availble for android natively and accesible through mobile web that will allow users to attach photos to locations.
      Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:18 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    35. FSScanner
      Simple Android application that queries FourSquare for list of venues according to users location.
      Fragment:3 Activity:5 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:16 Java File:131 Manifest File:6