Android Open Source - quickstart-map-android Esri Quick Start

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Java Source Code

package com.esri.quickstart;
/*  w w w .  ja  v  a  2  s  .co m*/
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.esri.core.geometry.Envelope;
import com.esri.core.geometry.GeometryEngine;
import com.esri.core.geometry.LinearUnit;
import com.esri.core.geometry.MultiPath;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Point;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Polygon;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Polyline;
import com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Unit;
import com.esri.core.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol;
import com.esri.core.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol;
import com.esri.core.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol;
import com.esri.core.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE;
import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode.Locator;
import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode.LocatorGeocodeResult;
import com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode.LocatorReverseGeocodeResult;

 * A helper library for use with ArcGIS <code>MapView</code> and Android OS. Take advantage of this library
 * to accelerate your application development cycles. It includes many helper methods for dealing with maps
 * and basic graphics. It also has a built-in event bus to help you loosely couple the various components
 * in your Activities.
 * @author Andy Gup
 * @version 1.2.1
public class EsriQuickStart extends MapView {
  private MapView _mapView;
  private Activity _activity;  
  private boolean _isMapLoaded = false;
  private ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer _streets = null;
  private ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer _topo = null;
  private ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer _satellite = null;  
  private GraphicsLayer _pointsGraphicsLayer = null;
  private GraphicsLayer _drawGraphicsLayer = null;
  private MyTouchListener _myTouchListener;  
  private LocationService _locationService = null;
  private LocationManager _locationManager = null;
  private Location _lastKnownLocation = null;
  private EsriQuickStartEvent QSEvent;
  private Double _center_lat; 
  private Double _center_lon;
  private Double _center_scale;
  private static double _DEFAULT_SCALE = 1155581;
  private static double _DEFAULT_LAT = 37.719098; 
  private static double _DEFAULT_LON = -122.421916;
  private static double _DEFAULT_GPS_ACCURACY_RADIUS_METERS = 1000;
  private final static double SEARCH_RADIUS = 4;    
   * A helper library for use with ArcGIS <code>MapView</code> and Android OS. Take advantage of this library
   * to accelerate your application development cycles. It includes many helper methods for dealing with maps
   * and basic graphics. It also has a built-in event bus to help you loosely couple the various components
   * in your Activities.
   * @author Andy Gup
   * @version 1.2
   * @param activity A reference to the primary Activity where the map will be displayed
   * @param mapId id the mapView in your primary layout xml file, e.g. (;
  public EsriQuickStart(Activity activity,int mapId) {
    _activity = activity; 
    _mapView = (MapView) _activity.findViewById(mapId);
    QSEvent = new EsriQuickStartEvent(_activity);
    _streets = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(MapType.STREETS.getURL());
    _topo = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(MapType.TOPO.getURL());
    _satellite = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(MapType.SATELLITE.getURL());
    _pointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
    _drawGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
   * <b>REQUIRED!</b> Specifies a map from the choices listed in the Map enum. <br><br>
   * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> To swap layers use the <code>setBaseMapVisibility()</code> method.
   * @param maptype the type of map as defined by the public enum Map
   * @param latitude center the map at this latitude. If null then library uses <code>_DEFAULT_LAT</code>.
   * @param longitude center the map at this longitude. If null then library uses <code>_DEFAULT_LON</code>.
   * @param scale sets the scale when the map first loads. If null then library uses <code>_DEFAULT_SCALE</code>.
   * @param visible if you add multiple layers then it's a best practice to have one layer set to visible at a time.
   * @return ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
  public ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer addLayer(MapType maptype,Double latitude, Double longitude, Double scale, Boolean visible){

    _center_lat = latitude;
    _center_lon = longitude;
    _center_scale = scale;

    if(maptype == null){
      Log.d("EsriQuickStart","Warning: addLayer() maptype = null. The map will not display.");
    ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer mapLayer = setMapLayer(maptype, visible);
    return mapLayer;
  private void createDefaultLayers(){
    int pointsGraphicsLayerNumGraphics = _pointsGraphicsLayer.getNumberOfGraphics();
    int drawGraphicsLayerNumGraphics = _drawGraphicsLayer.getNumberOfGraphics();
    if(pointsGraphicsLayerNumGraphics == 0){
      _pointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
      _pointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
    if(drawGraphicsLayerNumGraphics == 0){
      _drawGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
      _pointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
  private void setMapListeners(){
    _mapView.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
           Point latlon;
      public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
             if (OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS.INITIALIZED == status && source == _mapView) {
               if(_isMapLoaded == false){
                 _isMapLoaded = true;
            if(_center_lat == null || _center_lon == null){
              latlon = new Point(_DEFAULT_LON,_DEFAULT_LAT);
              latlon = new Point(_center_lon,_center_lat);
            Point point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());    
            if(_center_scale == null){
              Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib", "setOnStatusChangedListener() STATUS: " + status);  
              QSEvent.dispatchStatusEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.STATUS_INITIALIZED), status.toString(), source);               
             if (OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS.LAYER_LOADING_FAILED == status && source == _mapView){
               Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib", "setMapListeners() STATUS: " + status + ", " + status.toString());
               displayToast("There was a map problem with loading a layer: " + status.toString());
               QSEvent.dispatchStatusErrorEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.STATUS_LAYER_LOADING_FAILED), status.toString());
   * Creates a new map layer via the <code>MapType</code>. If layer exists
   * this method writes error to <code>Log</code> and will not create a duplicate
   * layer.
   * @param maptype
   * @param visible whether or not you want the layer to be visible
   * @return ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
  private ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer setMapLayer(MapType maptype, Boolean visible){

    ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tempLayer = null;
    case STREETS:
      if(layerExists(MapType.STREETS) == false){
        _streets.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {

          private static final long serialVersionUID = -4632603154399767754L;

          public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
            handleStatusEvent(status, MapType.STREETS);
        tempLayer = _streets;
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","Error: setMapLayer() - STREETS already exists.");
    case TOPO:
      if(layerExists(MapType.TOPO) == false){
        _topo.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1494551602695195478L;

          public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
            handleStatusEvent(status, MapType.TOPO);          }
        tempLayer = _topo;
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","Error: setMapLayer() - TOPO already exists.");
    case SATELLITE:  
      if(layerExists(MapType.SATELLITE) == false){
        _satellite.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 2127005438050776513L;

          public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
            handleStatusEvent(status, MapType.SATELLITE);  
        tempLayer = _satellite;
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","Error: setMapLayer() - SATELLITE already exists.");
    return tempLayer;
   * Internal method handling MapView and Layer status change events.
   * @param status
   * @param mapType
  private void handleStatusEvent(OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS status, MapType mapType){
    if (OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS.INITIALIZED == status){
      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib", "setMapLayer() MapType: " + ", " + status.toString());      
    if (OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS.INITIALIZATION_FAILED == status){
      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib", "setMapLayer() STATUS: " + status + ", " + status.toString());
      displayToast("There was a map problem with loading a layer: " + status.toString());
      // TODO

   * Allows you to toggle map visibility between <code>MapType.STREETS</code>,<code>MapType.TOPO</code>,
   * and <code>MapType.SATELLITE</code>. Safe to use even if map layer is null.
   * @param maptype The Map enum specifying which map will be visible.
  public void setBaseMapVisibility(MapType maptype){
    boolean streets = layerExists(MapType.STREETS);
    boolean topo = layerExists(MapType.TOPO);
    boolean satellite = layerExists(MapType.SATELLITE);
    case STREETS:      
    case TOPO:
    case SATELLITE:    
      //TODO always leave graphicslayer on top

   * Returns whether or not a MapType layer has been added or not via <code>addLayer()</code>
   * @param maptype
   * @return Boolean confirms the layer exists
  public Boolean layerExists(MapType maptype){
    Boolean exists = false;
    String layerName = null;
    Layer[] layerArr = _mapView.getLayers();
    for(Layer layer : layerArr)
      if(layer instanceof ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer){
        ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tempMap = (ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) layer;
        ArcGISLayerInfo[] info = tempMap.getLayers();
        if(info != null){
          layerName = info[0].getName().toLowerCase();
          if(layerName.contains("world imagery") && maptype == MapType.SATELLITE){
            exists = true;
          if(layerName.contains("topographic info") && maptype == MapType.TOPO){
            exists = true;
          if(layerName.contains("world street map") && maptype == MapType.STREETS){
            exists = true;
    return exists;
   * Easy way to check if a GraphicsLayer exists
   * @param graphicsLayer
   * @return boolean
  public Boolean layerExists(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer){
    Boolean exists = false;
    String layerName = graphicsLayer.getName();
    Layer[] layerArr = _mapView.getLayers();
    for(Layer layer : layerArr)
      if(layer instanceof GraphicsLayer){
        GraphicsLayer tempLayer = (GraphicsLayer) layer;
        if(tempLayer.getName() == layerName){
          exists = true;

    return exists;
   * Returns the name of the current visible ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
   * @return String The layer name
  public String getCurrentVisibleLayerName(){
    String layerName = null;
    Layer[] layerArr = _mapView.getLayers();
    for(Layer layer : layerArr)
      Boolean visible = layer.isVisible();
      if(layer instanceof ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer && visible == true){
        ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tempMap = (ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) layer;
        ArcGISLayerInfo[] info = tempMap.getLayers();
        if(info != null)layerName = info[0].getName().toLowerCase();
    return layerName;
   * Helper method that finds closest graphic based on a map click.  
   * @param x Float value of x from map click
   * @param y Float value of y from map click
   * @param graphicsLayer a reference to any <code>GraphicsLayer</code> being used by your app.
   * @param tolerance the tolerance in pixels. Recommended value is 25 or greater.
   * @return Graphic returns null if no <code>Graphic</code> is found
  public Graphic findClosestGraphic(float x, float y,GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer,int tolerance){
      Graphic graphic = null;
    int[] graphicIDs = graphicsLayer.getGraphicIDs(x, y, tolerance);
    if (graphicIDs != null && graphicIDs.length > 0) {
      graphic = graphicsLayer.getGraphic(graphicIDs[0]);
    return graphic;
   * Helper method that uses latitude/longitude points to programmatically 
   * draw a <code>SimpleMarkerSymbol</code> and adds the <code>Graphic</code> to map.
   * @param latitude
   * @param longitude
   * @param attributes
   * @param style You defined the style via the Enum <code>SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE</code>
  public void addGraphicLatLon(double latitude, double longitude, Map<String, Object> attributes, SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE style){
    Point latlon = new Point(longitude,latitude);    
    //Convert latlon Point to mercator map point.
    Point point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());    
    //Set market's color, size and style. You can customize these as you see fit
    SimpleMarkerSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(Color.BLUE,25, style);      
    Graphic graphic = new Graphic(point, symbol,attributes);
   * Helper method that uses latitude/longitude points to programmatically 
   * draw a <code>SimpleMarkerSymbol</code> and adds the <code>Graphic</code> to map.
   * @param latitude
   * @param longitude
   * @param attributes
   * @param style You defined the style via the Enum <code>SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE</code>
   * @param color The color of the marker. E.g. Color.BLUE
   * @param size The size of the marker
  public void addGraphicLatLon(double latitude, double longitude, Map<String, Object> attributes, 
      SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE style, int color, int size){
    Point latlon = new Point(longitude,latitude);    
    //Convert latlon Point to mercator map point.
    Point point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());    
    //Set market's color, size and style. You can customize these as you see fit
    SimpleMarkerSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(color ,size, style);      
    Graphic graphic = new Graphic(point, symbol,attributes);
   * Helper method uses latitude/longitude to programmatrically draw a simple, non-annotated line and add it to the map.
   * @param lineArray a <code>String</code> Array containing "lat,lon" pairs.
   * @param style use SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE
   * @param color the color of the line. e.g. Color.BLUE
  public void addGraphicLine(String[] lineArray, SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE style, int color){
    SimpleLineSymbol symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(color,5,style);

    Float lat;
    Float lon;
    Point latlon;
    Point point;
    Boolean startPoint = false;
    Graphic graphic;
    MultiPath poly = new Polyline();  
    for(String s : lineArray){
      lat = Float.parseFloat(s.split(",")[0]);
      lon = Float.parseFloat(s.split(",")[1]);
      latlon = new Point(lon,lat);
      //Convert latlon Point to mercator map point.
      point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());
      if(startPoint == false){

        startPoint = true;

        //Create a Graphic and add polyline geometry
        graphic = new Graphic(latlon,symbol);

         //Add the updated graphic to graphics layer
        graphic = new Graphic(poly,symbol);
   * Helper method that uses latitude/longitude to center the map
   * @param latitude
   * @param longitude
   * @param animated
  public void centerAt(double latitude, double longitude, boolean animated){
    Point latlon = new Point(longitude,latitude);    
    //Convert latlon Point to mercator map point.
    Point point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());
    _mapView.centerAt(point, animated);
   * Helper method that uses latitude/longitude to center the map
   * @param latitude
   * @param longitude
   * @param scale Get info on scale at the map services REST endpoing. See MapType.getURL().
   * @param animated
  public void centerAt(double latitude, double longitude, Double scale, boolean animated){
    Point latlon = new Point(longitude,latitude);    
    //Convert latlon Point to mercator map point.
    Point point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());
    _mapView.centerAt(point, animated);

    if(scale == null){
   * Helper method that displays a TOAST message. Default is TOAST.LENGTH_LONG.
   * @param message The message you wish to be displayed in TOAST.
   * @param toastLength (Optional) valid options are Toast.LENGTH_LONG or Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.
  public void displayToast(String message,int... toastLength) {
    int length = Toast.LENGTH_LONG;
    if(toastLength.length != 0){
      length = toastLength[0];
    Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getContext(),
   * <b>REQUIRED:</b> Sets the DrawType for the draw functionality. Without
   * this you will get a <code>nullPointerException.</code><br><br>
   * <b>NOTE:</b> For more complex editing, such as editing attributes or points
   * within a polygon see the Editing samples in the SDK
   * @param drawType
  public void setDrawType(DrawType drawType){
   * Performs safety checks before starting the LocationService. Should be limited to internal methods within
   * the EsriQuickStartLib. <br>
   * It is almost always better to use delayedStartLocation() to guarantee that map is loaded first and LocationService
   * has fully initialized and all its listeners have been enabled.
   * @throws LOCATION_EXCEPTION if unable to shutdown the LocationService
   * @see delayedStartLocationService for thread safe starting after an Activity change
  public void startLocationService(){
      if(_locationService.isStarted() == false){
        Location loc = new Location("null"); 
        QSEvent.dispatchLocationChangedEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_INITIALIZED),loc);  
    catch(Exception exc){
      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib startLocation() unable to start. " + exc.toString());
   * Internal method for killing of all location listeners and managers
  private void shutdownAllLocation(){
    _locationManager = null;
    _locationService = null;
   * Stops LocationService. Checks if it is running first. Attempts 5 times to stop the service.
   * @param silent OPTIONAL will prevent this method from dispatching shutdown events. Accepts <code>null</code> values.
   * @throws MapViewEventType.LOCATION_SHUTDOWN 
  public void stopLocationService(final Boolean... silent){

    if(_locationService != null){
        if(_locationService.isStarted() == true){

        if(_locationService.isStarted() == false){
          //Be sure to kill off all location listeners and managers
          Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation() LocationService has stopped.");
          if(silent == null || silent.length == 0){
            QSEvent.dispatchLocationShutdownEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_SHUTDOWN), "LocationService stopped via stopLocation() request");
          Runnable task = new Runnable() {
            final Handler handler = new Handler();
            public void run() {

              handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                int counter = 0;
                public void run() {
                    boolean test = _locationService.isStarted();
                    Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation(): attempting to run stopLocation(). Attempt #" + counter);
                    if(test == false){
                      //Be sure to kill off all location listeners and managers
                      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation() LocationService has stopped.");
                      if(silent == null || silent.length == 0){
                        QSEvent.dispatchLocationShutdownEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_SHUTDOWN), "LocationService stopped via stopLocation() request");
                      if(counter < 5){
                        handler.postDelayed(this, 5000);
                        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation(): Unable to stop location after 5 attempts.");
                        QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_EXCEPTION),"Unable to stop location");
                  catch(Exception exc){
                    Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation() exception: " + exc.toString());
                    QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_EXCEPTION),exc.toString());
              }, 2000);          
          Thread thread = new Thread(task);  
      catch(Exception exc){
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib stopLocation() unable to stop. " + exc.toString());
        QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_EXCEPTION),exc.toString());
   * Last known location taken from cache.
   * @return Location this will be <code>null</code> if location not known.
  public Location getLastKnowLocation(){
    return _lastKnownLocation;
   * Uses a Handler to delay the start of the location service until the base map has fully initialized. This is the
   * preferred method when accessing this controller publicly. By default it will try 5 times to start().
   * If you don't do this, then you'll get <code>nullPointerException</code> when the location service attempts
   * to plot a graphic on a non-existent map.
   * @param gpsSnapshotMode OPTIONAL set to true if you want the GPS to settle down first before dispatching location event
   * and then auomatically shutoff. Listen for event via <code>MapViewEvent.LOCATION_UPDATE</code> 
   * The shutdown threshold is determined by <code>_DEFAULT_GPS_ACCURACY_RADIUS_METERS</code>
   * @throws LOCATION_INITIALIZED when LocationService is initialized but before start() is called.
   * @throws LOCATION_DELAYEDSTART_FAILURE if unable to start LocationService.
  public void delayedStartLocationService(final boolean...gpsSnapshotMode){  
    Runnable task = new Runnable() {
      final Handler handler = new Handler();  
      public void run() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

          handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            int counter = 0;
            public void run() {
                boolean test = isMapLoaded();
                Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib delayedStartLocation(): Testing if layer is loaded. Attempt #" + counter);
                if(test == true){
                  Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib delayedStartLocation(): map is loaded.");
                  //LocationService is null, if so we need to reinitialize all the listeners and attributes
                  if(_locationService == null && 
                      (gpsSnapshotMode.length == 0 || gpsSnapshotMode == null || gpsSnapshotMode[0] == false)){                     
                    //Snapshot mode false
                    setLocationListener(true, false,true);
                  else if(gpsSnapshotMode.length == 0 || gpsSnapshotMode[0] == false){
                    setLocationListener(true, false,true);
                    //Snapshot mode true
                    setLocationListener(true, true,true);
                  if(counter < 5){
                    handler.postDelayed(this, 5000);
                    Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib delayedStartLocation(): Unable to reinitialize location.");
                    QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_DELAYEDSTART_EXCEPTION),"Attempting to start location service failed after 5 attempts.");
              catch(Exception exc){
                Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib delayedStartLocation() exception: " + exc.toString());
                QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_DELAYEDSTART_EXCEPTION),exc.toString());
          }, 250);          
        catch(Exception exc){
          Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib delayedStartLocation() exception: " + exc.toString());
          QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_DELAYEDSTART_EXCEPTION),exc.toString());
    Thread thread = new Thread(task);
   * Starts the location service. A reference to the location service is available through
   * the <code>getLocationService()</code> method. <br>
   * <b>IMPORTANT!</b> Make sure the map is initialized before setting the listeners. 
   * @param autoCenter if set to true this will force the map to center on each location update.
   * @param gpsSnapshotMode OPTIONAL set to true if you want the GPS to settle down first and then shutoff. 
   * The shutdown threshold is determined by <code>_DEFAULT_GPS_ACCURACY_RADIUS_METERS</code>
   * @param autoStart (Optional) starts the location service immediately.
   * @throws LOCATION_ERROR if an error was encountered while trying to start() the service,
   * or after multiple null values have been thrown by the device.
   * @see getLocationService provides a reference to the location service.
   * @see delayedStartLocationService
  private void setLocationListener(boolean autoCenter,final boolean gpsSnapshotMode, boolean... autoStart){
    boolean locationEnabled = isLocationEnabled();
    Location lastKnownLocation = null;

    _locationManager = (LocationManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    // Or use LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER
    final Boolean networkProviderEnabled = _locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
    final Boolean gpsProviderEnabled = _locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
    if(networkProviderEnabled == true){
      lastKnownLocation = _locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
    else if(gpsProviderEnabled == true){
      lastKnownLocation = _locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib", "IMPORTANT: Neither NETWORK_PROVIDER nor GPS_PROVIDER are available.");

    //If possible use the last known location when map first launches
    if(locationEnabled == false && lastKnownLocation != null){      
    else if (lastKnownLocation != null) {

    final boolean _autoCenter = autoCenter; 

    _locationService = _mapView.getLocationService(); 
    _locationService.setLocationListener(new LocationListener() {
      int counter = 0;
      public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib - location provider status changed!");
      public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
        Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib - location provider has been enabled!");  
      public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
      public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {        
        if (location != null) {
          Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib - onLocationChanged: " + 
              Double.toString(location.getLatitude()) + ", " + Double.toString(location.getLongitude()));  
            QSEvent.dispatchLocationChangedEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_UPDATE),location);
            if(location.getAccuracy() < _DEFAULT_GPS_ACCURACY_RADIUS_METERS && gpsSnapshotMode == true){
              Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","onLocationChanged() snapshot mode = true. Criteria has been met. " +
                  "Stopping location listener. ");
              //Assign some basic attributes to the point
              DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
              Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
              attributes.put("Lat", df.format(location.getLatitude()));
              attributes.put("Lon", df.format(location.getLongitude()));
              addGraphicLatLon(location.getLatitude(),location.getLongitude(), attributes, SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE.DIAMOND);
              QSEvent.dispatchLocationShutdownEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_SHUTDOWN), "LocationService stopped via stopLocation() request");
          counter = 0;
          Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","setLocationListener() location is null. There might be a problem. ");
          QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_EXCEPTION),"Error counter = " + counter);
          if(counter > 3){
            Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","setLocationListener() location is null. There might be a problem. Shutting down location service.");
            QSEvent.dispatchLocationExceptionEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_EXCEPTION),"Too many null location values. Stopping location service.");            
            counter = 0;
            //TO-DO consider adding an event when location service is stopped.
    if(autoStart != null && autoStart[0] == true && locationEnabled == true){
      Location loc = new Location("null"); 
      QSEvent.dispatchLocationChangedEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.LOCATION_INITIALIZED),loc);  
   * Zooms the map given a Location.<br>
   * Uses final static double SEARCH_RADIUS set to Envelope.
   * @param location android.location.Location
  protected void zoomToLocation(Location location){
    double locy = location.getLatitude();
    double locx = location.getLongitude(); 
    Point wgspoint = new Point(locx, locy);
    Point mapPoint = (Point) GeometryEngine
    //found a multi-threading bug that the spatialReference may not be immediately available.
      SpatialReference sr = _mapView.getSpatialReference(); 
      Unit mapUnit = sr.getUnit();  
      double zoomWidth = Unit.convertUnits(
      Envelope zoomExtent = new Envelope(mapPoint,
          zoomWidth, zoomWidth); 
    catch(Exception exc){
      Log.d("EsriQuickStartLib","EsriQuickStartLib zoomToLocation() + " + exc.toString());
   * Provide the user a dialog box when the GPS is disabled.
  private void showGPSDisabledAlertToUser(){
    AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext());
    alertDialogBuilder.setMessage("GPS is disabled in your device. Would you like to enable it?")
      .setPositiveButton("Goto Settings Page To Enable GPS",
          new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id){ 
              Intent callGPSSettingIntent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS);
      alertDialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id){
    AlertDialog alert = alertDialogBuilder.create();;
   * Determines whether or not location via <code>GPS_PROVIDER</code> or <code>NETWORK_PROVIDER</code> has been enabled on the device
   * @return boolean
  public boolean isLocationEnabled(){
    boolean enabled = false;
    LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    if(locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) || 
      enabled = true;
    return enabled;
   * Clear only the points graphic layer.
  public void clearPointsGraphicLayer(){
   * Clear only the draw graphic layer
  public void clearDrawGraphicLayer(){
   * Clear graphics from all layers. Full reset.
  public void clearAllGraphics(){
   * Overloaded pause method used to ensure the MapView used internally is paused correctly.
  public void pause(){
   * Overloaded unpause method used to ensure the MapView used internally is unpaused correctly.
  public void unpause(){
   * Restores the MapOnTouchListener to its default 
  public void setDefaultTouchListener(){
    MapOnTouchListener ml = new MapOnTouchListener(getContext(), _mapView);
   * Set the MyTouchListener which overrides various user touch events.<br><br>
   * REQUIRED to use with <code>setDrawType()</code>
   * @see setDrawType
  public void setDrawTouchListener(){
    _myTouchListener = new MyTouchListener(getContext(), _mapView);
   * Helper method that returns a reference to the INTERNAL MapView instance
   * @return MapView
  public MapView getMapView(){
    return _mapView;
   * Helper method that returns whether or not the location service has been started.
   * @return boolean
  public boolean isLocationStarted(){
    boolean test = false;
    if(_locationService != null){
      if(_locationService.isStarted())test = true;
    return test;
   * Helper method that returns a reference to the INTERNAL Streets layer. 
   * @return the layer or null
  public ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer getStreetsLayer(){
    return _streets;

   * Helper method that returns a reference to the INTERNAL Topo layer.
   * @return the layer or null
  public ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer getTopoLayer(){
    return _topo;
   * Helper method that returns a reference to the INTERNAL Satellite layer.
   * @return the layer or null
  public ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer getSatelliteLayer(){
    return _satellite;
   * Helper method that returns a reference to the EsriQuickStartLib points graphics layer
   * @return GraphicsLayer
  public GraphicsLayer getPointsLayer(){
    return _pointsGraphicsLayer;
   * Helper method that returns a reference to the EsriQuickStartLib drawing graphics layer
   * @return GraphicsLayer
  public GraphicsLayer getDrawLayer(){
    return _drawGraphicsLayer;
   * Public property for detecting if a base map has been loaded.
   * @return boolean
  public boolean isMapLoaded(){
    return _isMapLoaded; 
   * This enum specifies default maps that are available through this library.
  public enum MapType{
     * Street map world
     * Topographic map world
     * Satellite imagery map world
    private String url;
    private MapType(String url){
      this.url = url;
     * Allows you to retrieve the URL for each MapType enum
     * @return URL String
    public String getURL(){
      return url;
   * This enum specifies default drawing types that are available through this library. 
  public enum DrawType{
   * This enum provides several different geocoder options.
  public enum Geocoder{
     * North America specific geocoder. URL available via <code>getURL()</code>.
     * World geocoder URL available via <code>getURL()</code>.

    private String url;
    private Geocoder(String url){
      this.url = url;
     * Allows you to retrieve the URL for each geocoder enum
     * @return URL String
    public String getURL(){
      return url;
   * Helper method that finds an address by x and y. this is usually derived by a user clicking on the map
   * and no conversion is needed. <br><br>
   * For example: public void onSingleTap(final float x, final float y) {...}<br><br>
   * Uses <code>ReverseGeocoder</code> which runs asynchronously. 
   * Listen for events via <code>MapViewEvent.REVERSEGEOCODE_ADDRESS_COMPLETE</code> internally and
   * <code>onAddressResultEvent</code> externally.
   * @param x a screen point
   * @param y a screen point
   * @see dispatchGeocodeEvent 
   * @see onAddressResultEvent
  public void findAddressByXY(float x, float y){
    HashMap<String, Double> addressFields = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    addressFields.put("X", (double)x);
    addressFields.put("Y", (double)y);  
    addressFields.put("useLatLon", (double)0.0); //false

    new ReverseGeocoder(Geocoder.TA_ADDRESS_NA).execute(addressFields);
   * Helper method that finds an address by latitude and longitude. We use double to accommodate high-precision
   * lat/lons.<br><br>
   * Uses <code>ReverseGeocoder</code> which runs asynchronously. 
   * Listen for events via <code>MapViewEvent.REVERSEGEOCODE_ADDRESS_COMPLETE</code> internally and
   * <code>onAddressResultEvent</code> externally.   * 
   * @param latitude
   * @param longitude
   * @see dispatchGeocodeEvent 
   * @see onAddressResultEvent   * 
  public void findAddressByLatLon(double latitude, double longitude){
    HashMap<String, Double> addressFields = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    addressFields.put("X", latitude);
    addressFields.put("Y", longitude);  
    addressFields.put("useLatLon", 1.0); //true

    new ReverseGeocoder(Geocoder.TA_ADDRESS_NA).execute(addressFields);
   * Executes a reverse geocode task asynchronously. Converts x/y to address. Extends AsyncTask.<br>
   * Listen for results via <code>MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_COMPLETE</code> and
   * exceptions via <code>MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION</code>
  public class ReverseGeocoder
      AsyncTask<java.util.Map<java.lang.String, Double>, Void, LocatorReverseGeocodeResult> {

    private Locator _addressLocator;

     * Set the type of geocoder that you wish to use.
     * @param geocoder Geocoder enum
    public ReverseGeocoder(Geocoder geocoder){      
      _addressLocator =new Locator(geocoder.getURL());
    protected void onPostExecute(LocatorReverseGeocodeResult result) {      
      QSEvent.dispatchGeocodeEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.REVERSEGEOCODE_ADDRESS_COMPLETE),result,null);  
      _addressLocator = null;

    protected LocatorReverseGeocodeResult doInBackground(Map<String, Double>... params) {

      SpatialReference sr;
      final Point point;
      LocatorReverseGeocodeResult result = null;
      if(params[0].get("useLatLon") == 1.0){
        sr = SpatialReference.create(4326);
        Point latlon = new Point(params[0].get("Y"),params[0].get("X"));  
        point = (Point)GeometryEngine.project(latlon,SpatialReference.create(4326), _mapView.getSpatialReference());
        sr = _mapView.getSpatialReference();
        point = _mapView.toMapPoint(params[0].get("X").floatValue(),params[0].get("Y").floatValue());  
      try {

         * API v1.1 method signature changed to take SpatialReference
         * parameter instead of int wkid.
        result = _addressLocator.reverseGeocode(point, 1000.00, sr, sr);
      } catch (Exception e) { 
        QSEvent.dispatchGeocodeEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.REVERSEGEOCODE_ADDRESS_EXCEPTION),(LocatorReverseGeocodeResult)null,e.toString());
      return result; 

   * Helper method that takes an address as input and then runs it through a Locator service. <br><br>
   * Uses <code>AddressLocator</code> which runs asynchronously. 
   * Listen for results via MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_COMPLETE and for exceptions via MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION
   * @param address Can be comma delimited or single line
  public void findAddress(String address) {

    try {
      HashMap<String, String> addressFields = new HashMap<String, String>();
      // get the user entered address and create arcgis
      // locator address fields
      //String address = edtText.getText().toString();

      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(address, ",");

      if (st.countTokens() == 4) {

        addressFields.put("Address", st.nextToken());
        addressFields.put("City", st.nextToken());
        addressFields.put("State", st.nextToken());
        addressFields.put("Zip", st.nextToken());

      } else if (st.countTokens() == 3) {

        addressFields.put("Address", st.nextToken());
        addressFields.put("City", st.nextToken());
        addressFields.put("State", st.nextToken());

      } else {
        addressFields.put("SingleLine", address);

      if (address != null) {

          new AddressLocator(Geocoder.ESRI_PLACES_WORLD).execute(addressFields);
          //displayToast("Please enter address in correct format.");
          QSEvent.dispatchAddressEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION),(java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult>)null,
              "Please enter address in correct format.");          

        //displayToast("Please enter address in correct format.");
        QSEvent.dispatchAddressEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION),(java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult>)null,
            "Please enter address in correct format.");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      QSEvent.dispatchAddressEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION),(java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult>)null,e.toString());
   * Executes geocode task asynchronously. Extends AsyncTask.
   * Listen for results via <code>MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_COMPLETE</code> and
   * exceptions via <code>MapViewEvent.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION</code>
  public class AddressLocator
      AsyncTask<java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>, Void, java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult>> {
    private Locator _addressLocator;
    public AddressLocator(Geocoder geocoder){
      _addressLocator =new Locator(geocoder.getURL());
    protected void onPostExecute(java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult> result) {      
      QSEvent.dispatchAddressEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.ADDRESS_COMPLETE),result,null);                
      _addressLocator = null;

    protected List<LocatorGeocodeResult> doInBackground(
        Map<String, String>... params) {

      SpatialReference sr = _mapView.getSpatialReference();
      List<LocatorGeocodeResult> results = null;
      //_addressLocator =new Locator(LOCATOR_ENDPOINT_NA);
      _addressLocator =new Locator(Geocoder.ESRI_PLACES_WORLD.getURL());
      try {

         * API v1.1 method signature changed to take SpatialReference
         * parameter instead of int wkid.
        // perform geocode operation
        results = _addressLocator.geocode(params[0], null, sr);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        QSEvent.dispatchAddressEvent(new EsriQuickStartEvent(MapViewEventType.ADDRESS_EXCEPTION),(java.util.List<LocatorGeocodeResult>)null,e.toString());  
      return results; 
   * Adds the eventListenerList for EsriQuickStart
   * @param listener
  public void addEventListener(EsriQuickStartEventListener listener){
    QSEvent.eventListenerList.add(EsriQuickStartEventListener.class, listener);
   * Removes the eventListenerList for EsriQuickStart
   * @param listener
  public void removeEventListener(EsriQuickStartEventListener listener){
    QSEvent.eventListenerList.remove(EsriQuickStartEventListener.class, listener);
   * Override MapView's touch listener in order to implement drawing capabilities.<br><br>
   * Use <code>setMyTouchListener()</code> to start or override events,
   * and <code>setDrawType()</code>.
   * @see setMyTouchListener
   * @see setDrawType 
  public class MyTouchListener extends MapOnTouchListener {
    // ArrayList<Point> polylinePoints = new ArrayList<Point>();

    private MultiPath poly;
    //String type = "";
    private DrawType drawType = null;
    private Point startPoint = null;
    private Button _clearButton;
    private SimpleFillSymbol _simpleFillSymbol = null;

      * Override MapView's touch listener.<br><br>
      * Use <code>setMyTouchListener()</code> to start or override events,
      * and <code>setDrawType()</code>.
     * @param context
     * @param view
     * @see setMyTouchListener
     * @see setDrawType
    public MyTouchListener(Context context, MapView view) {
      super(context, view);
      _simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(Color.RED);

     * Sets the type of object that you want to draw.
     * @param drawType
    public void setDrawType(DrawType drawType){
      this.drawType = drawType;

     * Gets the current drawing type for the drawing tool.
     * @return
    public DrawType getDrawType() {
      return this.drawType;
     * Let's you pass in a reference to a button that you want to use
     * to clear the graphics layer used for drawing. <code>MyTouchListener</code>
     * will toggle it on via <code>setEnabled(true)</code> when the user draws something.
     * <br><br>
     * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> If you don't do this you'll get a nullPointerException.
     * @param button
     * @see clearDrawGraphicsLayer
    public void setDrawClearButton(Button button){
      _clearButton = button;
     * Clears all drawing graphics.
    public void clearDrawGraphicsLayer(){
     * Clears ALL graphics.
     * Added at v1.2.
    public void clearAllGraphics(){

     * Invoked when user single taps on the map view. This event handler
     * draws a point at user-tapped location, only after "Draw Point" is
     * selected from Spinner. 
     * @see
     * MotionEvent)
    public boolean onSingleTap(MotionEvent e) {
      if (drawType.equals(DrawType.POINT)) {
        Graphic graphic = new Graphic(_mapView.toMapPoint(new Point(e.getX(), e
            .getY())),new SimpleMarkerSymbol(Color.RED,25,STYLE.DIAMOND));
        return true;
      return false;


     * Invoked when user drags finger across screen. Polygon or Polyline is
     * drawn only when right selected is made from Spinner
     * @see, 
     * android.view.MotionEvent)
    public boolean onDragPointerMove(MotionEvent from, MotionEvent to) {
      if (drawType.equals(DrawType.POLYLINE)){
        MultiPath polyline = new Polyline();
        Point mapPt = _mapView.toMapPoint(to.getX(), to.getY());
        startPoint = _mapView.toMapPoint(from.getX(), from.getY());
        polyline.startPath((float) startPoint.getX(),
            (float) startPoint.getY());

        polyline.lineTo((float) mapPt.getX(), (float) mapPt.getY());
        _drawGraphicsLayer.addGraphic(new Graphic(polyline,new SimpleLineSymbol(Color.BLUE,5)));
        return true;
      if (drawType.equals(DrawType.POLYGON)) {
        Point mapPt = _mapView.toMapPoint(to.getX(), to.getY());

        if (startPoint == null) {
          poly = new Polygon();
          startPoint = _mapView.toMapPoint(from.getX(), from.getY());
          poly.startPath((float) startPoint.getX(),
              (float) startPoint.getY());

        poly.lineTo((float) mapPt.getX(), (float) mapPt.getY());
        _drawGraphicsLayer.addGraphic(new Graphic(poly,_simpleFillSymbol));
        return true;
      return super.onDragPointerMove(from, to);

    public boolean onDragPointerUp(MotionEvent from, MotionEvent to) {
      if (drawType.equals(DrawType.POLYLINE) || drawType.equals(DrawType.POLYGON)) {

         * When user releases finger, add the last point to polyline.
        if (drawType.equals(DrawType.POLYGON)) {
          poly.lineTo((float) startPoint.getX(),
              (float) startPoint.getY());
          _drawGraphicsLayer.addGraphic(new Graphic(poly,_simpleFillSymbol));

        startPoint = null;
        return true;
      return super.onDragPointerUp(from, to);

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