Android Open Source - wherewithal Card Players List Activity

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Java Source Code

package com.curchod.wherewithal;
//  w  ww.ja v a2  s  .  c  o  m
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.curchod.domartin.Constants;
import com.curchod.domartin.HouseDeck;
import com.curchod.domartin.IWantTo;
import com.curchod.domartin.UtilityTo;
import com.curchod.dto.Card;
import com.curchod.dto.DeckCard;

 * Display a list of players signed up for a game, as well as info about the game.
 * Let the user choose a player to move on to the next activity
 * where we show the words for their cards and register each card allow them to register each card
 * in a time consuming fashion.
 * For that reason, in the next activity a user can choose to use a house deck from a menu item.
 * Once that association is made it is sent to the server, which when we get the test words again,
 * will have those deck card associations.
 * @author user
public class CardPlayersListActivity extends ListActivity 

  private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "CardPlayersListActivity"; 
  private Hashtable <String, String> player_name_ids;
  private CardPlayersListActivity activity = this;
  private String selected_test_id;
  private String selected_test_name;
  private String selected_test_type;
  private String selected_test_status;
  private String selected_test_format;
  private String number_of_words;
  final Context context = this;  
  URL text = null;
  private Hashtable <String, String> test_words;
  /**This is used to highlight the players who have finished setting up their cards.*/
  private Hashtable <String, String> player_name_status;
  private ArrayAdapter array_adapter;
  //private static final int use_house_deck_id = 1;
  private HouseDeck house_deck;
  private Hashtable <String, HouseDeck> house_deck_names_decks;
  String selected_house_deck_name;
  /* This is used so that when a user selects a test, and we find out that the test has been associated with a house deck in the past
   * which means they have cards with those house deck card names on them, we need to have the house decks on hand to get the right one. */
  private Hashtable <String,HouseDeck> house_decks;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
        String method = "onCreate";
        String build = "build 51";
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" "+build);
    final String[] PLAYERS = getPlayerNamesAndExtras(); 
    //ListView list_view = (ListView) findViewById(;
    ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,, PLAYERS);
        array_adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, com.curchod.wherewithal.R.layout.activity_card_players_list, 
        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
            final View renderer = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
            int this_position = 0;
            ListView list_view = getListView();
            ArrayAdapter<?> adapter = (ArrayAdapter<?>) list_view.getAdapter();
            for (int pos = 0; pos < adapter.getCount(); pos++)
          String item = (String)adapter.getItem(pos);
            if (player_name_status.get(item).equals(Constants.READY))
              this_position = pos;
              Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, pos+" Ready "+player_name_status.get(item));
            } else
              Log.i(DEBUG_TAG,  pos+" not ready "+player_name_status.get(item));
          } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
            Log.i(DEBUG_TAG,  "Line 82 error: It would be a better idea to fix the way the player status is put into the intext instead of using a try/catch block.");
            if (position == this_position)
            } else
            return renderer;
    final ListView list_view = getListView();
        list_view.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() 
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) 
                String player_name = PLAYERS[position];
                String player_id = (String)player_name_ids.get(player_name);
                      public void run() 
                        ((ArrayAdapter<String>) array_adapter).notifyDataSetChanged();
                  } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
                    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "OnItemClickListener: list_view is null");
                Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "onItemClick: selected player "+player_name+" id "+player_id);
                setupHouseDeckOrRandomCards(player_id, player_name);
        //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" selected_test_name "+selected_test_name);
        //TextView test_name = (TextView)findViewById(;
    private boolean setupHouseDeckOrRandomCards(final String player_id, final String player_name)
      final String method = "setupHouseDeckOrRandomCards";
      new Thread() 
            public void run() 
              boolean house_deck_already_setup = loadHouseDecks(player_id);
              if (house_deck_already_setup)
                // association already made, fill intent with deck card names-words and start next activity
                // start the CardPlayerHouseDeckActivity
              } else
                // get words for test from the server, fill the intent and start CardPlayerWordsActivity.
                // if a previous association was made, then a different game played, the saved test will
                // have the house deck associations, and then we will send the user to a similar method to 
                // associateCardNamesWithWords above.
                getTestWordsOrMakePreviousAsscociation(player_id, player_name);
      return false;
     * When we fill the intent i+deck_card_name and i+word, we start with 1. 
     * @param selected_player_id
    private void associateCardNamesWithWords(final String selected_player_id)
      final String method = "associateCardNamesWithWords";
      new Thread()
            public void run()
              // we have the house_deck which has the deck cards and their ids-deck card.
              Hashtable <String,DeckCard> deck_cards = house_deck.getCards();
              //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" deck_cards size "+deck_cards.size());
              IWantTo i_want_to = new IWantTo(context);
              Vector <Card> file_cards = i_want_to.loadCardsFile();
              Hashtable <String,Card> id_file_cards = getIdFileCards(file_cards, selected_player_id);
              //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" id_file_cards size "+id_file_cards.size());
              // now we have the cards.xml Vector
              Intent intent = new Intent(CardPlayersListActivity.this, CardPlayerHouseDeckActivity.class);
                Enumeration<String> e = id_file_cards.keys();
                int i = 1;
                while (e.hasMoreElements())
                    String deck_card_id = (String)e.nextElement(); 
                    Card card = id_file_cards.get(deck_card_id);
                    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" deck_card_id "+deck_card_id);
                      DeckCard deck_card = deck_cards.get(deck_card_id);
                      String deck_card_name = deck_card.getCardName();
                      String word = UtilityTo.getWord(card);
                      Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" set "+i+" "+deck_card_name+" "+word+" id "+deck_card_id);
                      intent.putExtra(i+"deck_card_name", deck_card_name);
                      intent.putExtra(i+"word", word);
                  } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
                    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" woah! didn't set "+deck_card_id);
                    //intent.putExtra(i+"deck_card_name", "R1null");
                    //intent.putExtra(i+"word", "null"+i);
                intent.putExtra("selected_test_name", selected_test_name);
                intent.putExtra("number_of_words", i+"");
                intent.putExtra("student_id", selected_player_id);
                intent.putExtra("selected_test_id", selected_test_id);
                Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" set "+id_file_cards.size()+" cards into the intent. with number_of_words "+number_of_words);
     * This method creates a hash with the file_card ids as keys, and the Card objects in the _file_cards
     * passed in as an argument and returns the hashtable.
     * @param _file_cards
     * @param selected_player_id
     * @return
    private Hashtable <String,Card> getIdFileCards(Vector <Card> _file_cards, String selected_player_id)
      String method = "getIdFileCards";
      Hashtable <String,Card> id_file_cards = new Hashtable <String,Card> ();
      for (int i = 0; i < _file_cards.size(); i++)
        Card file_card = _file_cards.get(i);
        if (selected_player_id.equals(file_card.getPlayerId()))
          id_file_cards.put(file_card.getCardId(), file_card);
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" added "+UtilityTo.getWord(file_card)+" for user "+file_card.getPlayerId());
        } else
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" didn't add "+UtilityTo.getWord(file_card)+" for user "+file_card.getPlayerId());
    return id_file_cards;
     * Load all the house decks and return true if the player has previously used a house deck to
     * associate their words with a deck.  This is done by comparing the player id in each house deck
     * and the selected test id to the house deck game id.  If both match then the house_deck is captured
     * to send to the next activity to show the associations.
     * @param player_id
     * @return
    private boolean loadHouseDecks(final String player_id)
      String method = "loadHouseDecks";
      boolean house_deck_already_setup = false;
      IWantTo i_want_to = new IWantTo(context);
      house_deck_names_decks =  new Hashtable <String, HouseDeck> ();
      house_decks = i_want_to.loadTheHouseDecks();
      Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" house_decks after load "+house_decks.size());
      Enumeration <String> e = house_decks.keys();
      Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" player_id "+player_id+" selected_test_id "+selected_test_id);
      while (e.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String)e.nextElement();
        HouseDeck this_house_deck = house_decks.get(key);
        String house_deck_game_id = this_house_deck.getGameId();
        String house_deck_player_id = this_house_deck.getPlayerId();
        if (player_id.equals(house_deck_player_id)&&selected_test_id.equals(house_deck_game_id))
          house_deck_already_setup = true;
          house_deck = this_house_deck;
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" if player_id "+player_id+" equals house_deck_player_id "+house_deck_player_id+" && selected_test_id "+selected_test_id+" equals house_deck_game_i "+house_deck_game_id+" house deck already chosen: "+this_house_deck.getDeckName());
        } else
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" looked at "+this_house_deck.getDeckName()+" id "+this_house_deck.getDeckId()+" but no chosen");
      return house_deck_already_setup;
   * Parse the remote call to GetSavedClassTestsAction, parse the results, put them in the intent
   * and start the CardPlayersListAction.
   * http://ip/indoct/   
   * If the test words returned contain no house deck id, then we
   * send the test_words to the CardPlayerWordsActivity.
   * If the test words have house deck id then that deck has been 
   * associated with this test previously.  In this case we associate the file cards with 
     * the deck card names sent from the server, and then send the list of
     * card names and words to the CardPlayerHouseDeckActivity.
     * IF the selected_test_format is Writing Stones, then we want to re-use the previously assigned
     * definition cards.
   * @param selected_test_id
  private void getTestWordsOrMakePreviousAsscociation(final String selected_player_id, final String player_name)
    final String method = "getTestWordsOrMakePreviousAsscociation";
      new Thread()
            public void run()
              IWantTo i_want_to = new IWantTo(context);
              test_words = i_want_to.getTestWords(selected_player_id, selected_test_id, number_of_words);
              Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" test_words "+test_words.size());
              String house_deck_id = (String)test_words.get("house_deck_id");
              if (house_deck_id == null)
                Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" house_deck_id "+house_deck_id+" not found in decks, setting to null");
                Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" go to startCardPlayerWordsActivity");
              } else
                HouseDeck _house_deck = house_decks.get(house_deck_id);
                if (_house_deck == null)
                    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" house_deck_id "+house_deck_id+" not found in decks, setting to nul.  go to startCardPlayerWordsActivity");
                  } else
                Hashtable <String,DeckCard> deck_cards = _house_deck.getCards();
                Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" house_deck_id "+house_deck_id+" name "+_house_deck.getDeckName()+" cards "+_house_deck.getCards().size());
                // an association was made between these cards and a house deck (just not
                // the game previously) and so we need to associate the file cards with 
                // the deck card names sent from the server, and then send the list of
                // card names and words to the CardPlayerHouseDeckActivity.
                associatePreviousCardNamesWithWords(selected_player_id, deck_cards, player_name);

   * We need to reset the file_card ids to match the associations made previously
   * which are now contained in the test words hash.
   * @param selected_player_id
   * @param test_words
  private void associatePreviousCardNamesWithWords(String selected_player_id, Hashtable deck_cards, String player_name)
    String method = "associatePreviousCardNamesWithWords";
    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" number_of_words from test_words: "+number_of_words);
    Hashtable <String,String> deck_card_name_words = reAssociateFileCards(selected_player_id, deck_cards, player_name);
      Intent intent = new Intent(CardPlayersListActivity.this, CardPlayerHouseDeckActivity.class);
        Enumeration<String> e = deck_card_name_words.keys();
        int i = 1;
        while (e.hasMoreElements())
            String deck_card_name = (String)e.nextElement(); 
            String deck_card_word = deck_card_name_words.get(deck_card_name);
              Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" set "+i+" "+deck_card_name+" "+deck_card_word);
              intent.putExtra(i+"deck_card_name", deck_card_name);
              intent.putExtra(i+"word", deck_card_word);
          } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
            Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" woah! didn't set "+deck_card_name);
        intent.putExtra("selected_test_name", selected_test_name);
        intent.putExtra("number_of_words", i+"");
        intent.putExtra("student_id", selected_player_id);
        intent.putExtra("selected_test_id", selected_test_id);
   * First we call getDeckCardNameIds to get the deck_card_name_ids.  We fill the word_deck_card_ids
   * with the file card word and the deck card id which is used in the second loop to set the file card
   * ids to that of the associated deck card.
   * The test_words passed in contain key value pairs for ALL the data passed in from the remote call.
   * The first for loops through the test_words starting at 1 and ending at the number of words set into the hash as a key.
   * It then sets up the card objects, leaving the card id blank.  It will be filled in the next loop.
   * It also sets up the return hash deck_card_name_words which will be put into the intent.
   * The second for loop goes thru each new card and adds it to the file cards just loaded.
   * Then we save all the file cards and we're done.
   * Other info available but no used:
   * category
   * grade
   * index
   * @param selected_player_id
   * @param file_cards
   * @param test_words
  private Hashtable <String,String> reAssociateFileCards(String selected_player_id, Hashtable deck_cards, String player_name)
    String method = "reAssociateFileCards";
    Hashtable <String,String> deck_card_name_words = new Hashtable <String,String> ();
    Hashtable <String, String> deck_card_name_ids = getDeckCardNameIds(deck_cards);
    Vector <Card> new_file_cards = new Vector <Card> ();
    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" number_of_words "+number_of_words+" selected_test_format "+selected_test_format);
    for (int i = 1; i <= Integer.parseInt(number_of_words); i++)
      // fill the deck_card_name_ids
      String word_text = (String)test_words.get(i+"text").trim();
      String word_definition = (String)test_words.get(i+"definition").trim();
      String word_id = (String)test_words.get(i+"id");
      String category = (String)test_words.get(i+"category");
      String writing_deck_card_name = (String)test_words.get(i+"writing_deck_card_name");
      if (!selected_test_format.equals(Constants.WRITING_STONES))
        String reading_deck_card_name = (String)test_words.get(i+"reading_deck_card_name");
        String reading_deck_card_id = deck_card_name_ids.get(reading_deck_card_name);
        Card reading_new_card = setupCardFromIntent(reading_deck_card_id, Constants.READING, selected_player_id, 
          player_name, word_id, word_text, word_definition, i+"", category);
        deck_card_name_words.put(reading_deck_card_name, word_text);
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" i "+i+" writing stones qoes "+word_definition+" "+word_text+" "+reading_deck_card_name+" "+writing_deck_card_name);
      String writing_deck_card_id = deck_card_name_ids.get(writing_deck_card_name);
      deck_card_name_words.put(writing_deck_card_name, word_definition);
      Card writing_new_card = setupCardFromIntent(writing_deck_card_id, Constants.WRITING, selected_player_id, 
          player_name, word_id, word_text, word_definition, i+"", category);
    IWantTo i_want_to = new IWantTo(context);
      Vector <Card> file_cards = i_want_to.loadCardsFile();
      Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" file_cards after load "+file_cards.size()+" adding new file cards "+new_file_cards.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < new_file_cards.size(); i++)
        Card this_card = new_file_cards.get(i);
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" set card "+UtilityTo.getWord(this_card)+" to card_id "+this_card.getCardId());
    return deck_card_name_words;
  private Card setupCardFromIntent(String card_id, String type, String player_id, String player_name,
      String word_id, String word_text, String word_definition, String index, String category)
      Card card = new Card();
    return card;
  private Hashtable <String,String> getDeckCardNameIds(Hashtable <String,DeckCard> deck_cards)
    Hashtable <String,String> deck_cards_name_ids = new Hashtable <String,String> ();
    Enumeration <String> e =  deck_cards.keys();
      while (e.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String)e.nextElement();
        DeckCard this_deck_card = (DeckCard)deck_cards.get(key);
        deck_cards_name_ids.put(this_deck_card.getCardName(), this_deck_card.getCardId());
    return deck_cards_name_ids;
     * This method takes the 
    private Hashtable <String,String> getCardNameWords(Vector <Card> _file_cards, Hashtable<String, String> test_words)
      String method = "getCardNameWords";
      Hashtable <String,String> card_name_words = new Hashtable <String,String> ();
      Enumeration <String> e = test_words.keys();
      while (e.hasMoreElements())
        String key = (String)e.nextElement();
        String val = test_words.get(key);
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" key "+key+" val "+val);
      return card_name_words;
   * This was our first method of setting up the cards.  A user simply sees a flat list of
   * text or definition words and chooses them to write to NFC tag cards.
   * This is time consuming and a buzz kill for something that is supposed to be fun.
   * @param selected_player_id
  private void startCardPlayerWordsActivity(String selected_player_id)
    String method = "startCardPlayerWordsActivity";
    Intent intent = new Intent(CardPlayersListActivity.this, CardPlayerWordsActivity.class);
        Enumeration<String> e = test_words.keys();
        int i = 0;
        while (e.hasMoreElements())
             String key = (String)e.nextElement();
             String val = test_words.get(key).trim();
            Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" got "+key+" "+val);
        intent.putExtra("selected_test_name", selected_test_name);
        intent.putExtra("number_of_words", number_of_words);
        intent.putExtra("student_id", selected_player_id);
        intent.putExtra("selected_test_id", selected_test_id);
        intent.putExtra("selected_test_format", selected_test_format);
        //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+" start next activity with selected_player_id (student_id)"+selected_player_id);
        if (i==0)
          // remote call failed. 
          activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
            public void run()
              Toast.makeText(context, R.string.remote_call_failed, Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();
        } else
     * Get the player names from the intent, as well as all other info, including the test name.
     * @return
    private String [] getPlayerNamesAndExtras()
      String method = "getPlayerNamesAndExtras &&&&&&&&&&&&";
      player_name_ids = new Hashtable<String,String>();
      player_name_status = new Hashtable<String,String>();
      Intent sender = getIntent();
      int size = Integer.parseInt(sender.getExtras().getString("number_of_tests"));
      final String[] PLAYERS = new String[size];
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
      String player_name = sender.getExtras().getString((i+1)+"student_name"); // starts at 1.
      String player_id = sender.getExtras().getString((i+1)+"student_id"); // starts at 1.
      String player_status = sender.getExtras().getString((i+1)+"player_status"); // starts at 1.
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, method+"player "+i+" player_name "+player_name+" player_status "+player_status);
        PLAYERS[i] = player_name;
        player_name_ids.put(player_name, player_id);
          player_name_status.put(player_name, player_status);
        } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe)
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "player_name_status.put NPE");
        Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "player_name_status.put(player_name, player_status) ("+player_name+", "+player_status+")");
    Bundle extras = sender.getExtras();
    Set<String> keys = extras.keySet();  
    Iterator<String> iterate = keys.iterator();
    while (iterate.hasNext()) 
        String key =;  
        char c = key.charAt(0);
        if (Character.isDigit(c))
          String property = key.substring(1, key.length());
          String value = (String)extras.get(key);
          if (property.equals("test_type"))
            selected_test_type = value;
          } else if (property.equals("test_status"))
            selected_test_status = value;
          } else if (property.equals("test_format"))
            selected_test_format = value;
        //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, key + "-" + extras.get(key));  
    selected_test_name = sender.getExtras().getString("selected_test_name");
    selected_test_id = sender.getExtras().getString("selected_test_id");
    number_of_words = sender.getExtras().getString("1number_of_words");
    //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "extras: 1number_of_words - " + number_of_words);  
    return PLAYERS;
    private void bundleIterator()
      Intent sender = getIntent();
      Bundle extras = sender.getExtras();
    Set<String> keys = extras.keySet();  
    Iterator<String> iterate = keys.iterator();
    while (iterate.hasNext()) 
        String key =;  
        char c = key.charAt(0);
        if (Character.isDigit(c))
          String property = key.substring(1, key.length());
          String value = (String)extras.get(key);
          Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "bundleIterator: "+property+"-"+value);
        //Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, key + "-" + extras.get(key));  

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) 
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        //menu.add(0 , use_house_deck_id, 0, com.curchod.wherewithal.R.string.use_house_deck); 
        return true;
    public void onResume()

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