Android Open Source - nfc-reader-app Send File To W I S P

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Java Source Code

package com.example.nfc_eink_demo;
/* w  ww  .  j  a v a  2  s.c o  m*/

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;

import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.nfc.Tag;

import android.os.AsyncTask;

 * This task handles transfer of files to NFC-WISP. It's designed to execute in
 * the background and extends AsyncTask to allow this behavior.
 * @author anparks
public class SendFileToWISP extends AsyncTask<byte[], Integer,  Boolean> {
  //Enumerating indices into INF buffer
  private static final int INF_FLAGS_INDEX =       0;
  private static final int INF_CHUNK_ADX_INDEX =     1;
  private static final int INF_DATA_START_INDEX =    2;
  //Flag enumeration (R->T and T->R)
  private static final byte INF_FLAG_WRITE_SUCCESS = 0x01;
  private static final byte INF_FLAG_WRITE_COMPLETE = 0x02;
  // = 0x04
  // = 0x08
  // = 0x10
  // = 0x20
  // = 0x40
  // = 0x80
  //Command IDs for "transport layer"
//  private static final int INF_CMD_ID_TX_COMPLETE =  0x01;
//  private static final int INF_CMD_ID_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK=0x20;
//  private static final int INF_CMD_ID_WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK=0x21;
//  private static final int INF_CMD_ID_WRITE_N_BLOCKS=0x24;

  private MainActivity myMain;


   * Constructor method, initialize fields from parts of main activity class
   * @param myMain
  SendFileToWISP(MainActivity myMain) {
    this.myMain = myMain;

  protected Boolean doInBackground(byte[]... arg0) {
    // Execute all file transfer tasks in sequence in the background.
    for(int i = 0; i < arg0.length; i++) {
    return true;

   * Transfers the image represented by global array to the tag given. Uses
   * 14443-4 block writes.
   * @param myImgBuffer
   *            A byte array to send to the tag
   * @return Success or failure
  private boolean sendImage(byte[] myImgBuffer) {

    try {

      // Tag needs to be connected after discovered

      // UI update calls have to be run on UI thread
      myMain.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {myMain.myStatusTextView.setText("Connected");} });

      // Set up parameters of a block write
      int blockSize = 4; // Size, in bytes, of each block
      int numBlocksPerWrite = 8; // Number of blocks to send in each write
      int chunkSizeBytes = blockSize * numBlocksPerWrite; // Number of bytes total per write
      int totalChunks = myImgBuffer.length/chunkSizeBytes; // Number of writes required. Max is 256.
      // Make sure we're not trying to send too much data (> 256*chunk_size bytes)
      if(totalChunks > 256) {
        myMain.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {myMain.myStatusTextView.setText("Oversized payload");} });
        return false;

      // Initialize iterator for sending file chunks
      int curChunkIndex = 0;
      byte rtFlags = 0;
      boolean fileTransferComplete = false;
      boolean prevWriteSucceeded = false;

      // Write each block in sequence
      // TODO Implement this more robustly by adding a timeout.
      while (this.myMain.isoDep.isConnected() && !fileTransferComplete) {

        // Tell user what chunk we're about to try writing now (UI update calls have to be run on UI thread)
        final String tmpDispStr = new String("Sending Packet #: " + (curChunkIndex + 1) + "/" + totalChunks); // Build display string (must be final)
        myMain.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {myMain.myStatusTextView.setText(tmpDispStr);} });

        // Attempt to write the last requested chunk to the tag 
        byte[] tagResponse = writeNBlocks(this.myMain.isoDep, numBlocksPerWrite,
            curChunkIndex, myImgBuffer, rtFlags);

        // If we got a valid tag response, see what chunk the tag requests next
        if (tagResponse != null && tagResponse.length >= 2) {
          // See what flags are set in the tag's reply
          prevWriteSucceeded = ((tagResponse[INF_FLAGS_INDEX] & INF_FLAG_WRITE_SUCCESS) > 0);
          fileTransferComplete = ((tagResponse[INF_FLAGS_INDEX] & INF_FLAG_WRITE_COMPLETE) > 0);
          // Extract requested chunk ID from tag's reply
          int requestedChunk = (tagResponse[INF_CHUNK_ADX_INDEX] & 0xFF); // ([byte] & 0xFF) converts from uint properly

          // We'll send this one next (whatever the tag wants)
          curChunkIndex = requestedChunk;
        } // end if

      } // end while

      // Tell the user that we're done transferring the file (Must be run on UI thread)
      myMain.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {myMain.myStatusTextView.setText("Transfer complete");} });

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Tell the user that the file transfer failed (Must be run on UI thread)
      myMain.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() {myMain.myStatusTextView.setText("Transfer failure");} });

      return false;

    }// end catch

    return true; // Successful

  }// end sendImage

   * Use 14443-4 block write to transfer the given number of blocks of the
   * given source buffer to the given tag
   * @param isodep
   *            Object representing IO access for a certain 14443-4 tag
   * @param blockBuffer
   *            the byte buffer to transmit
   * @param index
   *            How far we currently are indexed into that buffer
   * @param numOfBlocks
   *            Number of blocks to send at a time
   * @return Success or failure
  private byte[] writeNBlocks(IsoDep isodep, int numOfBlocks, int chunkIndex,
      byte[] myImgBuffer, byte flags) {
    byte[] response;

    try {

      byte write_multi_block_command[] = new byte[(4 * numOfBlocks) + 2];
      write_multi_block_command[0] = flags;
      write_multi_block_command[1] = (byte) (chunkIndex);

      for (int curBlock = 0; curBlock < 4 * numOfBlocks; curBlock++) {
        write_multi_block_command[curBlock + INF_DATA_START_INDEX] = myImgBuffer[curBlock
            + chunkIndex * numOfBlocks * 4];

      response = isodep.transceive(write_multi_block_command);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Throws an error anyway, even if correctly written a block
      return null;
    }// end catch

    return response;

  }// end writeOneBlock


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