Android Open Source - BBC-News-Reader Resource Service

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Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Digital Lizard (Oscar Key, Thomas Boby) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the...

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Java Source Code

 * BBC News Reader//  w  w  w.  j  a  v a2 s.  com
 * Released under the BSD License. See README or LICENSE.
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Digital Lizard (Oscar Key, Thomas Boby)
 * All rights reserved.
package com.digitallizard.bbcnewsreader;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.mcsoxford.rss.RSSItem;

import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;

import com.digitallizard.bbcnewsreader.resource.web.WebManager;
import com.digitallizard.bbcnewsreader.widget.ReaderWidget;

public class ResourceService extends Service implements ResourceInterface {
  /* variables */
  public boolean loadInProgress; // a flag to tell the activity if there is a load in progress
  ArrayList<Messenger> clients = new ArrayList<Messenger>(); // holds references to all of our clients
  final Messenger messenger = new Messenger(new IncomingHandler()); // the messenger used for communication
  BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver;
  DatabaseHandler database; // the database
  RSSManager rssManager;
  WebManager webManager;
  SharedPreferences settings;
  OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener settingsChangedListener;
  int totalItemsToDownload;
  int itemsDownloaded;
  /* command definitions */
  public static final int MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT = 1;
  public static final int MSG_UNREGISTER_CLIENT = 2;
  public static final int MSG_CLIENT_REGISTERED = 3; // returned to a client when registered
  public static final int MSG_LOAD_DATA = 4; // sent to request a data load
  public static final int MSG_LOAD_ARTICLE = 11;
  public static final int MSG_LOAD_THUMB = 12;
  public static final int MSG_LOAD_IMAGE = 13;
  public static final int MSG_STOP_DATA_LOAD = 9; // sent to stop data loading
  public static final int MSG_CATEGORY_LOADED = 6; // sent when a category has loaded
  public static final int MSG_ARTICLE_LOADED = 15; // article loaded
  public static final int MSG_THUMB_LOADED = 14; // thumbnail loaded
  public static final int MSG_NOW_LOADING = 16;
  public static final int MSG_FULL_LOAD_COMPLETE = 8; // sent when all the data has been loaded
  public static final int MSG_RSS_LOAD_COMPLETE = 10;
  public static final int MSG_UPDATE_LOAD_PROGRESS = 18;
  public static final int MSG_ERROR = 7; // help! An error occurred
  public static final String KEY_ERROR_TYPE = "type";
  public static final String KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE = "message";
  public static final String KEY_ERROR_ERROR = "error";
  public static final String KEY_CATEGORY = "category";
  public static final String KEY_ITEM_ID = "itemId";
  public static final String ACTION_LOAD = "com.digitallizard.bbcnewsreader.action.LOAD_NEWS";
  // the handler class to process new messages
  class IncomingHandler extends Handler {
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
      // decide what to do with the message
      switch (msg.what) {
        clients.add(msg.replyTo); // add a reference to the client to our list
        sendMsg(msg.replyTo, MSG_CLIENT_REGISTERED, null);
      case MSG_LOAD_DATA:
        loadData(); // start of the loading of data
      case MSG_LOAD_ARTICLE:
      case MSG_LOAD_THUMB:
      case MSG_LOAD_IMAGE:
        // TODO load specific image
      case MSG_STOP_DATA_LOAD:
        super.handleMessage(msg); // we don't know what to do, lets hope that the super class knows
  public class ResourceBinder extends Binder {
    ResourceService getService() {
      return ResourceService.this;
  public synchronized void setDatabase(DatabaseHandler db) {
    this.database = db;
  public synchronized DatabaseHandler getDatabase() {
    return database;
  public synchronized void setWebManager(WebManager manager) {
    this.webManager = manager;
  public synchronized WebManager getWebManager() {
    return this.webManager;
  void loadData() {
    // check if the device is online
    if (isOnline()) {
      // report to the gui that a load has been activated
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_NOW_LOADING, null);
      // set the flag saying that we are loading
      loadInProgress = true;
      // retrieve the active category urls
      String[][] enabledCategories = getDatabase().getEnabledCategories();
      String[] urls = enabledCategories[0];
      String[] names = enabledCategories[1];
      // start the RSS Manager
      rssManager.load(names, urls);
    else {
      // report that there is no internet connection
      reportError(ReaderActivity.ERROR_TYPE_INTERNET, "There is no internet connection.", null);
  void loadArticle(int id) {
    String url = database.getUrl(id); // get the url of the item
    webManager.loadNow(url, WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_HTML, id); // tell the webmanager to load this
  void loadThumbnail(int id) {
    String url = database.getThumbnailUrl(id); // get the url of the item
    if (url == null) {
      database.addThumbnail(id, ReaderActivity.NO_THUMBNAIL_URL_CODE);// Set thumbnail to no thumbnail
      // report that the thumbnail has been loaded so it can be displayed
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt("id", id);
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_THUMB_LOADED, bundle);
    else {
      webManager.loadNow(url, WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_THUMB, id); // tell the webmanager to load this
  void loadImage(int id) {
    // TODO add specific image loading
  void stopDataLoad() {
    // stop the data loading
    // the stopping of loading will be reported by the managers...
  void updateLastLoadTime() {
    // store the new time in the preferences file
    Editor editor = settings.edit();
    long time = (long) Math.floor(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); // unix time of now
    editor.putLong("lastLoadTime", time);
  void sendMsg(Messenger client, int what, Bundle bundle) {
    try {
      // create a message according to parameters
      Message msg = Message.obtain(null, what);
      if (bundle != null) {
      client.send(msg); // send the message
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      // We are probably shutting down, but report it anyway
      Log.e("ERROR", "Unable to send message to client: " + e.getMessage());
  void sendMsg(int clientId, int what, Bundle bundle) {
    // simply call the main sendMessage but with an actual client
    sendMsg(clients.get(clientId), what, bundle);
  void sendMsgToAll(int what, Bundle bundle) {
    // loop through and send the message to all the clients
    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) {
      sendMsg(i, what, bundle);
  private void unregisterClient(Messenger client) {
    // remove our reference to the client
    // if we have no more clients and a load is not in progress, shutdown
    if(clients.isEmpty() && !loadInProgress) {
  boolean isOnline() {
    ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo info = manager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    // check that there is an active network
    if (info != null) {
      return info.isConnected();
    else {
      return false;
   * Called when an RSS feed has loaded
   * @param item
   *            The item that has been loaded
  public synchronized void categoryRssLoaded(RSSItem[] items, String category) {
    // clear the priorities for this category to prevent old items hanging around
    // insert the items into the database
    for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      // check there are some thumbnails
      String thumbUrl = null;
      if (items[i].getThumbnails().size() == 2) {
        thumbUrl = items[i].getThumbnails().get(1).toString();
      getDatabase().insertItem(items[i].getTitle(), items[i].getDescription(), category, items[i].getPubDate(), items[i].getLink().toString(),
          thumbUrl, i);
    // send a message to the gui to tell it that we have loaded the category
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putString(KEY_CATEGORY, category);
    sendMsgToAll(MSG_CATEGORY_LOADED, bundle);
  public synchronized void reportError(int type, String msg, String error) {
    // an error has occurred, send a message to the gui
    // this will display something useful to the user
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putInt(KEY_ERROR_TYPE, type);
    bundle.putString(KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE, msg);
    bundle.putString(KEY_ERROR_ERROR, error);
    sendMsgToAll(MSG_ERROR, bundle);
  public synchronized void rssLoadComplete(boolean successful) {
    // check if the load was successful before continuing
    if (!successful) {
      fullLoadComplete(false); // end the load here, it was not successful
      return; // bail
    updateLastLoadTime(); // save last load time
    // tell the gui
    sendMsgToAll(MSG_RSS_LOAD_COMPLETE, null);
    // add unloaded items to the download queue
    totalItemsToDownload = 0;
    itemsDownloaded = 0;
    // query the database to find out which items to load
    int itemLoadLimit = settings.getInt("itemLoadLimit", ReaderActivity.DEFAULT_ITEM_LOAD_LIMIT); // the limit for the number of items to load
    Integer[][] items = database.getUndownloaded(itemLoadLimit);
    // load the undownloaded articles
    Integer[] htmlIds = items[DatabaseHandler.COLUMN_UNDOWNLOADED_ARTICLES];
    for (int t = 0; t < htmlIds.length; t++) {
      String url = database.getUrl(htmlIds[t]);
      webManager.addToQueue(url, WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_HTML, htmlIds[t]);
    // load the undownloaded thumbnails
    Integer[] thumbIds = items[DatabaseHandler.COLUMN_UNDOWNLOADED_ARTICLES];
    for (int t = 0; t < thumbIds.length; t++) {
      String url = database.getThumbnailUrl(thumbIds[t]);
      // check if there is a thumbnail url, if so load it
      if (url == null) {
        database.addThumbnail(thumbIds[t], ReaderActivity.NO_THUMBNAIL_URL_CODE);// Set thumbnail to no thumbnail
        // report that the thumbnail has been loaded so it can be displayed
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putInt("id", thumbIds[t]);
        sendMsgToAll(MSG_THUMB_LOADED, bundle);
      else {
        webManager.addToQueue(url, WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_THUMB, thumbIds[t]);
    // set the items to download
    totalItemsToDownload = htmlIds.length + thumbIds.length;
    // if we didn't have to add anything, report the load as fully complete
    if (webManager.isQueueEmpty()) {
    // update the widget, if the load was successful
    if (successful) {
      AppWidgetManager widgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(this);
      ComponentName provider = new ComponentName(this, ReaderWidget.class);
      int[] ids = widgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(provider);
      // only broadcast an update request if there are some active widgets
      if (ids.length > 0) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE);
        intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS, ids);
  public synchronized void fullLoadComplete(boolean successful) {
    // set the flag to false
    loadInProgress = false;
    // if we have clients, tell them the load is complete, else shutdown
    if(!clients.isEmpty()) {
      // send a message saying that we have loaded
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_FULL_LOAD_COMPLETE, null);
    } else {
  public synchronized void itemDownloadComplete(boolean specific, int itemId, int type, Object download) {
    // choose what to do depending on the type of object
    if (type == WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_HTML) {
      byte[] html = (byte[]) download;
      database.addHtml(itemId, html);
      // if this item was specifically requested we need to report that it has been loaded
      if (specific) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putInt(KEY_ITEM_ID, itemId);
        sendMsgToAll(MSG_ARTICLE_LOADED, bundle); // tell every client about the load
    if (type == WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_IMAGE) {
      byte[] image = (byte[]) download;
      database.addImage(itemId, image);
      // report that this thumbnail has been loading to the ui
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt(KEY_ITEM_ID, itemId);
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_THUMB_LOADED, bundle);
    if (type == WebManager.ITEM_TYPE_THUMB) {
      byte[] thumb = (byte[]) download;
      database.addThumbnail(itemId, thumb);
      // report that the thumbnail has been loaded so it can be displayed
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt(KEY_ITEM_ID, itemId);
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_THUMB_LOADED, bundle);
    if (!specific) {
      // increment the number of items that have been loaded
  void reportItemsToDownload() {
    // check if a load is in progress before sending this signal
    if (loadInProgress) {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putInt("totalItems", totalItemsToDownload);
      bundle.putInt("itemsDownloaded", itemsDownloaded);
      sendMsgToAll(MSG_UPDATE_LOAD_PROGRESS, bundle);
  void incrementItemsToDownload() {
  void updateSettings() {
    // get the alarm manager to allow triggering of loads in the future
    AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
    // produce the intent to trigger a load
    Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_LOAD);
    PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
    // PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
    // register alarms for background loading
    if (settings.getBoolean(ReaderActivity.PREFKEY_LOAD_IN_BACKGROUND, ReaderActivity.DEFAULT_LOAD_IN_BACKGROUND)) {
      // background loading is switched on, register an alarm to trigger loads, first work out the interval
      String loadIntervalString = settings.getString(ReaderActivity.PREFKEY_LOAD_INTERVAL, ReaderActivity.DEFAULT_LOAD_INTERVAL);
      long loadInterval;
      if (loadIntervalString.equals("15_mins")) {
        loadInterval = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES;
      else if (loadIntervalString.equals("30_mins")) {
        loadInterval = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_HOUR;
      else if (loadIntervalString.equals("1_hour")) {
        loadInterval = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HOUR;
      else if (loadIntervalString.equals("half_day")) {
        loadInterval = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_DAY;
      else {
        loadInterval = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HOUR;
      // work out the starting time of the alarm
      long startingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + loadInterval; // now plus the interval
      // register an alarm to start loads, depending on rtc wakeup
      if (settings.getBoolean(ReaderActivity.PREFKEY_RTC_WAKEUP, ReaderActivity.DEFAULT_RTC_WAKEUP)) {
        alarmManager.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, startingTime, loadInterval, pendingIntent);
      else {
        alarmManager.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC, startingTime, loadInterval, pendingIntent);
    else {
      // background loading is switched off, cancel alarms
  public void onCreate() {
    // init variables
    loadInProgress = false;
    // load various key components
    if (settings == null) {
      // load in the settings
      settings = getSharedPreferences(ReaderActivity.PREFS_FILE_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE); // load settings in read/write form
    if (database == null) {
      // load the database
      setDatabase(new DatabaseHandler(this));
      // create tables in the database if needed
      if (!getDatabase().isCreated()) {
    if (getWebManager() == null) {
      // load the web manager
      setWebManager(new WebManager(this));
    if (rssManager == null) {
      // load the rss manager
      rssManager = new RSSManager(this);
    // register to receive alerts when a load is required
    broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
      public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if (intent.getAction().equals("com.digitallizard.bbcnewsreader.action.LOAD_NEWS")) {
          loadData(); // load the news
    this.registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(ACTION_LOAD));
    // load in the settings
    // register a change listener on the settings
    settingsChangedListener = new OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener() {
      public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences preferences, String key) {
        // update the settings
  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    // check if we have been told to load news on start
    if (intent != null) {
      if (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_LOAD)) {
        // start a load
    // we want to continue running until explicitly stopped, so return sticky.
    return START_STICKY;
  public void onDestroy() {
    // unregister receivers
    if (settings != null && settingsChangedListener != null) {
  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return messenger.getBinder();

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