Android Open Source - appsensor Location Observer

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Java Source Code

package de.dfki.appsensor.logging;
/*  w ww .j  av  a2  s.  co m*/
import de.dfki.appsensor.utils.Utils;
import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;

 * <p>
 * This component observes the users location and always provides the actual
 * location of the user for logging. It provided values like longitude,
 * latitude, altitude, speed, etc.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * As an observer, this component just traces the information and makes it
 * available through static variables. The component is running in its own
 * thread and makes all information available through static variables.
 * </p>
 * @author Matthias Boehmer,
public class LocationObserver extends Thread implements LocationListener {

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // constants
  // ---------------------------------------------

  private static final int DO_PAUSE = 0;
  private static final int DO_START = 1;

  private static final long TIME_IMMEDIATELY = 0;
  private static final long TIME_LOCATIONCACHELOOKUPS = DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS * 5; // 30
                                              // sec

  private static final float GPS_MIN_TIME_SERVICE = DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS * 5;// 30
                                            // sec
  private static final long GPS_MIN_MOVEMENT_SERVICE = 50; // meters

  /** value of longitude if not available */
  public final static double LONGITUDE_UNKNOWN = 0.0;

  /** value of latitude if not available */
  public final static double LATITUDE_UNKNOWN = 0.0;

  /** value of altitude if not available */
  public final static double ALTITUDE_UNKNOWN = -9.9;

  /** value of speed if no accuracy is available */
  public static final double ACCURACY_UNKNOWN = -1;

  /** value of speed if not available */
  public final static double SPEED_UNKNOWN = -1;
  /* code if country code is unknown */
  private static final String COUNTRYCODE_UNKNOWN = "--";

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // observed public values of this observer
  // ---------------------------------------------

  /** the current longitude of the user */
  public static double longitude = LONGITUDE_UNKNOWN;

  /** the current latitude of the user */
  public static double latitude = LATITUDE_UNKNOWN;

  /** the current altitude of the user */
  public static double altitude = ALTITUDE_UNKNOWN;

  /** the current speed of the user */
  public static double speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN;

  /** the accuracy of the current location */
  public static double accuracy = ACCURACY_UNKNOWN;
  /** the country code of the last location */
  public static String countryCode = COUNTRYCODE_UNKNOWN;

   * publish the given location as public static values of the component
   * @param l
  private static void updateLocation(Location l) {
    if (l != null) {
      longitude = l.getLongitude();
      latitude = l.getLatitude();
      // TODO implement country code here, otherwise the server has to resolve it

      if (l.hasAltitude()) {
        altitude = l.getAltitude();
      } else {
        altitude = ALTITUDE_UNKNOWN;

      if (l.hasSpeed()) {
        speed = l.getSpeed();
      } else {
        speed = SPEED_UNKNOWN;

      if (l.hasAccuracy()) {
        accuracy = l.getAccuracy();
      } else {
        accuracy = ACCURACY_UNKNOWN;

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // attributes
  // ---------------------------------------------

  /** access to the application context */
  private Context context;

  /** manager that gives access to the location api */
  private LocationManager locationManager;

  /** handler for thread messages */
  private Handler mHandler;

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // livecycle
  // ---------------------------------------------

  public LocationObserver(Context context) {
    Utils.d(this, "constructed");
    this.context = context;

    // create a location manager to access location api
    locationManager = (LocationManager) this.context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

   * pause this logger, i.e. stop the thread and unregister all listeners
  public void pauseLogging() {
    Utils.dToast("pause location logging");

    // unregister location listener
    locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, GPS_MIN_MOVEMENT_SERVICE, GPS_MIN_TIME_SERVICE, this);

    // send message to the worker thread
    mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DO_PAUSE, TIME_IMMEDIATELY);

   * start this logger, i.e. start the thread and register listeners
  public void startLogging() {
    Utils.dToast("start location logging");

    // register location listener
    locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, GPS_MIN_MOVEMENT_SERVICE, GPS_MIN_TIME_SERVICE, this);

    // send message to the worker thread
    mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DO_START, TIME_IMMEDIATELY);

  // ---------------------------------------------
  // core thread functionality
  // ---------------------------------------------

  public void run() {
    Utils.d(this, "running the thread");

    mHandler = new Handler() {

      public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        switch (msg.what) {

        case DO_START:
          Location l = getLocationFromCache();
          mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DO_START, TIME_LOCATIONCACHELOOKUPS);


    // send the first message so that the handler starts running
    mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(DO_START, TIME_IMMEDIATELY);


    // // this is the main loop of the location logger
    // while (!service.isInterrupted() && locationManager != null) {
    // Location l = getLocationFromCache();
    // if (l != null) {
    // LocationEntry tmpEntry = new LocationEntry(Utils.getCurrentTime(),
    // l.getLongitude(), l.getLatitude(), l.getAltitude(), l.getSpeed(),
    // l.getAccuracy(), "fix");
    // if (lastFix != null) {
    // // we already have a location fix
    // if (l.distanceTo(lastFix) > Utils.GPS_MIN_MOVEMENT_SERVICE) {
    // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
    // Utils.debug(Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE_MARK + getClass().getSimpleName() +
    // ": got a last fix and the distance > " +
    // }
    // /*
    // * inform everyone that's interested about a new
    // * location
    // */
    // Informer.getInstance().inform(tmpEntry);
    // updatePrefs(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude());
    // }
    // } else {
    // // we do not have a location fix yet
    // lastFix = l;
    // updatePrefs(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude());
    // }
    // if (!locationList.contains(tmpEntry)) {
    // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
    // Utils.debug(Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE_MARK + getClass().getSimpleName() +
    // ": new Location added to list (thread)", Utils.DEBUG_LEVELS.MINOR,
    // Utils.DEBUG_TYPE.DEBUG);
    // }
    // locationList.add(tmpEntry);
    // }
    // /* clean up, that is write memory to local mobile database */
    // if (locationList.size() > Utils.LOCATION_INMEMORY_MAXCOUNT) {
    // // if list contains more than 10 elements...
    // // then write to db
    // writeLocationsToDatabase();
    // } else if (locationList.size() > 0) {
    // // if we have something in the list
    // if ((Utils.getCurrentTime() - locationList.get(0).getTime()) >
    // // ... and the content is already oder than two hours
    // // ...
    // // then write to db
    // writeLocationsToDatabase();
    // }
    // }
    // }
    // }


  // ---------------------------------------------
  // methods
  // ---------------------------------------------

   * Try to retrieve a location from the cache, either from gps or network
   * based. Whenever another app queries the location provider, there is a
   * chance that the location providers have something in their caches.
   * @return
  public Location getLocationFromCache() {
    try {

      // check the gps-based localization cache
      Utils.d(this, "looking up location from gps cache");
      Location gpsCacheLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);

      // check the net-based localization cache
      Utils.d(this, "looking up location from network cache");
      Location netCacheLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);

      // if we have both locations, return the latest one
      Location bestLocation = null;
      if (gpsCacheLocation != null && netCacheLocation != null) {
        if (gpsCacheLocation.getTime() > netCacheLocation.getTime()) {
          bestLocation = gpsCacheLocation;
          // Utils.d(this, "gps location cache is more up to date");
        } else {
          bestLocation = netCacheLocation;
          // Utils.d(this, "net location cache is more up to date");
      } else if (gpsCacheLocation != null) {
        bestLocation = gpsCacheLocation;
      } else if (netCacheLocation != null) {
        bestLocation = netCacheLocation;
      } else {
        bestLocation = null;

      // set reminder to location
      if (bestLocation != null) {
        bestLocation.setProvider(bestLocation.getProvider() + "c");

      Utils.d(this, "in cache:" + bestLocation);
      return bestLocation;

    } catch (SecurityException e) {
      Utils.e(this, e.getLocalizedMessage());
      return null;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      Utils.e(this, e.getLocalizedMessage());
      return null;

   * This method is part of the location listener and is called -- of course
   * ;-) -- when the location changes.
  public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    Utils.d(this, "onLocationChanged | " + location.toString());


  public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
    Utils.d(this, "onProviderDisabled");

  public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
    Utils.d(this, "onProviderEnabled");

  public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {
    Utils.d(this, "onStatusChanged");

  // /**
  // * makes all entries in the in-memory list persistent in the local
  // database
  // * of the moile device
  // */
  // public synchronized void writeLocationsToDatabase() {
  // if (context == null) {
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // Utils.debug(Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE_MARK + this.getClass().getSimpleName() +
  // ": context null (writeLocationsToDatabase)", Utils.DEBUG_LEVELS.MAJOR,
  // }
  // return;
  // }
  // SQLiteDatabase db = null;
  // try {
  // db = context.openOrCreateDatabase(Utils.DB_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE,
  // null);
  // while (db.isDbLockedByOtherThreads() || db.isDbLockedByCurrentThread()) {
  // try {
  // Thread.sleep(500);
  // } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // Utils.debug(Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE_MARK + this.getClass().getSimpleName() +
  // " Could not sleep?? ", Utils.DEBUG_LEVELS.ALL, Utils.DEBUG_TYPE.DEBUG);
  // }
  // }
  // }
  // }
  // db.setLockingEnabled(true);
  // for (LocationEntry location : locationList) {
  // /* create the values for the database and put them in */
  // ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_TIME, location.getTime());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_LONGITUDE, location.getLongitude());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_LATITUDE, location.getLatitude());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_ALTITUDE, location.getAltitude());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_SPEED, location.getSpeed());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_ACCURACY, location.getAccuracy());
  // values.put(Utils.DB_COLUMN_TYPE, location.getType());
  // db.insert(Utils.SQL_TABLE_NAME_SENSORS, null, values);
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // Utils.debug(Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE_MARK +
  // "writeLocationsToDb: Location saved to DB: Latitude=" +
  // location.getLatitude() + ", Longitude=" + location.getLongitude() +
  // ", Altitude="
  // + location.getAltitude() + ", Speed=" + location.getSpeed() +
  // ", Accuracy=" + location.getAccuracy(), Utils.DEBUG_LEVELS.ALL,
  // }
  // }
  // /* just to be sure */
  // locationList.clear();
  // } catch (SQLException e) {
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // Utils.debug("Error opening database: " + e.getMessage(),
  // }
  // if (Utils.DEBUG_SERVICE) {
  // Utils.debug("" + e.getMessage(), Utils.DEBUG_LEVELS.MAJOR,
  // }
  // /*
  // * if this doesn't work out, there's something really wrong and we
  // * really don't want to continue!
  // */
  // } finally {
  // if (db != null) {
  // db.close();
  // db.setLockingEnabled(false);
  // }
  // }
  // }

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