Android Open Source - UI/custom

    1. android-layout-samples
      Explorations around Android custom layouts
      Score:311 Fragment:2 Activity:1 Java File:31 Manifest File:1

    2. FontPagerTitleStrip
      Library that allows you to customize the font of a PagerTitleStrip.
      Score:39 Fragment:1 Activity:2 Java File:4 Manifest File:2

    3. ProgressButton
      Custom button can show the current progress.
      Score:12 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:10 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    4. auto-resize-textview
      c customized Android TextView, auto adapt the TextSize to fill the whole TextView.
      Score:6 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    5. Android-Progress-Layout
      Custom Android layout for showing any progress view when loading data.
      Score:6 Activity:1 Java File:4 Manifest File:2

    6. Custom-Font-on-Android
      Use the TTF files you want in your Android app.
      Score:6 Min SDK:7 Target SDK:17 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    7. TypeFaceTextView
      TextView with Custom Font For Android
      Score:3 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:7 Manifest File:1

    8. Custom-WebView
      Custom WebView for fun
      Score:2 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    9. BlinkLayout
      A custom view layout that produces eyestrain and headaches!
      Score:2 Fragment:1 Activity:1 Java File:2 Manifest File:2

    10. Android.OptimizeTextView
      A custom Android TextView to adjust spacing and word-breaking for non-English language.
      Score:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:20 Java File:2 Manifest File:2

    11. Custom-Action-Bar
      Main objective of this tutorial is to explain the working of Android ActionBar.
      Score:1 Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:17 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    12. TextViewOverflowing
      Custom Android view to allow reflowing text from one TextView to another
      Score:1 Activity:1 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    13. Android-Box-Layout
      Android Box Layout Custom View
      Score:1 Min SDK:11 Target SDK:18 Java File:1 Manifest File:1

    14. CustomeControl
      Some useful Android custom controls with advanced UI. Also provides the way to developer to start own custom control.
      Score:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:9 Target SDK:18 Java File:21 Manifest File:1

    15. AndroidTasks
      Create sync/async task with a custom thread pool and Ui annotations for Android
      Score:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:18 Manifest File:2

    16. ExpandableGridView
      Android customized expandable GridView
      Score:1 Activity:1 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    17. NokiaXTheme
      Sample application showing how to add a custom theme for Nokia devices to an Android app.
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:19 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    18. custom-ui-sample
      custom ui sample (Android)
      Fragment:3 Activity:2 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:15 Java File:8 Manifest File:1

    19. ntr
      An old android project related to custom UI componenets
      Activity:7 Target SDK:7 Java File:13 Manifest File:1

    20. CustomXMLButton
      Custom Button Class that creates a Button based on a previously design XML file.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    21. AndroidWebWrapper
      A simple web wrapper to download a website and run it in a custom webview.
      Min SDK:11 Target SDK:21 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    22. multiToggleButton
      Travel by foot, bus, car, bike custom layout
      Activity:1 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    23. android_custom_radiogroup_not_fragment
      just to ready code easily
      Activity:4 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:17 Java File:5 Manifest File:1

    24. Custom-Link-Ellipse-TextView
      Custom hyperlinked with end ellipsized(multi line) TextView in Android.
      Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:18 Java File:2 Manifest File:1

    25. Android_DialogFragment
      Extension of the class. This library allows you to use a custom layout view
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:17 Java File:3 Manifest File:1

    26. CustomGridView
      This Project shows how to create custom gridview in android
      Activity:1 Min SDK:14 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    27. DoubleDraggedLayout
      sample for custom layout with two dragged layouts
      Fragment:1 Activity:1 Min SDK:8 Target SDK:19 Java File:4 Manifest File:1

    28. custom_packages_tmobile
      Packages needed for the operation of Tmobile's Theme Chooser.
      Activity:1 Java File:27 Manifest File:3

    29. CustomGridView_android
      Demonstrate how to use a custom gridView with a lazy grid.
      Fragment:1 Activity:3 Min SDK:14 Target SDK:18 Java File:12 Manifest File:1

    30. RevealTextView
      Custom Android TextView that reveals letter by letter from center to borders
      Java File:2 Manifest File:1