Android Open Source - Adaptable-Adapter Endless Adapter

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Java Source Code

 * Copyright 2013 Benjamin Lee// w ww  .j a  v a2s  .  co m
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

package cm.ben.adapter;

import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import java.util.List;

public class EndlessAdapter<T> extends Adapter<T> {

  private boolean mKeepAppending;

  private View mPendingView;

  private Task mTask;

  private EndlessAdapterListener mEndlessAdapter;

   * An interface used to pull {@link #getView(int, android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup)} out of an adapter class and
   * to asynchronously load new data into a ListView.
  public static interface EndlessAdapterListener<Result> extends AdapterListener {

     * Performs an operation on a background thread and then passes the results into {@link #onPostExecute(Object)} for handling.
     * @return The results found during the operation.
    public Result doInBackground ();

     * Handles the results found by {@link #doInBackground()} on the UI thread. {@link #notifyDataSetChanged()} is automatically called, use
     * {@link #setNotifyOnChange(boolean)} to disable/enable this.
     * @param result The returned results from {@link #doInBackground()}
     * @return True if no other data is to be loaded, false otherwise.
    public boolean onPostExecute (Result result);

     * Get a pending view that is displayed when the ListView has reached it's end.
     * @param parent The parent that this view will be attached to.
     * @return The view to be used as the pending view.
    public View getPendingView (ViewGroup parent);


   * Constructor
  public EndlessAdapter () {
    // Empty

   * Constructor
   * @param adapterListener The initial EndlessAdapterListener to be used
  public EndlessAdapter (EndlessAdapterListener adapterListener) {

   * Constructor
   * @param data The data to be used in the ListView
  public EndlessAdapter (List<T> data) {

   * Constructor
   * @param data            The data to be used in the ListView
   * @param adapterListener An instance of EndlessAdapterListener that will be used for building list rows
  public EndlessAdapter (List<T> data, EndlessAdapterListener adapterListener) {
    super(data, adapterListener);

   * Constructor
   * @param data The data to be used in the ListView
  public EndlessAdapter (T[] data) {

   * Constructor
   * @param data            The data to be used in the ListView
   * @param adapterListener An instance of EndlessAdapterListener that will be used for building list rows
  public EndlessAdapter (T[] data, EndlessAdapterListener adapterListener) {
    super(data, adapterListener);

  private void init (EndlessAdapterListener adapterListener) {
    mEndlessAdapter = adapterListener;
    mKeepAppending = (mEndlessAdapter = adapterListener) != null;

  private static class Task extends AsyncTask<EndlessAdapter, Void, Object> {

    private EndlessAdapter mAdapter;
    private EndlessAdapterListener mListener;

    protected Object doInBackground (EndlessAdapter... params) {
      mAdapter = params[0];
      if (mAdapter != null) {
        mListener = mAdapter.mEndlessAdapter;
        if (mListener != null) {
          // Do some work
          return mListener.doInBackground();
      return null;

    public void onPostExecute (Object result) {
      mAdapter.mKeepAppending = mListener.onPostExecute(result);
      mAdapter.mPendingView = null;
      mAdapter.mTask = null;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public EndlessAdapterListener getAdapterListener () {
    return mEndlessAdapter;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void setAdapterListener (AdapterListener adapterListener) {
    if (!(adapterListener instanceof EndlessAdapterListener)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param must be instance of EndlessAdapterListener");
    } else {
      mKeepAppending = (mEndlessAdapter = (EndlessAdapterListener) adapterListener) != null;

   * Sets whether or not the pending view will show when you reach the end.
   * @param keepAppending If true, the ListView will keep appending data, false otherwise.
  public void setKeepAppending (boolean keepAppending) {
    mKeepAppending = keepAppending;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getCount () {
    return (mKeepAppending) ? super.getCount() + 1 : super.getCount();

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getItemViewType (int position) {
    return (position == super.getCount()) ? IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE : super.getItemViewType(position);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getViewTypeCount () {
    return (super.getViewTypeCount() + 1);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public T getItem (int position) {
    return (position >= super.getCount()) ? null : super.getItem(position);


   * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean areAllItemsEnabled () {
    return false;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean isEnabled (int position) {
    return (position >= super.getCount()) ? false : super.isEnabled(position);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public View getView (int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    if (position == super.getCount() && mKeepAppending) {
      if (mPendingView == null) {
        if (mEndlessAdapter == null)
          throw new IllegalStateException("No AdapterListener has been provided!");

        mPendingView = mEndlessAdapter.getPendingView(parent);

        if (mTask != null)
        mTask = new Task();

      return mPendingView;
    } else {
      return super.getView(position, convertView, parent);


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