List of Free code Azure


  • .NET Site Storage
    Write .NET code to use an abstract storage system that can work with a variety of storage, such as local file system and Azure blob.
  • AppFabric Service Bus Test Clients
    AppFabric Service Bus Send and Receive Test Clients help development and testing of Queues, Topics and Subscriptions features of Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus.
  • Automating SQL Azure Backup using Worker role
    This tool is used for backup functionality on SQL Azure database and tables in a periodical timeline. The code can deployed as a Worker role with Azure or on-premise environment and the backup file can store in blob storage or a file system.
  • Automating windows Azure SQL DB Backup using Worker role
    This tool is used for backup functionality on SQL Azure database and tables in a periodical timeline.
  • Azure 1 GB Blob Uploader
    Source code to upload large files (1 GB tested) as file chunks of 4 MB. Methods used are: PutBlock() PutBlockList()
  • Azure Business App Scale Proof of Concepts
    This is actually a series of proof of concept demo applications built to demonstrate scale of particular architecture or application designs.
  • Azure Database Upload Utility
    This utility will allow users to take the data from a SQL Server database and upload it in their Azure table storage account. It provides an easy to use GUI to read data from a SQL Server and upload it into specified Azure table storage.
  • Azure Development Storage Sync
    Synchronizes Storage Classes in a Windows Azure Cloud App with your Development Storage Database (SQL 2008).
  • Azure Drive Explorer
    AzureDriveExplorer is a tool to easily manage your drives that are mounted on a virtual machine on Window Azure. Through a server-side Web service Windows Azure, or downloaded to a local file / folder on the drive of the VPC client Azure Local files or upload the folder to A...
  • Azure Sample Communication Rol
    Azure Sample Communication Rol is a simple sample to demostrate how implement inter roles communication in Azure.
  • Azure Storage Explorer
    Azure Storage Explorer is a useful GUI tool for inspecting the data in your Azure cloud storage projects including the logs of your cloud-hosted applications.
  • Azure Storage Samples
    Azure Storage Samples are Windows Azure Storage code samples. They show how to perform every Windows Azure Storage operation for blobs, queues, and tables. There are 2 identical implementations, one using REST and the other using the .NET Storage Client Library (both in C#).
  • Azure storage utility
    A desktop application to facilitate the easy management of blobs within one or more Azure storage account. The application includes the ability to upload entire folders from your local drive, to edit content in storage and to launch applications to view the content.
  • Azure Trace Listener
    Simple Trace Listener outputting trace data directly to Windows Azure Queue or Table Storage. Unlike the Windows Azure Diagnostics Listener (WAD), logging happens immediately and does not rely on (scheduled or manually triggered) Log Transfer mechanism. A simple Reader appl...
  • AzureDirectory Library for Lucene.Net
    This project allows you to create Lucene Indexes via a Lucene Directory object which uses Windows Azure BlobStorage for persistent storage.
  • AzureFiddlerCore
    AzureFiddlerCore allows an instance of Fiddler to be hosted in an Azure application. It will export any requests sent through its special proxies to a SAZ file stored in Azure Blob storage, for you to download. It is written in C# using FiddlerCore.
  • AzureSpy - The Azure Inspector WebApp
    AzureSpy is a web application with various pages of content extracted from the Windows Azure virtual machine. It is useful to understand something more about Windows Azure VM specifications and as a starting point to build inspecting features.
  • BCP2SQLAzure: Free tool to import/export data between SQL Azure and SQL Server
    SQL Azure BCP makes it easier for database admins and developers, to do bulk copy loads into SQL Azure. This bcp replacement allows you to define each load using an easily XML file. It?s developed using C#.
  • Blob Transfer Utility for Windows Azure Blob Storage
    Blob Transfer Utility is a GUI tool to upload and download thousands of small/large files to/from Windows Azure Blob Storage.
  • Blobber
    Blobber is a simple command line tool to exchange data with Windows Azure Storage. It built in C# .NET and has variety of uses. Usage Example: Upload - C:\Blobber -u test.txt Download - C:\Blobber -d D:\test.txt
  • ChaosKit Interface
    ChaosKit is an online resource offering time series prediction of chaotic series from science and finance, hosted on Azure. This project acts as a user interface and template for connecting to the web service, uploading time series, and using the web service in real time.
  • Cloud-based SOAP Web Service Load-Testing
    Service Tester is an Azure Cloud based load testing application targeted at Soap Web Services which allows you to invoke your Web Service by random parameters.
  • CloudBackup
    CloudBackup is a disaster recovery solution that allows you to export a Hyper-V virtual machine, archive it in Azure, and later restore it.
  • CloudBlitz - Framework for deploying HPC Clusters and submitting jobs
    Sample solution that can deploy, and undeploy compute clusters on Windows Azure and run jobs on those clusters.
  • CloudMail
    Want to send email from Azure? Cloud Mail is designed to provide a small, effective and reliable solution for sending email from the Azure platform directly addressing several problems that application developers face.
  • DocaAzure
    DocaLabs contains useful utilities that makes easier to develop for Windows Azure. It's developed in C# and includes: * Lightweight messaging framework * IDbSet implementation for Azure tables * SMTP relay and server * Azure tables & blobs backup/restore to: * th...
  • EnterpriseLibrary Azure Backing Store
    Most developers face difficulties in migrating the application, which is using caching block of Enterprise library, to azure due to unavailability of app fabric cache backing store for Enterprise Library. This library provides an app fabric backing store for enterprise library.
  • F# library for Window Azure REST API
    Microsoft provides Azure SDK for development using C# (Microsoft.Azure). But I like functional programming and especially pure functional programming. That's why I decided to create FunctionalAzure, to provide pure functional wrappers over Azure REST API (if possible).
  • Greybox - Azure Hosted Service Deployment Notifier
    The GreyBox application is designed to alert a user if their Windows Azure compute services are currently running, or are even simply deployed. Great for Azure speakers and POCs you don't want left running.
  • HotSpot - spot the right hotel for you
    HotSpot is our Windows Azure application, designed and implemented for a student competition organized by BEST Timisoara (Romania) and Microsoft Romania.
  • Lokad Cloud - .NET O/C mapper (object to cloud) for Windows Azure
    Lokad.Cloud helps your .NET apps to fully leverage the cloud without getting dragged down by low level technicalities.
  • Lucifure Stash - Azure Table Storage Client
    Lucifure Stash is an alternate Azure table storage client, which supports arrays, enumerations, large data > 64KB, serialization, morphing and more.
  • Microsoft SQL Server To Windows Azure helper library
    This project is an effort to cross the bridge between Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL and the Windows Azure Platform.
  • Nuxleus Web Application and Messaging System for Windows Azure
    This project represents an effort to port the code base and architecture of the Nuxleus Web Application and Messaging System to run on Windows Azure.
  • RESX Translator with Microsoft Translator (from Microsoft Consulting Services)
    A Windows Form application that automatically translates RESX files using Microsoft Translator Azure services
  • Service Bus Samples
    Samples, Code Snippets and Utilities for developers using the Windows Azure Service Bus.
  • SQL Azure .NET Connection
    This is a demo application that shows how to connect with SQL Azure
  • SQL Azure Explorer Addin for VS2010
    This is an attempt to learn something of SQL Azure and VS2010 Extensions development by creating an SQL Azure Explorer Extension/Addin for Visual Studio 2010, even though Microsoft will probably provide such a tool eventually, this is for learning and having some programming fun.
  • SQL Database Migration Wizard v3.9.13.1 & v4.0.16.1
    SQL Database Migration Wizard (SQLAzureMW) is designed to help you migrate your SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 databases to Azure SQL Database.
  • The Azure Accelerators Project
    The Azure Accelerators Project abstracts the common resource provisioning and configuration requirements of applications as independent XML definitions. It is an engine which orchestrates the startup, runtime and tear-down of applications hosted on the Windows Azure platform.
  • thor
    Project Thor is a community drive project meant to provide people with an opportunity to get familiar with Microsoft's cloud platform by developing a real-world application. Technologies utilized include Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and Exchange Web Services.
  • Twister4Azure : Decentralized Iterative MapReduce For Windows Azure Cloud
    Twister4Azure is a distributed decentralized iterative MapReduce runtime for Windows Azure Cloud.
  • Windows Azure Cache Extension Library
    Windows Azure Cache Extension Library
  • Windows Azure Cloud Sensor Sample for Windows Embedded Compact 2013
    Windows Azure Cloud Sensor Sample for Windows Embedded Compact 2013, Windows CE
  • Windows Azure Helpers
    Windows Azure Helpers (formally known as Windows Azure Toolkit )provides a flexible and scalable hosting framework that enables developers to quickly get started building both large and small Windows Azure applications.
  • Windows Azure Queue Explorer
    A simple application I use to explor the queues I have in the cloud and on development storage.
  • Windows Azure SQL Database Import Export Code Examples
    This site contains code samples for using the Windows Azure SQL Database Import Export Service programmatically via an API or REST Endpoints
  • Windows Azure Starter Kit for Java (by Microsoft Open Technologies)
    This starter kit was designed to work as a simple command line build tool or in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) to help Java developers deploy their applications to the Windows Azure cloud.
  • WPF Controls for Windows Azure
    The purpose of this project is to share basic WPF controls and helpers for integrating with Windows Azure for development purposes. Why these controls when free or 3rd party controls are already available? The key difference is "for development purposes" - not intended for PROD

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