Legend « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

1. With JFreeCharts, how can I sort the x-axis labels and legend items separately?    stackoverflow.com

I have a multi-lined chart that contains the following data: Line 1: Name=B, X-Axis Label=A Line 2: Name=A, X-Axis Label=C Line 3: Name=C, X-Axis Label=B I would like the x-axis labels to show up in ...

2. Legend on Axis    jfree.org

3. text (legend, axis, etc.) does not render in Oracle's JVM    jfree.org

Hi, I am trying to deploy the JFreeChart libraries inside the Oracle 10g JVM (1.4.2) and create charts from Oracle Java Stored Procedures. It actually works quite well, but ... the charts don't look exactly as they should (compared to creating the same chart in, say Sun JRE on Windows or even headless Linux). I used one of the example charts ...

4. International characters in chart axis and legend    jfree.org

Hi all I'm having a rather strange problem here. I'm using jfreechart both on a web page and in a jfreereport and I'm getting different results when running under the build in OC4J server in JDeveloper as when running against our main OC4J server. More specifically, I have a single page report that contains some tables and two charts, everything in ...

5. Legend in axis    jfree.org

Hi, I'm plotting 2 Datasets with different Y (Range) axes and the same x (Domain) axis. Its hard for the viewer to figure out which Y axis applies to a dataset. They have to 1) find the color/symbol for the dataset in the legend; then 2) compare the text in the legend with the text on the axes and figure out ...

7. Double Legend in case of Dual Axis    jfree.org

Double Legend in case of Dual Axis by Saurin Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:54 am Hi, I am new to JFreeChart. I have a requirement where I need to show stacked bar chart with unit A on left Y axis and unit B on right Y axis for same data. I am creating a chart object with unit A and ...

8. Duplicated legend items on dual axis chart    jfree.org

I'm not sure it is wise to add the same dataset to a plot twice. What are you trying to show in your chart? Maybe there is a better way to do it... By default, the legend in your chart will get legend items from all the renderers in chart's plot...but if you manually create a LegendTitle, you can specify a ...

9. Horizontal valueaxis legend    jfree.org