Margin « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

2. Symbol axis setting lower and upper margin to zero

Hi I have Symbol Axis for which i don't want a lower margin and upper margin. I am not using autoRange. I am using my own range. What should i set to get the lowerMargin and upperMargin to not exist. I tried setting lowerMargin to zero and upperMargin to zero it doesn't work. I got lowerMargin to zero by setting setAutoRangeStickyZero ...

3. A Symbol axis with a no upper or lower margin?

Hi, I have a chart with a Symbol axis as a Range axis that displays 12 labels. My problem is that I cannot get the Symbol axis to span the entire range. I did find another posting with the suggestion of using SymbolAxis.setAutoRangeStickyZero(true). This does force the lower margin to zero but has no effect on the upper margin. What is ...

4. Domain Axis - Margin Problem

I have a fixed width line chart and i would like the domain axis to be auto adjusted with the margin when the domain axis labels are too close with each other. For ex: i have a chart width of 500px and if the domain range date values are 1000 , they looks ugly. I wish to make the labels to ...

5. How to set absolute axis margin?

The range of an axis can be extended by setting lower/upper margins or just decrease/increase the min/max range values. However this is always a percentage of the range values. For charts that can have a wide variety of possible values, a percentage setting is unusable as for some charts, 5% is just right for one charts and wrong for other charts. ...

6. Domain axis margins when using setFixedAutoRange

by bethewater Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:16 pm Well this is not an ideal solution, in that the fixed range is actually larger than specified. However, by overriding the "autoAdjustRange()" function I got it to work like I needed. The following is the code I used: Code: Select all DateAxis dateAxis = new DateAxis(null) ...

7. Overlay / Axis margin

Hi, I have a time chart and now I want to add labels for each data series on the right side of the chart. Of course those labels must not overlap and must not hide any content. Therefore I have set the upper margin to 0.2. Now I try to add those labels using an overlay. I try to calculate the ...