Y « Axis « JFreeChart Q&A

2. 2 Y Axis possible?    jfree.org

4. Line Chart-x&y axis doesn't seems to be starting at 0,0    jfree.org

Thanks Christoper & Erik. My problem is not with Y-Axis. To explain it further, My chart is getting rendered as follows:- | | | | | | 0-----0--------16------------------------------ |<-->| If you notice, my plot has an aditional zero value on x-axis while trying to plot (0,1) value. Becuase of this there is an offset in the plot. Thanks TestUser

5. ToolTips Disappeared after adding Y axis    jfree.org

ToolTips Disappeared after adding Y axis A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 ToolTips Disappeared after adding Y axis by reebz Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:28 am Hi guys, I have recently added another Y axis to my XYLineChart and now I have problems with my crosshair ...

7. Position of Y axis numbering    jfree.org

8. Highlight a y price axis?    jfree.org

In a time/price chart, the y axis is usually price. I have seen JFreeChart which highlights the last price value in the chart, on the y axis itself. I have a complex realtime JFreeChart futures trading application ZoneTrader, in which I would like to highlight or label the current value on multiple y axes. I don't even know what this is ...

9. labels in Y axis    jfree.org

10. Static Y Axis    jfree.org

Hello Ive got a question about JFreeChart It is possible to make the Y Axe Static ? http://img163.imageshack.us/my.php?image=freechartforum0uu.jpg You see in the Picture there are more BarCharts. In one Diagramm there is the highest Value 90.000 and in the right Diagramm the highest Value is 30.000. I want that in each Diagramm the Y Axis is the same, for Example: In ...

11. 2 y axis in jfreechart    jfree.org

12. 2 y axis in jfreechart    jfree.org

hi i found following code from forum regarding 2 y axis. but it seems that code has some error methods setSecondaryRangeAxis and setSecondaryDataset are not available public class CewolfPostProcessorTest implements ChartPostProcessor, Serializable { public void processChart( Object chart, Map params ) { try { // Directly call the produceDataset method of the DataProducer implementation // you want to use for your ...

13. Set X&Y axis values dynamically    jfree.org

14. % in Y axis    jfree.org

16. Normalise Y axis in terms of percentage    jfree.org

Can jfreechart auto convert / normalize any y axis data in terms of percentage. I have a number of graphs being generated , some with Y - axis as kb/sec , number of preocesses , bytes etc . I would like to avoid normalising each graph and then superimposing the images in paint to combine the diff graphs into one

17. Dynamic Changes of Y Axis Maximum value    jfree.org

I would like to change the Maximum y-axis value dynamically based on the Y value. It would be really appreciated if you can help me, I couldn't find where is the search the topic, if it had, please let me know where is it so that I can search the topic before ask the question. Thanks - --Paul

18. scalling Y axis to 100 [%]    jfree.org

19. Overlapping of Y Axis Labels in JFreechart    jfree.org

Labels are overlapping on Y Axis. I am calling ChartFactory.createHorizontalBarChart() method to crate Horizontal Bar and using 0.9.8 Vesion of JFreechart Is new version of JFreeChart provides any support to avoid overlapping of labels? And how many max no of labels we can display on Y Axis in JFreechart is there any limit on it? Pls help thanks in advance

20. rotate y axis    jfree.org

Is there a possibility to rotate the y axis? That means that for example the minimum of y is 20 and the maximum is 1 . I want to start the y axis with 20 and end it with 1. So that the y value of 20 starts direct at the x axis line and ends with 1 at the end ...

21. y -axis -- time series chart    jfree.org

22. the axis X is equal to axis Y.    jfree.org

The original poster probably means a chart where the units along the x-axis are equal (in pixels) to the units along the y-axis (so that squares look square). JFreeChart doesn't support that at present (it would need some changes to the auto-range mechanism that could get a little tricky when there are multiple axes to consider) but it would be a ...

24. Translate Y axis labels    jfree.org

25. Rotating ticks on X or Y axis    jfree.org

26. How to add strings instead of numbers to Y axis.    jfree.org

I am a fresher of Jfreechart and now trying to set Y axis as with only two strings, "on"&"off", rather than 1.0,1.1,1.2,...... Hope you can help me to find the solution. Maybe I use the wrong axis class for Y-axis? Tons of thanks in advance! My code is briefly like this: DateAxis Xaxis = (DateAxis)plot.getDomainAxis(); Xaxis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd HH")); Xaxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MONTH, 15)); ...

27. Y Axis labels using whole numbers only    jfree.org

by mdweezer Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:20 pm I gave this code a shot, still getting "0.75" etc etc values when all I'm working with are integers... Code: Select all private JFreeChart createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset, final String projectName, final String id, final String name) { Calendar aCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); ...

28. Wrapping Y Axis Label    jfree.org

30. Add and remove y- axis    jfree.org

public void setAxis(int xSeite, String nameLinie) { ...

31. y- Axis- Labels    jfree.org

32. cewolf Modify x and y axis values    jfree.org

I was able to create charts using cewolf tag library. However, I want modify the x and y axis values to integers instead of with decimal values or dates. Has anyone got chart postprocessor code for modifying the axis values ? Can you please post the java file and jsp part for that. I think that would help folks like me ...

33. Intersection of both X and Y axis    jfree.org

I think u did not get the question 30 | | 20 | | 10 | | 0 |__________________________________ time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 I want the figure to be like this as below.....time1 should be the first point in Yaxis(in place of zero)..... 30 | | 20 | | 10 | | 0 |__________________________________ time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 I ...

34. Y axis disappears    jfree.org

I have a line chart inside a WebScrollPane. As my graph grows, I have to scroll to the right to see the most recent data. However, as I scroll to the right, the y-axis disappears. Is there any way for me to freeze the y-axis? I would like to be able to see the y-axis no matter how much I have ...

35. Mark of the y axis is not on the y-position like the x axis    jfree.org

Hi I have a chart with a date x-axis and a y-axis with marks. Now I have the problem that the mark who should be on the same y position like the x-axis is a little bit lower. But it should be exactly at the same y-position. What's wrong? What can I do? Thanks Hans

36. Problem with Y- Axis resizing    jfree.org

Hi David, I need to resize the Y-Axis, every time the X- axis range changes, so that the upper bound of the Y- Axis is the maximum value of the data that is with in the current X - Axis range. I am using version 1.0.4. The setAutoRange() method resizes the Y-Axis to set the upper bound to the maximum value ...

37. Not dynamic X- and Y axis    jfree.org

Hi! Im new on JFreeChart. Ive try to find out how to make that the value on the axis not will change as a result of the value of the plot. If you do not understand my problem, please tell me. For example: I like to draw x-axis 0 to 100 and y-axis 0 to 100, but have just one point ...

38. Question about auto-range in the Y axis    jfree.org

Hi all, I have an application working with JFreeChart the past months but after re-engineering some of the core components i lost the auto-ranging of the Y-axis. Fore instance, when the min value of a set of series is over a 100, the chart displays a gap between 0-100. It used to sort of zoom to the y-axis such that only ...

39. Chart print rotates y axis label    jfree.org

I'm using JFreeChart through IReport. When I view the chart on screen the label is vertical with the text starting at the origin end. When I print the report, the label is rotated through 180 degrees so that the text starts in the same place but extends past the origin. Can anyone shed any light? Thanks Snuv

40. Set Chart X and Y axis as if it is rotated by 90 degrees??    jfree.org

I am using JSF chart creator to create a XY line chart. It is working fine and thanks to the creator. But I am facing one problem. If I use the tag as it is as described in the documentation, I get the chart as shown in Chart1 But I need to display the chart as shown in Chart2 Is there ...

41. How can i handle Y axis? And some version problem    jfree.org

Hi I've some problem here. I want draw a graph with money exchange rate. but that data's difference is not big. so that grapth is almost a straight line so i want to make naroww Y axis's gap just like '1000', '1001', '1002'... and now i use jfreechart 0.9.6 but i want to upgrade this and tried but after upgraded that ...

42. How to have hyperlinks on Y axis values in Bargraph.    jfree.org

We are using Jfree to render a bargraph.When a Y axis value is very high, bar graph is disrupted i.e one bar goes very high other bars are so small that they are unreadable. I think I can customze y axis values by sending max y axis val from a dropdown of y axis values from jsp to rangeAxis.setRange(double arg0,double arg1) ...

43. How to set the x axis in the middle by default and Y values?    jfree.org

I am trying to make a bar graph that shows "negative values" by having the x axis in the middle. I notice that if i set negative values the chart automatically raises the axis but the values are not balanced - it could be 100/-70 for the Y values. How do I set the X-axis in the middle by default and ...

44. delete y- axis    jfree.org

45. How to get x axis and y axis value!?    jfree.org

MouseListenerDemo4.java has an example of this (source available for download with the JFreeChart Developer Guide). Essentially you need to convert the mouse coordinates from screen space to chart drawing space (which means you'll need to take into account any scaling, if any, that the ChartPanel has done behind the scenes). Once you've done that, you just need the bounds of the ...

46. Setting Strings in Y Axis in an XY plot of JFreechart    jfree.org

Hi all I have seen examples in which date/time is set in x axis using the TimeSeries class of the JFreechart in an XY Plot.I would like to know whether we can set predefined Strings in the Y Axis of the x-y plot.I mean to say that in x Axis integer values would be displayed ,but in the Y axis different ...

49. Show Labels instead of Values in the Y Axis    jfree.org

I have a JFreeChart graph where the values in the Y axis begin with a series of 1, 2, 3.... etc. What I am looking for is to show labels instead of the values like for example, instead of showing number 1 to show "Good" and so. Is there a way of doing that? Thanks in advance for the time taken ...

50. How to disappear gap in y axis    jfree.org

Hi there, I have a problem: Assume, I have two time lines in my chart - the one is a line with values between 90-100 (y axis) and the second one has values between 1-10 (y axis). Now, I receive a chart with a very big gap between the two lines (11-89 y-axis). How can I make the chart that the ...

51. y axis in jfreechart    jfree.org

I want to customize the y axis interval.i have already set the range for y axis.and i set it to 0 to 24 as my y axis denotes hours of a day.But i want my intervals like 0,3,6,9,12,14........24..My code is like : ---------------------------------------------------------------- final NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setRange(0,24); .... Can anybody help please...

52. XYPlot Exponential Y Axis smoother scrolling    jfree.org

Hi guys, I have a small problem that I hope you can advise me on. I've implemented an XYPlot with a linear x-axis and exponential y-axis, each axis with it's own scroll bar. As the x-axis is linear enabling a consistant scrolling action is very easy, If I have 100 points on the axis I simply set the appropriate scrollpane limits ...

53. dynamic Y axis    jfree.org

Hi, The values I will be displaying in the Y axis of a graph will come as bytes from DB, so before putting it into data set , I am dividing it by 1073741824 to convert bytes to GB. But I would like it to be in this way- if the number of digits in the bytes are less, I need ...

54. chart with 2 y axis    jfree.org

55. Y Axis Autoranges on entire series rather than what's shown    jfree.org

Y Axis Autoranges on entire series rather than what's shown by justin f Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:00 pm I used JFreeChart version 1.0.5 for a previous project, and started using it for another one which is a "live charting" application. But I found that the Y-Axis for TimeSeries plots did not seem to autoscale correctly, because it would always ...

56. set decimal value in my y axis    jfree.org

Hi you should be able to achieve that by using a formatter: 1. Create a formatter DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat)DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ENGLISH); format.applyPattern("#,##0"); In case there could be decimals, for example 10.5 you should use: format.applyPattern("#,##0.##"); 2. Apply the formatter to your axis (assuming you have generated the plot already, you get the axis by plot.getRangeAxis() -> you might the cast it to ...

57. set x and y axis manually, axis value doesnt go beyond 175    jfree.org

set x and y axis manually, axis value doesnt go beyond 175 by a1n1n1a1 Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:36 pm i want to make a graph like this: [img][url]E:/Untitled.jpg[/url][/img] but i am unable to set fix values for y-axis and x-axis and moreover....x-axis doesnt go beyond value 175 where my points are 207.I want my y-axis to have values like ...

58. TimeSeriesChart with TimeSeries on X AND Y Axis    jfree.org

Hello, I am new on JFreeChart. I want make a linechart with dates on X AND Y axis. I have alreade made a TimeSeriesChart on a TimeSeriesCollection. That mean, that the X axis is a date format, but for the Y axis I can only save double values. I have the idea to save the date as millisecound since 1970, but ...

59. axes extends beyond origin (meeting point ) of x and y axis    jfree.org

Hello All, Though I am new to JFreeChart I did a lot of exercises regarding the customization of axes , ploting point shapes etc and I suceeded almost. I have to extend my x axis and y axis beyond the origin to some length. This doesnt mean that i am going to plot some negative values .Only for display purpose my ...

61. setting gap on y axis    jfree.org

62. Break in Y Axis    jfree.org

Morning. Is it possible to have a breakin the Y Axis... ?? I have a createStackedBarChart, with categories on the size, and numbers across the Y axis, and the chart is Horizontal. One or two of the categories, have quite large values, with the others being very small values. If the chart if vertical, I can easily add a break in ...

63. Y Axis values change for 2 timeseries    jfree.org

hi, i have a chart with 2 timeseries..the one has values between 100 and 200 and the second one 5000-12000....since the greatest value in the chart is 12000 and smallest 100, the data of the first timeserie are very compressed...is there any way to change the y range in this way: 50,100,150,200,5000,7000,9000,11000?? thx in advance

65. BUG ? Y axis values not shown    jfree.org