Bar « BarChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How can I create a bar-chart with JFreeChart, that shortens too long bars with a visible hint?

I want to create a bar-chart, but extraordinary high values should be shortened. An example is this image: shortened graph I hope it is clear what I want. My question is: ...

2. JFreeChart: bar overlaps y-axis

I am using JFreeChart to generate bar charts. Everything is working find, but I have one very minor issue: the left side of the bar is overlapping the y-axis. I would ...

3. Bar length problem

For very small data values, the bars on a bar chart are no longer visible. I have used setMinimumBarLength(2.0) to make the bars visible for very small values, but this works only for horizontal charts and not for vertical bar charts (I m using CategoryPlot for these bar charts). Can anyone tell me whats the reason for this and how I ...

5. Solid bars in 3DBarCharts

Hi Previously I was using jfreechart version 0.9.0 and now I've migrated to version 1.0.0pre. I m using 3DBarCharts. Now previously in this charts bars used to be solid but now in new version they appear to be semitransparent. I want to make them appear solid. Can you please tell me how can I do it?? Thanks.

6. Floating bar charts

Hi Everyone I have bought the documentation and searched the forum, but I can't see how to create a category bar chart where bars have a minumum and a maximum value - i.e. they float between a range, and don't just go from zero to X like a normal bar graph. Kinda like a Y Interval Chart except category based. (I ...

7. overlaid thin bar problem

9. Multiples bars charts

10. Writing over a bar.

11. Writing over a bar.

12. How can I set some offset between bars in a bar chart?

Hi everybody, I am trying to separate two bars on a graph by adding some offset between them. This can be easily done when the series are contained in the same dataset, but actually I need them to belong to different dataset. What I get is that all the bars are the same width and position respect to the x-axis. Any ...

13. How wrote into bar

14. Crosshairs in bar charts

Crosshairs in bar charts by Allamistakeo Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:49 am Hi I am struggling with two problems concerning the use of crosshairs. First, I used to have a XYLine chart, and I wanted to be able to display the current position of the vertical and horizontal crosshairs, but the get*CrosshairValue() methods would always return the previous position of ...

15. How to add 2 bars consequently

16. How to make a bar larger?

18. add text in bar of barchart

20. Easy bar charts...

But what if your dataset is not a TimeSeriesCollection? I have quite a similar problem since I have a xy-chart showing a normal distribution curve and now I would like to show bars below it. On the x-axis shall be "usual values". In the middle of the x-axis is the average of the Normal Distribution. Somehting like this: Code: Select all ...

21. how to use a lable of any kind fo each bar in barChar ,

Hi Thank you for reading my post. In barChart , there are some bar that each of them represent an item in dataset , in legend lable of all bar and thier color are listed , now my question is : How i can have a label (undel domain axis or any other place on the chart) for each bar ? ...

22. Sum of the stacks over the bars

Hello, I need really help. I have to write the sum of the stacks over the bars. Please look here: ^ 75 __ 200 <= ??? How ??? | _____ _____ | | 25 | |100| <= no problem | |___| |___| | | 25 | | 50 | <= no problem | |___| |___| | | 25 | | 50| ...

23. BarChart displaying to many Bars

Hello I have a little problem with my Charts. From a Lotus Notes Database i collect a lot of Documents an i want to display them in a BarChart, but unfourtnatly there is one Database with a lot of Documents. So my BarChart is over and over with Bars the Problem is you cannot read the Names of the Bars and ...

24. Help needed-How can I write text into bars of Barchart

I have to write text into each bar of barchart. The value of text may different for each data set.It means the written text must be pass with each dataset. so dataSet must take three argument ,one for domain axis,second for range axis and third to write text into bar. Is it possible with JfreeChart?

25. Display bars side by side in BarChart3D

Hello, I have using the JFreeChart api for a week or so and have been trying in vain to create a 3DBarChart that displays its data side by side. Currently using a DefaultCategoryDataset I have my data which is the averages of subjects results of a class versus the students result displaying like so subject A,subject B,subject C,subject D, class A,class ...

26. Three Questions on Bar Charts

Three Questions on Bar Charts by mnmdad Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:35 pm Hi. I am developing a prototype that receives periodic pulses of aggregated data from a real-time event processing system. Therefore I need to use dynamic charts. I seem to have that solved; so far with both pie and bar charts. But there are a few things with ...

27. Bar Charts - Questions / Answers(?)

private static int convertChartToPdf(PdfContentByte cb,int xFromLeft, int yFromTop, int height,int width, JFreeChart chart, int numberBars, Font categoryFont) { int padding = 5; int calculatedHeight = (int)(numberBars * ((float)categoryFont.getSize()*4/3 + padding)); if (height < calculatedHeight){ calculatedHeight = height; ...

28. Bar charts

Hi, I have created an bar chart and I have an whole bunch of periodic data that I need to display in it. Basically I need to show how the bar lengths vary in time. The problem is that the chart changes the scale of the domain-axis every time I put new measurement in the screen. What I would like to ...

31. Separated bars

32. Selecting two bars for comparison of datas

Selecting two bars for comparison of datas by kjvaidya Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:31 pm Hello, Using Jfree Chart using JSF (where the renderer do the decoding and a servlet handles the request and response) i have created a bar chart (Score Vs Time i.e the start time) for the datas which i am retrieving from repository. I want to ...

34. Overlayed Bars

35. Ordering stacks on a bar

36. How to set Bar outline?

37. How to set the border for the Bars

hi, In my application we are using the StackedBar chart, i am getting displayed the bars successfully but if I could get the border for them , then the bars are look and feel. version : jfreechart-0.9.21 Can any one please give me the suggestion to set the border for the bar? regards, Sumant

39. How to draw Bars right in between verticle gridlines?

I am a newbie and wish to know that how can I draw the Bars right in the center of vertical gridlines. I also wish to have borders at the top and right side of the chart. Please note that this borders should be such that it should give a box kind of look to chart by touching the X and ...

40. Show total at end of each bar of a stackedbar chart?

I have been doing some research this morning on the ability of JFreeChart to display the total of each bar at the end on a stackedbar chart. I've seen and been able to display the label for each item in the chart, but no luck with creating to total at the end. Here's my chart so far (since i'm new user, ...

41. Cross point in bar charts

42. Layered Bar Charts

43. fix bar size in reports

44. Sorting the bar (depending on the PlotOrientation) ?

Hi, With or without a order by clause in my select, it seems that JFreeChart does the order by by itself. I tried my sql command without a order by and it ordered the items automaticly. That is why I did like to order them from top to bottom (small to big) when in Horizontal, it would look better than going ...

45. BarChart: maximum bar length

Hi! I was hoping someone could tell me how one sets the maximum bar length of a barchart. I have a limited space for the image of the chart and when I let JFreeChart calculate dimensions for the different elements by itself, either I have to make the image really big or else the labels for each category get cut off. ...

47. Some question about bars labelling and categoryplot

Hi, i ask if it possible to manage, in a categoryplot, every single bar of a single dataset and, even if it is possible, if there is a way to print more labels on a bar(eg the quantity, the description) using possibily the StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator("{0}"....). Because i must print the content of a bar out the bar itself but, if these get ...

49. Limit bars per chart and use of a scrollpane to manage this

I am new to using JFreChart but cannot seem to find this answer. I have a bar chart that has numerous bars say 100. I would like to set the sample count to 20 and throw this on a JSscollPane. So my query will bring back 100 I sort by date so my most recent are visible first but I don't ...

50. adding URLs to the bars not working

Hi, I am trying to make my bar clickable on the charts. I tried to implement this by following the sample example provided for 0.9.3 version. But this is not working for me. Here is my code: Code: Select all CategoryAxis domainAxis = new CategoryAxis(""); domainAxis.setTickLabelFont(new Font(MiscellaneousConstants.FONT_SANSSERIF, Font.PLAIN, MiscellaneousConstants.EIGHT.intValue())); domainAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_45); ...

51. Can bar charts do...

Hi; I think the answer to all of these questions is no - but I figure it's always better to ask. Note - I have to use version 1.0.1. Can I generate the following kinds of bar charts: 1) 3D - regular and/or stacked - where it is XY (NumberAxis/DateAxis) on the domain axis (instead of a category)? There is an ...

52. Display dynamic number of bar in bar chart

Hi, Can anyone please help.. I am a newbie here and I wish to display a chart that consists of a dynamic numbers of bars. Due to the amount is depends of the information in database. When there are too many bars displayed, all the bars in the bar chart are displayed in chunk. How can I solve this? is it ...

53. identifying individual stack in stack bar charts

Hi, I am preparing a labled stack bar chart wherein the label would be present on the stacks. along with the labels i need to display some annotations like numbers on specified stacks. presently i m using categorypointerannotation to add the annotation at specified point. but things arent working out. say if the stacks are in random numeric order and i ...

55. 2D Bar Charts

I am a newbie to JFreeChart.I am trying to generate 2D Bar Chart in JSP using JFreeChart. I have seven bar Categories.I have two X points. I have 14 Y points.I have a couple of questions 1) I have a threshold value. I have to display three different colors for the bars depending upon thershold. below threshold--green; threshold--blue; above---red. Can anyone ...

56. Barchart - Category/Series - null bars

by david.gilbert Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:37 pm Here's what I'd do (using multiple datasets and null values): Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.labels.ItemLabelAnchor; import org.jfree.chart.labels.ItemLabelPosition; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StatisticalBarRenderer; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; /** ...

57. customizing a bar

i'm looking to make the bar look similar to a stacked bar graph, but i only want to give it the 1 value. for example, i want all values under 75 to be green, 75 - 100 to be green with yellow on top. so if the value is 60, just a green bar will be shown. if the value is ...

58. Moving a bar

Hello, I started with a simple example like XYBarChartDemo7. On the y-axis I've got ressources (gates) and the time on the x-axis. Every bar on my chart represents a allocation for gate. Is it possible to move a bar along the x-axis with the mouse to another position on the chart? Thanx in advance^^ Borelli

59. Increase the bar size automatically?

Increase the bar size automatically? by whutmach Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:01 pm hi, can anybody help me please? Why is the bar size so small? The bars are homogeneously distributed, but they should be greater... The code: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; ...

60. Thickness of Bar in Barchart

62. [BarChart] bar info display customization

well after more reading, i found how to show the items value on the bars... but it dosnt work... this is my code.. Code: Select all CategoryPlot categoryPlot = (CategoryPlot)chartIn.getPlot(); CustomLabelGenerator customLabelGenerator = new CustomLabelGenerator(); ...

63. Selection of bars in BarChart

64. Expand bars in a BarChart

You have 3 series and 3 categories in your dataset - nine items in total. Six of your dataset items have null values and the renderer is leaving space for those. You have two options: (1) Write a custom renderer that ignores null values and doesn't allocate any space for them; (2) Populate your dataset so that it has just one ...

66. Bar chart with two or more bars having same name

First of all, this code snippet will not compile. A DefaultCategoryDataset uses an instance of DefaultKeyedValues2D for data strorage. if you add a value using an existing row and column key (e. g. a row/column key that is equal to an existing one), the old value will be overwritten. To avoid that, you could write your own Comparable implementation that wraps ...

67. showing range of responses on a bar on a bar chart

Hi, We have an application that conducts questionnaires. Each question can be given a scored response from 1 - 4 and there are 4 types of respondants to the questionnaire. So we plot a bar chart that shows the average score for each type (category) of respondant. Each bar is a different colour. the chart is Horizontal However we now need ...

68. Bar Chart with two Bar Renderers

Hi, really hope somebody can help me about this: I need a bar chart, I have two datasets with different series and would like to map one to a left value axis, one to a right value axis; for this purpose I also created two BarRenderers; Problem is that in the bottom of chart i am able to see first Bar ...

70. BarChart - Bar without any curve

71. How drawing three-dimensional Bar

73. Best practices to deal with charts with too many bars

Hi In my application I have some charts which can have more than 30 items (as bars) in them. I am wondering what is the best practice to deal with such situations and whether the JFreeChart has some functionalities to automatically split such charts or I should write some code to determine the number of bars and then split it into ...

74. first bar does not appear

i am using xyplot with XYBarRenderer and xyTaskDataset to create chart but the problem is that the very first bar of the category is not appearing. code i use is here. Code: Select all SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy hh:mm aaa"); // i have this type of data its for just of sample. TaskSeries drive = new TaskSeries("Drive"); TaskSeries stop = ...

75. 1.0.13 - Two Bars side by side

76. Questions on drawing bars with arrows on one or both ends

From a quick search on the Internet and in the documentation that I have, I think the answer is "No", but I want to ask here: Is it possible to draw the bars in a graph so that one or both ends of the bar are an arrow? This for the IntervalBarRenderer, where I would like to show that a graph ...

77. XYBarPlot with non-superimposed bars

Hello, I have a XYBarPlot with 2 data series and currently the bars of these different data series are superimposed. Instead of superimposing I want these bars to be horizontally aligned at each x-axis data point, similar to a category bar plot (I do not use a category bar plot, since I want zooming in x- AND y-axis). The XYBarChartDemo2 example ...

78. BarChart - Tiny Weeny Bar

79. Bar Outline issues in v1.0.13

80. Interactive Bar Charts

Hi, all... I am new to jfreechart.I am trying to plot a bar graph from a servlet. The code which I am using is as follows:- JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Categorical Influencer Plot", "Category", "", dataset, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, false, true, false); response.setContentType("image/png"); ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(out, chart, 400, 300); Now I want to click on the individual bar graphs generated by this code and move to ...

81. Bar chart with 5 minute wide bars?

I'm using an XYBarRenderer and a TimeSeriesCollection to plot data for every minute of a business day. However, at the end of the day, the data is collapse, or bucketed, into intervals of 5 minutes, to save space on the database. However, when graphing the collapsed data, there are 5-minute gaps in-between each bar. Is there a way to stretch this ...

82. Tiny Bars with CategoryDataset

Hi, my problem: I'd like to create a bar chart containing claims per year. The number of claims differ from year to year. And one claim appears only once. I tried a BarChart with a category dataset but this doesn't work. The bars are getting tiny. Any idea? What can I do? Thanks a lot for your help

83. Bar charts: how to set different names to each bar?

Hi everyone, This is the first time i am writting here and i hope you'd be able to help me. Please be kind to me, i am french and my english is not really good so i am really sorry if i am not using the appropriate words or if you can't really understand me . So there is the problem ...

84. Overlayed chart with 2 bar

Hi, I'd like to create a barchart with 2 or more categories using XYplot, but when i add the 2nd category, it just get over the 1st one. How can I solve this to render like DefaultCategoryDataset? I'm not using DefaultCategoryDataset class because I want to write a linechart over the bars. Ty Luiz Eduardo

85. Trouble adding patterns to bars in a bar chart

Trouble adding patterns to bars in a bar chart by webcoder Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:10 am I am trying to add patterns to the bars in a bar chart and having difficulty. I created a java class (BarChartDemo) from the bar chart section of the JFreeChart user guide. The class creates a bar chart using gradientPaint. I got this ...

86. Don't want gaps between bars at all!!

Hello experts, I have used the setItemMargin(0) method to close the gaps between bars. But if a value is present even for one category in the series, a gap is introduced for the corresponding bar for the rest of the categories. I need to close these gaps. If a value is not present (i.e. null value in the dataset), no gaps ...

87. JScroll Bar in JFreeChart