Draw « Dataset « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Error Drawing Realtime CompassPlot with multiple Datasets    jfree.org

I'm trying to develop an app that uses compassPlot to display 2 real-time datastreams. I want each of the needles for each dataset to be a different color but what I'm finding is that both needles are following the style of the first dataset in the series. Here's my code (largely adapted from CompassPlotDemo): Code: Select all windHeading ...

2. Chart drawing is slow for large dataset    jfree.org

Hi, i have a dataset for time series, that has data for the range of one or 2 months, and there are data points at every second. I am trying to display this chart but the chart comes up so slowly. There is a considerable amount of time, between when the user hits the button to see the chart and when ...

3. Real time chart drawing with custom dataset?    jfree.org

Real time chart drawing with custom dataset? A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 2 posts Page 1 of 1 Real time chart drawing with custom dataset? by 84923331 Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:52 pm I am trying to do some real time chart drawing with a custom dataset and am having troubles. ...

4. Redrawing chart after dataset changed. How ?    jfree.org

It has been a long day and if anyone can help I would be most grateful. I have extended ChartPanel to enable me to implement KeyPressed events on the chart. I have got that working and I am incrementing / decrementing the value that was mouse clicked by using the up / down arrow. Having changed the dataset I was wondering ...