Annotation « Development « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreeChart Annotations

I'm having trouble understanding how the annotations system works. For example I can draw a vertical line as an annotation using some coordinates I get from the mouse, but I can't ...

2. JFreechart draw arc on chart

I have 2 questions 1)I am trying to draw an arc on an XYplot using the shape annotation. I used the XYLine annotation to draw a line and I want the arc ...

3. Annotations in General

I've read the other postings and I thought I followed the use of them, but I cannot seem to make Annotations visible. I was to show an average for my line plots on a CombinedDomainXYPlot for each plot. Do I need to somehow add more space to the end of the lines so that the Annotation will appear? If that is ...

4. Annotation behind the Guidelines and the Items

Hey, I hope there is someone can help me. I have to show in my scatterplot which area's are good and which area's are wrong. I have solved this problem using Annotations. BUT, de annotations are draw ontop of everyting, including y Items. Can i Change the layers? I hope some can help me Jan-Martijn

5. Annotation Readability issues, suggestions?

I've set up an annotation system for a graphical report and it works well except for that I'm having issues coming up with a standard way of displaying the annotations that's readable in all graphs. The attached PDF is what I've got now, and it's far from "professional" looking I've tried setting the annotations to display vertical starting at the base, ...

6. Removing annotation.

Hello All, I'm using scatterplots to display data. When the user clicks on a datapoint, I'm using XYAnnotation to display some information about that ItemEntity. A particular plot might end up with multiple annotations. Sometimes, the user might want the annotation for one particular point to disappear. Is there a way for the user to click on an annotated datapoint to ...

7. generate URL for annotation

8. Annotation List

the new method is added in the XYplot to get the AnnotationList. is it possible to get particulat co-ordinates of annotation also. for example. i get an list of XYLineAnnotation for XYplot. but for that i need to know x1 and y1 (starting axis cordinates) and all that information. is there any way to know that information. if not, please is ...

9. Need help with annotations

Hi, I am a new user of jfreechart 1.0.1. I am trying to add an annotation to a point on my Time series chart, but the annotation is not getting visible. I'll appreciate your help in this matter. Here is my code: Code: Select all public static void addAnnotation(int seriesIndex, int ptIndex, String text, ...

10. Add and move/re-locate annotation

Initially, I made annotations immutable because I didn't want the overhead of event listeners to notify the chart whenever an annotation changes, in order to trigger the automatic chart repainting. You'll notice that now the classes aren't really immutable (you can modify some attributes), but there is also still no event notification. This needs tidying up. Perhaps adding event notification, and ...

12. How to change font for ALL annotations?

I've got text annotations being drawn on a chart and they appear fine in the default font on the screen display. However, I also need my chart to print and the font size appears too large when printed in standard A4. I set the font on my axes to a smaller size in my printing method but I need to find ...

13. category Text Annotation on Top ??

i need to use categoryTextAnnotation. it works fine at the bottom near the category label. is there any way i can put that on top of chart, like top corner ? List catTotal = subplot1.getCategories(); String catName = (String)catTotal.get(catTotal.size()-1); CategoryTextAnnotation a1 = new CategoryTextAnnotation( "Test Label", catName, 0.0 ); a1.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12)); a1.setTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER); a1.setCategoryAnchor(CategoryAnchor.MIDDLE); subplot1.addAnnotation(a1); this is the code i ...

14. Multiline annotations

15. line annotations

16. annotating crosshairs

I know how to enable the crosshairs so they snap to the nearest datapoint on an XYPlot (like in CrosshairDemo4). What I would like to do now is to put a semi-permanent XYPointerAnnotation which points to the datapoint at the intersection of crosshairs and lists the series name, the x-value, and the y-value. By semi-perminant, I mean that the annotation is ...

18. Annotations with multiple axes

19. Ensuring Annotations are visible

Has anyone had to deal with annotations that should remain visible after the chart is zoomed in? I am trying to develop an application that plots some data and finds some points of interest (zeros that meet certain requirements). I want those values to be displayed on the plot. I have got this far. Now the problem is that some of ...

20. category annotations

21. Not able to see Annotation

Not able to see Annotation by puneet_1998 Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:03 pm Hi I am trying to use the TimeSeries chart for the first time and on Y axis i need to show Text labels instead of numbers. The way i am trying to do is by using XY Annotation. But i am unable to see the annotation. My ...

22. Problem with Crosshair & Annotation

Hello, I used a JSlider to visualize and update a DomainCrosshair and some Annotation inside one chart, using following methods : plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(value); plot.addAnnotation(AnnotationP1); These methods are taken inside the method : SliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) I met the following problem: each time that JSlider move and so each time that one update the Crosshair and the Annotation there is an Event that is ...

23. how to clear previous Line annotation drawn on the chart

how to clear previous Line annotation drawn on the chart by sonia Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:48 am Hi all, I was just trying to get a drag gable line annotation on my chart ... I am able to get it . The problem with that chart is I am unable to get where I need to call the repaint ...

24. Annotation for multiaxis chart

25. Optimizing functionality of Crosshair and Annotation

Hello, I am using a JSlider to visualize and update a DomainCrosshair and some Annotation inside a chart. Here are the methods used : plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(value); plot.addAnnotation(AnnotationP1); These methods are taken inside the method : SliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) I meet the following problem : Each time that JSlider moves and so, each time that one updates the Crosshair and the Annotation, there is ...

26. ArcDialFrame with DVI and Annotation

Could I please have a pointer to an example of an ArcDialFrame plot which includes a DialValueIndicator and DialTextAnnotation(s) as I have been unable to find one and cannot get my own code to work. I get no errors but also no DVI or annotation. Cheers and thanks, Stephen Davies PS. I have purchased the doco etc

27. Annotations+refreshing

The XYPlot.addAnnotation() method is firing a PlotChangeEvent, so I'd expect this to trigger the required repaint. Where are you displaying your chart, and what is the relationship between the chart you display and your 'ChartEditor' instance? If you could post a small self-contained demo that reproduces the problem, I'd be able to find the cause pretty easily I'm sure.

28. view from a lens (xyplots, annotations)

hi, i'm trying to implement something similar to a lens when the lens passes over the chart, those points that are contained in the lens boundaries will be have some action performed to them (i.e annotations will be added for these points) however, when i try check for intersection of the XYItemEntity.getArea() with a bounds around the mouse position, i can't ...

29. How to create fixed-size shape annotation?

I plotted two data series onto one XYPlot. Since their data ranges were different, I used two range axes on both sides. Now I am trying to add XYShapeAnnotation to some points on both series. The sizes for those shape annotations look consistent within each series, but different between the two. I think they are scaled according to their own range ...

30. XY Annotations and their Chart Entities

As a workaround to my main problem, I am post-processing my annotations, explicitly drawing them directly to the PDF file after drawing the chart. I rely on the entities accummulated in the ChartRenderingInfo during the regular chart drawing as a source of annotations to draw. However, I see that annotations are sometimes added as entities, and sometimes not. In particular, XYShapeAnnotation.draw() ...

31. wandering annotations ... is there a fix?

I have just added an interactive capability to add annotations to my chart (see 'chart popup location?' thread). One problem that remains is that when I zoom out, any annotations end up wandering away from the data point it points to - the more you zoom, the further it wanders away. Sometimes an annotation wanders along the y-axis, and sometimes it ...

32. Annotation difficulties

Annotation difficulties by Rob F Tue May 06, 2008 3:29 pm I've been grappling with the annotations methods for a while now - I'm starting to think I'm going crazy or something as it should be so easy, and nobody else seems to have these problems with them. In short they simply do not display. Here is a chunk of ...

33. Annotations and markers outside data ranges

Hi David, thks for the quick reply. Well, I'll try to do it on my own, then. We are already extending NumberAxis and we have a wrapper for a JFreeChart, I thought maybe we could make our addMarker(...) and removeMarker(...) methods update a "markerRange" field on our range and domain axis, and we would override the getRange() method to consider these ...

34. Annotations - placement?

Hi All, I am pretty sure I am missing something very basic here but I am struggling with adding XYAnnotations to a plot. I am trying to add them as renderer.addAnnotation(new XYTextAnnotation("Some text here", x, y)); where ... x, y and are i reckon the x coordinate and y coordinate for the annotation to be placed. My question is, how do ...

35. Annotation in barcharts (Y-value)

36. change annotations' value dynamically

Hello, all I wanna put an annotation on the left-up corner of a chart, and at the same time, its value changes as the mouse moves. Let say, set the x's value to an annotation. Another one question: I am drawing a combinedXYPlot which contains 2 charts, I wonder whether I could add two different subtitles to the two different charts? ...

37. draw a circle outline with Annotation

Hi guys, I appear to have an issue which I know will have a really simple answer but I just haven't had any luck working it out. I've aldo searched all the forum and there are no previous solutions. All I need to do is to draw a circle on an XYPlot using annotations. I want to draw a circle (non ...

38. two new Annotation

two new Annotation by passiatore.gianluigi Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:59 am I wrote this class for add an annotation on XYPlot into an TimeSeries chart & for add an annotation in to a Gantt chart !!! i don't know if it 's usefull but i will share with us /* =========================================================== * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the ...

39. Annotations and Z-Order

40. jxlayer and annotation

Hi David, you suggested in some other post, that jxlayer can be used with Jfreechart. so here is i am thinking. I need to show TextAnnotation on chart. (real time, updates about 4 times a second) when i change the value of annotation i have to call chart.setNotify(true) which will repaint the whole chart which will be cpu intensive. instead if ...

42. Annotations get clipped on chart

Hi there, I'm using the XYPointerAnnotation to display a circle around a plot point with a corresponding text and arrow pointing to that circle. The problem is, in some cases my text (label) is too long and gets clipped beyond the viewable area of the chart. Question: Is there a way to resize the chart to accommodate all the newly added ...

43. zoomable annotations

Hi! I want to write an interactive application to show heat maps. Some areas in this heat map are marked with a drawable annotation. One feature would be to add/remove/edit annotations in there. But i have two man problems with both: 1. If i want to activate zooming the annotations have to zoom in/out too. Is there any way to implement ...

44. Need help rescale annotation...

Hi, I am trying to create a small stock chart tool using JFreeChart in which I am using the annotations capabilities that can be used to draw a Line, Text or other shapes on the chart. Also the great thing about these annotations are that they are rescaled appropriately when the chart is mouse zoomed in or out. In the process ...

45. Annotations in latest releases

Hello all, A while ago I wrote an application that uses JFreeChart v. 1.0.5, and I need to add the ability to click on a plot and make multiple text annotations, and then select and edit or delete them later. The application uses a couple of modified classes, and I think upgrading to a new library version may take some effort, ...

46. Chart as Annotation

Chart as Annotation by Isha Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:30 pm I'm trying to add a second chart to a first chart via an XYDrawableAnnotation. Both charts would display fine on their own. But when I add the second chart as an annotation to the first, it doesn't work. I'm sure I must be doing something wrong, but I can't ...

47. XYImage Annotation and zooming

Hi, im very new to jfreechart. I have two problems with my timeseries chart i use XYImageAnnotation for custom icons, unfortunately if i change the window size the icons scale up too, what looks very bad. how can i avoid this? another thing is that i have XYPointerannotations wit long texts, is there a way for a new line? also the ...