tooltip « Image « JFreeChart Q&A

2. How to generate tool tips for images...

Hi all, I am generating the Timeseries charts as images , I want to generate tool tips for the image, I am using the ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart() methods to generate the chart I am passing the boolean argument for generating tool tip to be true. The tool tip is generated if I display the chart on a ChartPanel but , the tool tip ...

3. Tooltips and image maps

hi, i'm new to jfree chart and I would like to know how I could create a tooltip for each bar in the chart knowing that the chart is dynamically created. I don't know previously how many bars will be created. How could i create the image map required for the tooltip. Thanks in advance. Sherihan

4. tool tip in generated image

5. HTML Image map - tooltip & link

Hi all i am a beginner in using JFreechart. i tried using applet and it works fine. but my another requirement is using image map, which i have seen an example of yous. thanks anyway i am generating a stacked horizontal bar chart and its getting generated with image map. but theres script generated with onmouseover and onmouseout events. i dont ...

6. Dates from timestamps on image map tooltips

Hey, I've got an XYLineChart, on which my X axis is a bunch of time values, stored as milliseconds since Jan 1 1970. I'm getting this output to a web page through use of a Java Servlet, and am getting the image map to go with it. On the tooltip, how can I alter the text so that I can convert ...

7. how to generate tooltips images

ChartRenderingInfo renderingInfo = new ChartRenderingInfo(); CategoryItemRenderer itemRenderer = plot.getRenderer(); CategoryToolTipGenerator toolTip = new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator("", new DecimalFormat("0.00")); itemRenderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(toolTip); ...