xAxis « LineChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Two Zero's in x-Axis - Line Chart    jfree.org

I am trying to plot a simple line chart for values{[0,1],[16,1]}. My chart is getting rendered as follows:- | | | | | | 0-----0--------16------------------------------ |<-->| If you notice, my plot has an aditional zero value on x-axis while trying to plot (0,1) value. Becuase of this there is an offset in the plot. But Y-Axis renders properly. What could be ...

2. line chart x-axis issue    jfree.org

Hi all, i am using line chart and my x-axis has the dates.so when i need to show the data fr a month on a daily basis then i cn only see the dots in x- axis. i tried to increate the size of the graph but it didnt help. Any tip on how i can get over this issue.... Thanks ...

3. LineChart: group a great many of entries on the x-axis    jfree.org

Hi, I would like to draw a line chart which is based on a dynamically collected dataset. This dataset may contain between 10 and 10.000 entries (numbers from one ascending). Therefore I need to customize the labels of the x-axis dynamically. If the dataset contains only 10 entries they all should be displayed on the x-axis label, but if it contains ...