Multiple « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Automatically creating multiple series within an XYDataSet

I have a data series that I want to automatically chop up and put each piece into an XYseries that I then add to an XYDataset. I want to do this from within a for/next loop. However I can't create a series with a variable name (i.e. 'seriesname +i'). I tried code the below, but the series clear just erases the ...

3. Multiple line timeseries graph

I have a time series graph that will have multiple data lines on it. The problem is that these data lines have a different number of data points in each of them. So what I need is to be able to plot both on the same graph but tell the graph to skip certain time points. I found out how to ...

5. Multiple Datasets or Series in Timeseries graph. Help !

Hi All, The graph that I am trying to display should satisfy the following requirements: I have a table with time, quantity and power columns. 1. I get time and quantity data and have to plot quantity on Y Axis and time on X Axis. 2. I am using a time series chart for plotting the above data. This will display ...

6. Multiple series in a chart

Hi, I want to draw a chart with a XYSeriesCollection which contains more than 4 XYseries. But I want to add also the possibility that some series to be removed from the chart during the preview. Maybe one user wants to see only few of series and not all of them in the same time. My question is: Can JFreeChart accomplish ...

7. Time series with multiple date ranges

Hello, Newbie here. I've been checking out the demos and searching the forums. It looks like this product has a tremendous amount of capabilities. Please excuse my ignorance, but because I haven't found an example of exactly my scenario yet, I want to make sure it's possible before I dive in. The best way to explain is by example. So, suppose ...

8. One timeseries w/ multiple data points...

I am sending a TimeSeriesCollection as a serialized object and they are quite large, I'm wondering about trimming them down. There are 3 TimeSeries in the collection, each w/ the exact same time values for the DateAxis. Can I have 1 Series w/ 3 data points, instead of 3 series, each w/ one data point? thanks, andrew

9. Timeseries Chart with multiple datasets - Can this be done?

Hi, I have to generate a time-distance graph. I have data like this - Time Distance Stop/Start ------------------------------------------------- 21.30.12 20 0 21.31.12 24 1 21.31.52 28 1 21.32.12 22 0 21.32.42 44 1 21.33.12 14 0 21.33.42 64 0 21.34.12 27 1 I am doing this with a time series chart with time on X- axis and distance on Y-axis. I ...

10. CrossHair and multiple timeSeries

Hi, I have a dataset which is a TimeSeriesCollection. I have a crosshair which locks on the nearest point (another nice thing of this powerful lib). After the ChartProgressListener finish drawing I would like to know on which serie is crosshair lock ? I know I can use the getDomainCrosshairValue() and getRangeCrosshairValue to get the crossHair coordinates and then go through ...

11. ChartMouseEvent#getEntity() and multiple series

I think it returns that last item drawn at that location. If you modify the mouseClicked() method in the ChartPanel class, you could probably have it return all entities under the mouse pointer. Someone else has asked about this before, but I haven't yet spent any time reviewing sounds like a sensible enhancement though.

12. Take average of multiple time series

I have a chart that plots 2 XYSeries in an XYSeriesCollection. The X-axis of each series contains time values over a single day. However the actual x-axis values in a given series are not necessary the same as the values in any other series. For example: Series 1: [01:00, 20] [02:00, 21] [03:00, 22] [04:00, 23] Series 2: [01:05, 30] [02:00, ...

13. combine multiple series into one line on a time series chart

Here is what I am needing: a single time line on a time series chart, with icons for each data point representing different types of events that occurred. For example, along the time line you would find a triangle icon for XY data point representing one type of event, a square icon for XY data point representing another type of event, ...

14. Aligning multiple TimeSeries with different time datasets

I have multiple TimeSeries plots on a jsp. They each are bound by the same time, i.e. 1 hour, 1 day. What I am finding is some of the plots datasets dont have the same data starting point. This will cause some of the plots Domain Axis to start at time X where others starts at X+30min (for example). What Im ...

16. Multiple references for a data series

I have an XYplot with multiple data series. Each series is constructed with a "class" label. XYSeries("class") and put in an XYSeriesColection. When plotted, each data series is color coded by the "class" . There can be multiple series of the same class. My CustomToolTipGenerator uses a string that uniquely identifies each series. I have a chart listener which allows me ...

17. Colors for multiple series in TimeSeriesCollection

Hello, In the User's Guide 13.2.5 it says that when you add an additional dataset, "...if you dont specify an additional renderer, the primary renderer will be used instead. In that case, the series colors will be shared between the primary dataset and the additional dataset." Doesn't seem to work for me: I get red on both series. Using jcommon-1.0.10.jar and ...

18. Refresh issue in TimeSeriesCollection with multiple series

Hi, I am using a TimeSeriesCollection with 4 time series in it. I am adding data in these series periodically(every 1s). Since each series add, refreshes the chart separately, the chart is getting refreshed 4 times than expected. This is resulting in high CPU usage. Is there a way to override the chart refresh, while adding data into the time series ...

19. multiple series on single chart

multiple series on single chart by MikeMercado Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:26 pm Hello, I recently licensed a tool that uses jfreechart inside a java applet. It basically makes a chart the background of a cell. Here is an example: The forum is not letting me post images so it is basically just a scatterplot with the area under the ...

20. AutoRange with multiple series

21. series color problem with multiple graph

Sorry if this has been discussed earlier (couldn't find it through search), but I have an annoying problem with series colors in my multiple dataset graph. My code does the following: 1) first it creates a timeseries collection with one series (called primaryDataset). 2) from this primary timeseries collection it creates an TimeSeriesXYChart. 3) I add multiple lines to this chart ...

23. Multiple colors per series dot

Hey guys. I'm using the XYDotRenderer to plot points on a graph. Right now, from what I see, I can only plot one color for an entire series. What I want to do is have a different color depending on where the dot is plotted. Like if the dot is out of range I need the color to be different for ...

25. Step Chart - Multiple Series lines are overlapping

Hi, I'm trying to generate a Step Chart with multiple series. With the multiple series, when they have overlapping data values, ONLY one of the lines is visible. Is there any way we can have lines for all the series to be shown maybe one over the other? Is there some setting in the chart or renderer that will render all ...