area « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. TimeSeries: how can I render fill under the line (or, appear to be an area graph)

I am graphing CPU load average over time (5s intervals). Traditionally this is done as a solid filled area graph rather than a single floating line, for example ... enter ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>2. <a href=''>Stacked Area chart using a TimeSeries collection dataset</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>3. <a href=''>CCE when trying to display a TimeSeriesCollection in an Area</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I've learned that my problem can be solved by adding the elements from adding my datasets directly [1] to a TimeTableXYDataSet, iso creating two different TimeSeries and adding these to a TimeSeriesCollection. At first glance, it doesn't look as elegant this way, but it does work without a problem. Perhaps for a new release, the TimeTableXYDataSet could also support the concept ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>4. <a href=''>Fill area between series ...</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>It looks like the XYDifferenceRenderer was first added in 2003, and 0.9.16 was released in 2004, so you should find it in there. Lots of bugs have been fixed in subsequent versions though, so I recommend getting yourself onto the latest release (there's a nice enhancement by Richard West coming through in the 1.0.6 release as well). </p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>5. <a href=''>Stack Area TimeSeries Chart</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>6. <a href=''>series ordering in area chart</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I have an area chart where I have the following series: Series1 - Black Series2 - Blue Series3 - Green Series4 - Red The graph would naturally show me Series1 at the botom, Series2 above Series1, Series3 above Series2, and Series4 above Series3. I would like to assign an order myself such that Series2 would come at bottom, Series 1 above ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>7. <a href=''>how to tell XYSeries to colour area _above_ a value?</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>Hello, It's a part of a visualisation program for Linear Prgramming problems. I'm using XYSeries in a XYAreaChart to plot linear functions in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate system to colour the respective areas and show the feasible area of the given LP-problem. It loks like this: Where x1 is on the horizontal axis, x2 on the vertical ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>8. <a href=''>Set series outline color in stacked area chart</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>The StackedAreaRenderer (I am trying to draw a stacked area chart) does not have a setDrawBarOutline method to it. But, looking at the source code for the StackedAreaRenderer and it's super classes, I saw that it pulls colors from DrawingSupplier of plot. So, I created a DrawingSupplier for the plot, like so: Code: Select all       ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>9. <a href=''>Is it possible to overlay area chart with time series?</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>Hi folks, Is it possible to overlay an area chart with a time series chart? As far as I can tell it is only possible to overlay different datasets on a single plot, but Area and Time Series use different Plot types. I'll also describe what I'm trying to do in case I'm trying to solve the problem the wrong way. ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><br/><br/><style>.example_responsive_1 { width: 320px; height: 100px; }@media(min-width: 500px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }@media(min-width: 800px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }</style><script async src=

10. Stacked Area Time Series Chart ... is that possible?

chart = ChartFactory.createStackedXYAreaChart(chartTo.getTitel(), chartTo.getXAxisLabel(), chartTo.getYAxisLabel(), (TimeTableXYDataset) chartTo.getData(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); ...

11. two XY area series - colors are mixed if the sets overlap!

Hi, I am creating an XYAreaChart with two sets of data. The two sets of data are displayed atop each other - the first one always having a little higher values. The problem, however, is that JFreeChart mixes the colors of the two sets if they overlap each other (in my case that is the majority of the chart), BUT in ...

12. Series in Stacked Chart Area with continuous outline

Code: Select all public XYAreaRenderer2(XYToolTipGenerator labelGenerator, XYURLGenerator urlGenerator) { super(); this.showOutline = false; // set to false by ...