XYBoxAnnotation « ToolTip « JFreeChart Q&A

1. XYBoxAnnotation hides tooltip?    jfree.org

I have also run into this. My interpretation is that the XYxxAnnotations are drawn on top of the datapoints; so even as the datapoints may be visible through a transparent coloring the actual XYBoxAnnotation captures mouse events. Hence: tooltips come from the Annotations (if they have one defined). It would be nice to be able to choose to draw the XYBoxAnnotations ...

2. Does XYBoxAnnotation tooltip hides other tooltips?    jfree.org

The thing is, if you put the annotation in the background layer, then the data item will be drawn *later* than the annotation, so it should get picked for the tooltip (except in parts of the chart where the annotation is not covered by a data item). People have requested methods to return all chart entities at a given point, which ...