collection « Association « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate: ArryaList Collection associations are not working

Hi, I have 2 POJOs: Menugroup, Catgroup. Menugroup has one-to-many replationship with Catgroup. Evenything works fine when I declared Catgroups as java.util.HashSet. I started getting the problem when I changed the collections type to java.util.List. Getting the below exception: SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not initialize a collection: [com.persistence.Menugroup.catgroups#6] at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at ...

2. Collections of Values and Many To Many Associations

After reading this section in the documentation, I am not sure I am clear on how to use the Collections of values to map a many-to-many relationship. I think an example would really help clarify the usage for me. The examples in the documentation leave quite a bit of important details out. I hope this posting will start a discussion that ...

3. Could not initializa collection on one-to-many association

Hello, I'm using Hibernate 2.1.7 with Ms SQL server and have a doubt. I have a one-to-many association from table A (T_AGENT) to B (T_AGENCY_AGENT). However, it is possible that the key in A is not present in table B, and I'm getting this message: Hibernate: select agencyagen0_.agentid as agentid__, as id__, ag as id0_, agencyagen0_.agentid as agentid0_, agencyagen0_.agencyid ...

4. What to replace a collection association set of strings with

I am replacing a collection association set of strings. I want to return a scholarship object with a set of campus objects rather than the set of campus integers of the campusID. What kind of collection association do I want to replace my set of strings with? One to many, many to one? (note: I dont need to save any data ...

5. Joining with just collection association table.

Hibernate version: 3.1.0 When querying an entity with a lazy many-to-many collection of entities using FetchMode.JOIN on the collection, Hibernate does a left outer join of the collection association table AND a left outer join of the collection element entity table. Can Hibernate be persauded do the association table join, BUT NOT the element table join? This would result in a ...

6. Mnay-To-One Association & Collection

Author Message mfk20 Post subject: Mnay-To-One Association & Collection Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:41 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:38 pm Posts: 3 This is a question about initilising a collection of a class with composite primary keys. It appears that hibernate is creating incorrect SQL statements... I would appreciate some help in this matter. Hibernate ...

8. Collections and Associations

Please excuse my ignore ... I am having some problems differentiating the difference between the 2. Can somebody give me a clear explanations? If I want to map a master detail table relationship like order and order_details, what kind of mapping do i use? is it collection mapping? Then are what example use of association mapping? Thanks james

9. Help about associations/collections

Code: Query q = Sistema.getSession().createQuery( "from GrsBeneficiario b "+ "left join b.grsGuia g with g.tipoguia=1 "+ "left join g.grsGuiaEvento ...

10. collection was not an association

Hi, I have an issue concerning mapping a collection. I get the "collection was not an association" error while performing a "fetch all" operation. Hibernate version: 1.2 Mapping documents: I have a person class with the following mapping file: