filter « Association « JPA Q&A

1. Dynamic filters on many-to-one associations

By the way, let me explain why I need this functionality, as myabe it can be done in another way... Imagine a typical management application, where all the objects (clients, budgets, invoices, articles, etc.) should be filtered by the company which they belong to, so when you start the application, you select the company you are going to work for this ...

2. Filtering many-to-many associations

I have a many-to-many association mapped through an association table: I want to do filtering on the collection that is based on values in the Risk class, not the risk_relation (association) table. Conceptually, the mapping might look like this:

3. Filter and associations

4. Filters on Many-To-One association

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:46 am Posts: 1 Hello, I use Hibernate 3.2.4.sp1. My database model extensively exploits effective date pattern to filter active/inactive records. As described in hibernate documentation the hibernate filters are to be used in such occasions. It works fine with ManyToOne relationships, but only when fetch type is set to EAGER. If the LAZY fetch ...

5. Filtering association data

Hi. I have two related objects, Account and LineItem. See end of this post for hibernate mapping data. In "view" type situations I would like to filter the LineItems associated with an account by date (for example, LineItems between 01/01/2000 and 01/02/2000). I have tried various methods using both HQL and Criteria. I can succesfully filter the LineItems, however I can ...

6. How to apply filter on association table

7. Help with @Filter annotations for Collections/Associations

I have two classes: Topic and Narrative. A topic has one-to-many narratives. I want to impose a filter such that only narratives with a particular state value are returned when I look up a topic. @Entity public class Topic { private Long id = 0L; private Set narratives = new HashSet(); @Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId()... public void setId(Long id)... @OneToMany(mappedBy="topic") ...