save « Association « JPA Q&A

1. Save one to one association in hibernate?

i am trying to save person along with his address. I have one to one mapping between person and address.Person class is having instance of address. When i created the person ...

2. hibernate save associations

The hierarchy is the following: Parent object is associated with a Child object. I create a new Parent object and want to associate it with a Child object that is already ...

3. Saving one-to-many association

I am trying to start out with a bi-directional one-to-many assocation, similar to the category-items example in Hibernate in Action. My association is between Channels (one) and Broadcasts (many). While still dealing with the objects in a transient state, I get an exception when I try to add to the set of broadcasts. I have listed the classes, mappings and exception ...

4. many-to-many association - saving & retrieving issue

Hi, I would like to make a simple bidirectionnal association between my users and their categories. - I have 2 classes: User and Category. User has a Set of Category and Category has a Set of User. - In my DB, I have 3 classes: T_USER, T_GROUP and T_GROUP_N_USER. T_GROUP_N_USER has only 2 foreign keys of type varchar, which reference to ...

5. Saving an Object without its associations

since hibernate is an object-oriented persistence engine you need to pass your associations on object level. If you really need to set the foreign key only only I would suggest to define the foreign key as a simple property, not as an association. Of course you will loose your model-consistency on the object-level.

6. saving many-to-many associations

i'm making a simple helpdesk ticket application as a means of learning hibernate and other technologies and generally driving myself mad... right now i can create a Ticket, which has a Set of related Tags. a Ticket can have 0..* Tags and vice-versa. i've modeled this in the database by means of a join table with ticket_id and tag_id the problem ...

7. Saving associations..calling insert on parent only..

I have a simple parent object with one-to-many r/n with child objects...and here is how the mapping looks like.. Parent.hbm.xml:

8. Saving associations..causes StaleObjectStateException

I have a simple parent object with one-to-many r/n with child objects...and here is how the mapping looks like.. Parent.hbm.xml:

9. unable to save a collection of values on a 1:N association

This is a bidirectional one-to-many association. The following map works fine when retrieving children if children exist. However, I have been unable to insert a new collection of string values on the parent since no primary key can be generated on the child table. Here are the table schema and hibernate mapping file: create table parent ( id number not null, ...

10. unable to save a collection of values on a 1:N association

This is a bidirectional one-to-many association. The following map works fine when retrieving children if children exist. However, I have been unable to insert a new collection of string values on the parent since no primary key can be generated on the child table. Here are the table schema and hibernate mapping file: create table parent ( id number not null, ...

11. Saving association table before saving the main entity table

I have a many-to-many association. Organization -> OrgStaff -> Staff. An organization can have many staff members and a staff member can be involved in many organizations. When i try to add a new organization, it first tries to insert into the association 'OrgStaff' and thus causes the error org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not insert: I am saving using hibernatetemplate public void save(Organization ...

12. One association value getting saved but other isn't

Hibernate version: 3.3.1 GA Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): Hibernate: insert into product_type (name) values (?) Hibernate: insert into attribute_definition (name, product_type_id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into attribute_definition (name, product_type_id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into attribute_definition (name, product_type_id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into attribute_definition (name, product_type_id) values (?, ...