Batch « Batch « JPA Q&A

1. how to run batch script file in hibernate

In need to run task scheduler which runs a batch file i know how to use task scheduler(using spring) but i don't know how to run batch file from hibernate ...

2. hibernate in a batch program suggestion

Hi All, I have to run a batch program which contains 100k records to process. The java program has to fetch 100k records from the database and process each record. Once the process is complete the java program updates the record in the database with the process status. We are using Hibernate O/R mapping framework for all database interactions. I am ...

3. Hibernate and Batch

Hi, I currently have to insert 300 000 users from an xml file on a database. I read my xml file with SAX and insert 3 differents objects in my oracle database for each users. But, i'm facing something strange. Every n inserts there is a sleep for 20 / 30 seconds. i can't find why. Here is my parameter for ...

4. ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT breaks batching?

Hi, ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT is the default strategy for JTASessionContext. Doesn't this force the recreation of prepared statements again and again and also prevents the batching? Indeed, after each statement is completed, the session is released, forcing the closure of each prepared statement. This is shown in Oracle reports by having as many parse as we have statements execution (exemple: Loader.doQuery opens the ...

5. Batch problem ??

Hi all, I am executing an update on an object, first case with batch_size = 0 and the second with batch_size = 100(10); I am getting the error (ONLY) when batch enabled: Hibernate: update sflow_agent set address_=?, mask_=?, ip_port=?, polling_interval=?, sampling_rate=? where id=? 13:47:27,078 DEBUG BatcherImpl:234 - preparing statement 13:47:27,078 DEBUG EntityPersister:398 - Dehydrating entity: [com.db.device.SflowAgent#136] 13:47:27,078 DEBUG LongType:46 - binding ...

6. OLTP System using Hibernate, how to do the same with Batch

Hi, We have a web app making use of the Hibernate 2.1 for the persistence storage. Its a higly OLTP system. Also there is one piece of advice i would like to ask from all, is that there is one important part of our system that gets the data in excel file(uploaded through the web app) and might have records that ...

7. Batch problems

Hi, We recently face a big perfromance problem when with test our application with production database. When we loop and commit() each row of a table, it seems that speed decrease a after each commit. We start at 1 sec per entity and finish with a 10 sec per entity. I had read that flush() can decrease the performance when calling ...

8. Using a DataSource (batch and appserver)

Hibernate version: 2.14 What I would like to do is use the same code and sessionfactory for both batch and web work. However, I cannot seem to find anything that will make a jndi datasource when you run standalone. I can certainly use 2 different config files, but I would like to avoid that if I can. Have I missed something ...

9. confused by Hibernate3 batch test

hi everyone: Did anyone seen the Hibernate3 testcase in Code: hibernate-3.0.1\test\org\hibernate\test\batch ? There is some code in it: Code: Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); for ( int i=0; i

10. Batch create??

11. Identity generator pooling and batching issue

We have an identity generator using the new generator in hibernate 3.2.3. Our configuration looks like: ev_sequence pooled 20 We have a batch size set to a number larger than 1. But our hibernate trace shows things like: 2007-04-27 13:24:44,949 DEBUG org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher - Executing batch size: 1 The hibernate documentation says in Ch 13: "Note ...

12. Hibernate in batch programs..

Hi, I'm exploring to use Hibernate in our Java batch programs. The quesiton i have is did someone have used this? If YES, was it worth doing it. Did the performance improved or went bad. If anyone can give me answers and other useful info to use Hibernate with java batch progams it will be very useful. Thanks, Senthil.

13. Not getting StaleObjectException in batch mode

Hibernate version:3.1.3 Database version:Oracle 9i I'm using version-based optimistic lock. During concurrent modifications, I get a StaleObjectException when the following property is set to false: hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data However when it's set to true, I do not see any StaleObjectException. I examined the source code, and it seems the problem is in AbstractEntityPersister class. The following statement explains the problem: if ( useBatch ...

14. Batching with hibernate StatelessSession

15. Using hibernates batch

16. Hibernate and batch programs