cluster « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate L2 Cache on cluster

Q1: Am I right that only this vendors support Hibernate L2 cache on cluster?

  • Terracotta for Hibernate (comercial)
  • SwarmCache (not released since 2003)
  • JBoss Cache 1.x
  • JBoss Cache 2
Q2: Are there are any alternatives to ...

2. SwarmCache Hibernate configuration

Could anyone hint me how to configure SwarmCache for Hibernate to work in cluster (distributed cache)? Probably there are some other alternatives (please, don't suggest JBoss Cache)?

3. Clustered hibernate cache with ehcache: nonstrict vs. strict read write

What is the real difference between nonstrict-read-write and read-write? I can read ehcache and Hibernate docs, but as far as I can see they only say that "read-write is better if ...

4. ehcache with hibernate in clustered env

I am trying to configure ehcache with hibernate on clustered environment. But I think that the configuration I have done are not enough/appropriate. My Need: 1. when asked first time it goes to ...

5. Hibernate commits and clustered Ehcache

I use clustered Ehcache with RMI replication for Hibernate on a handful of app servers. I stumble upon a curious scenario when the cache is breaking up. Suppose there are three nodes ...

7. Second level cache for multiple databases in cluster

Hi- I'm still in the process of evaluating Hibernate for our needs and so far I've been impressed by the features and the quality of the docs. Our web application has several clients and each client has a separate database based on the same schema (possibly on different backend servers). I've read in the docs that I need to use different ...

8. Cluster Caching

Hi All I'm evaluating hibernate for a clustered web application. The following constraints I cannot change easily: - WLS 7.0 - Oracle 9i - read performance is very important - we have a lot of identical finds on the DB. (query caching would help al lot) - IP Multicast is not available When it comes to clustering I'm not sure what ...

9. Cluster aware Caching in Hibernate.

10. Cluster Cache Solution?

Hi I need some hints about implementing a cluster cache, to be more precise, simply duplicate ny app server and be able to use some 2nd level cache. Below is my configuration, i'd like to find the easiest working solution (cause i'm newbie), so any suggestion would be great for me! My app : Hibernate3 through connection Pool in ApacheCocoon, in ...

11. Best clustered caching solution?

12. Hibernate Cluster Cache & JTAtransaction

13. Using ehcache as a clustered cache in hibernate3

14. Caching in a cluster and the nonstrict-read-write strategy

Hi all, I am working on adding clustering-support to our application, which is using osCache as the cache provider, and after reading the on-line docs, Hibernate in Action and searching the forum, I am still somewhat unclear about something. According to the documentation, read-write is not applicable when deployed in a cluster. On the other hand, nonstrict read-write evicts an entity ...

16. Cluster Caching and Race Conditions

Before I add a second level cache to my product, I'm trying to understand the implications completely. At the moment, I want to understand more details about possible race conditions. Without JTA, it seems that the safest concurrency strategy available is "read/write". With this strategy, given a scenario of concurrent writes, is it possible that a race condition could lead to ...

17. hibernate second level cache, hard polling, clustered,

hi! i have a mysql5 db, with hibernate 3, frame generated by myeclipse. for example i have 1000 clients, with polling every 2sec for server. server make a query, and execute it. (2 table joined). Probably, this will overload the database. ( 500 query / sec ) I would like to use 2nd level cache. Later it will be clustered, so ...