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1. Hibernate Distributed Cache - can multiple applications share same cache?

I'm looking to setup Hibernate with distributed cache where I have one application writing to the DB and another one reading from the DB. Is there an easy way to notify ...

2. How can 2 separated web applications can share a second level cache with Hibernate?

I have 2 web applications. I want it to access to the same shared database with Hibernate and i want to use a second level cache in each. But i want the ...

3. Shared Second-Level-Cache and multiple ClassLoaders

Author Message alexmak Post subject: Shared Second-Level-Cache and multiple ClassLoaders Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:47 am Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:38 pm Posts: 2 Hello, everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for the long description. It is so long to be clear what the problem is. Recently I have run into the situation, when ...

4. Hibernate session size and shared cache for readonly objects

Can i have only ONE instance of an object shared between sessions and may be even cached in second level cahe?????? I need it because i load many many objects as a reference data and need them in memory for performance improvement. If an every session has a copy of read-only object it is a waste of memory. I do not ...

5. How to share cache among different web applications?

thanks. i have managed to use cache in each one of the 2 application. but the 2 apps use one db. if i insert a record in app1, sqls that utilize cache in app2 will not get the record just inserted. how can i tell app2 that db is changed and discard the cache accordingly?

6. Is the second level cache shared between multiple factories?

This isn't a bug, but a question. I've read through the relevant documentation and I'm still not sure. In Hibernate In Action it states that the second level cache is scoped to the session factory. Our situation is that we need multiple session factories. One session factory provides general access to data in the db, where the other is primarily for ...

7. Long-Living (shared) Session-Level cache

8. Destroying cache hibernate/ehcache shared

When I undeploy my application, on Tomcat 5.5, I get an error from ehcache/hibernate, that says that it cannot find a method. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError The method exists. This happens inside net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCache. Any idea? Thanks, Gisella ---------------- Hibernate version: Other related .jars spring-2.5.0.jar ehcache-1.3.0.jar Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: INFO: Closing Hibernate SessionFactory Feb 24, 2008 4:27:33 PM ...